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70 Cards in this Set

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Order of events in the Intertestamental Period

1. Assyrians conquer Samaria/Israel
2. Babylon conquers Jerusalem
3. Cyrus (king of Medes/Persians) return to home land and rebuild
4. Alexander the great (Greece) conquers the world and dies after he conquers but had no person to take his place
-The empire was split between 4 empires: 2 were Ptolemaic and Seleucids and Israel was the middle ground for 200 wars
5. Antiochus Epiphanes IV set up a statue of Zeus in the Holy of Holies and killed a pig in the temple. He prohibited circumcision, sabbath and law
6. Mattathias started a revolt and regained temple, Judas "the Hammer" brought freedom to Israel, Feast of Hanukkah dedication and Jews became free for 100 years
7. Roman period: Hellenistic period

Ptolemaic Empire (South)
Seleucids Empire (North)
-Greek culture and language
-Influenced Christianity: Good transportation, peace and uniform language
-Building roads and buildings...
-Pax Romana (peace)
-Adopted by Romans
Responses to the crisis of foreign/pagan rulers
-Accomodate (say okay)
-Legalists: Pharisees
-Fight: Maccabees, Zealots
-Separate: Qumran, Essenes (into desert and wait for judgement)
Theological Developments
1. Apocalyptic
2. Separation
3. Monotheism
4. Zealouts devotion to Israel
5. Messianic hopes
Waiting for God to come
Separate ourselves
One true God, God's transcendence
Zelots devotion to Israel
1. Hasidim: Pious ones
2. People of the book: The law was the center of who they were
Messiah in the OT
1. The Anointed One
2. King
3. Prophet
4. Priest
Messiah in the Intertestamental Period
1. Warrior King
Messiah in the NT
(Misunderstood Messiah)
1. Promised Prophet
2. The Christ
3. Superman Syndrome
4. Rejection of the Messiah
Result of the 400 years of silence
People felt...

1. God was far away
2. The judgement of God toward a sinful spirit
3. The silence of God

Who steps into the period of silence?
John the Baptist
John the Baptist
1. Wore the clothes of a prophet
2. Preaches a prophets message
What was John the Baptist's ministry centered around?
The wilderness
The titles of Jesus
1. logos (word)
2. I am
3. Son of God
4. Messiah
5. Son of David
6. Son of Man
Logos (word)
-The word of God: The Law of God
-Creation: He spoke and everything became
I am
-John uses "egw eimi" 30x
-"I am" affirms that Jesus has the same name as the OT God: Yhwah
Son of God
-Greek background: Sense of divinity
-Jewish background: obedience of divine covenant
-The "Son of God" in the NT DOES refer to Jesus' divinity
-In the OT NOT divine: For angels, Israel, and Kings

-Meaning in Judaism: Anointed One
-Huge riff in the Jew's expectations and Jesus

Son of David
-Meaning in Judaism: Warrior King
-Meaning in NT: Jesus' physical birth and the son of David (family line), born in the city of David, throne of David
Son of Man
-Just as Divine as "Son of God"
-Reference in Daniel, "one like the Son of Man"
"I have come" sayings (6)
1. To fulfill the law
2. To call sinners to forgiveness
3. To bring the sword
4. To eat and drink with sinners
5. To ransom for many
6. To seek and save the lost
Claims of Jesus
-Authority over the mosaic law
-The only way to God
-The one who mankind must: Believe, follow and obey
-Somebody greater than: Kings, Priests and Prophets
-Claims to be deity
-Predicts his own death and resurrection (turning point!)
Jesus claims to be deity by...
1. Ehw eimi "I AM"
2. Called father "Abba father"
3. Special relationship with God
4. A son in a parable
5. Gospel of John
6. Performs "God like" actions: Forgive sins, judge, was worshiped
7. Applies metaphors from OT to himself: bridegroom, sower, light, life, shepherd, vineyard, king, owner, seeking the lost
Jesus' 7 actions
1. Called the 12 apostles/ disciples
2. Performed miracles (34) PUBLICLY
3. Fulfills OT prophesy
4. Ate with sinners "table fellowship"
5. Enters Jerusalem as Messiah
6. Accepts worship
7. Jesus' resurrection
Information about Jesus outside of the Gospels
-Jesus was a Jewish teacher
-Many people believe he performed hearings, exorcisms
-Rejected by Jewish leaders
-Crucified under Pilot in Tiberius
-Word spread about Jesus all the way to Rome 30 years after his death
-By 100 A.D. many people were worshiping Jesus as God
How was Jesus arrested?
-Passover meal
-Wasted perfume
-Judas' decision
The Arrest

-The garden of Gethsemane
-The kiss of death

The religious trial
-"The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death"
The legal trial
-2 trials
-The Romans don't care that he is claiming to be God
-They accuse him of other things so that the Romans can kill him
-Pilate finds nothing wrong with Jesus but still punishes him
-Goes with the crowd's decision and has him put to death
-Barrabus is released from jail
The crucifixion of Jesus
-Folgging: allows us to relate to Jesus' suffering
The nature of crucifixion
-Slow death
-Death through shock or suffering
-Naked and mocked
-Break the legs to make process faster
-Jesus died quicker than people next to him
-Nail through wrists and ankles
Interpreting the crucifixion
Jesus' death was a fulfillment of the OT prophesy
Jesus' view of his death
-Jesus as Isaiah's suffering servant
-Ransom that purchased forgiveness
-Context of last supper
Swoon theory
(Jesus didn't die)

-Jesus wasn't dead when he came off the cross and was revived by the cold tomb

Arguments against:
-Roman soldiers familiar with death
-75lb of stuff wrapping Jesus
-Getting passed the guards
-Moving the tomb stone
-Fooling disciples about being healed

Wrong tomb theory
(Jesus didn't rise from the dead)
-Mary and Martha went to the wrong tomb
Conspiracy theory
Jesus' resurrection was a lie told by the disciples.

Arguments against:
Why would they lie when they weren't expecting a resurrection, and they all died horrible deaths for their belief. Why not a story about a warrior.
Stolen body theory
-Somebody stole Jesus' body from the tomb

Arguments against:
-It was guarded
-The tomb was sealed
-Why preach the resurrection if the body was stolen?
Hallucinations Theory
The disciples all had the same dream at the same time.

Arguments against:
All 500 people for 40 days? They touched jesus, He answered their questions. Plus, no one expected a resurrection.
Metaphorical resurrection theory
The resurrection didn't really happen and the story is just a metaphor
13 lines of evidence that Jesus DID rise from the dead
1. The difficulty of harmonizing the accounts: unique perspectives
2. Roman soldiers
3. Difficulty of moving the stone
4. Women as primary witnesses
5. Change in the disciple's attitude
6. Disciples died for their belief
7. Lack of veneration at his tomb
8. The conversation of skeptics
9. Abandonment of Judaism by the disciples
10. Dates of the first evidence
11. Historicity of Joseph of Arimathea
12. Linens were still in tomb
13. Change in thought of what the resurrection was
What Jesus taught about God
1. God is inflexibly holy
2. God is relationally loving
What shows us that God is inflexibly holy?
-He is to be revered
-His holiness is seen in avoiding the use of God's name: "Divine passive"
-Seen in Jesus' warnings of judgment and hell
-Seen in Jesus' demands of TOTAL obedience
-Seen in the cry of dereliction
How does God show that he is relationally loving?
-His active search for fellowship with humanity
-Table fellowship
-God's pursuit of sinners (lost sheep)
-Seen in the term compassion
-He sent his son, Jesus
-Seen in Jesus calling God "Abba Father"
-Seen in his search for the sheep
Expectations of the Kingdom of God
-The prophets anticipated a day of the Lord when God would come and purge this world from sin/evil and reestablish his Kingdom
-God would come with vengeance against his enemies and bless Israel
The 3 interpretations of the coming of the Kingdom

1. The "Consistent" view
2. The "Realized" view
3. The "Inaugurated" view

The "Consistent" view
Thinks that the Kingdom is totally in the future and Satan has to be totally defeated
"Nothing is here yet"
The "Realized" view

Thinks that the Kingdom is totally present
"The kingdom of God is here"

***The "Inaugurated" view
The Kingdom is both present and in the future. It is not fully experienced yet. Final judgement still awaits.
NT Examples of the Kingdom of God
-Satan is being defeated, although not all people who have needs are cured by Jesus
-The marginalized are being reunited
-The OT promises are being fulfilled, but not all of them
-Resurrection from the dead had begun with the hope of the rest at the end time
-The new covenant has been inaugurated
-The spirit has come, though not all of it
How do we define the term "The Kingdom of God"?
-Term was never used in the OT though God was often described as reigning
Definition of "Reign or Dominion of God"
-A reign rather than a realm
-A power rather than a place
Implications and applications of an "Inaugurated" Kingdom
-God reigns now but not totally
-We can eliminate sin in our lives but not totally
-Neither this world or the church is in the Kingdom of God
-A person, upon conversion, can enter the Kingdom now
-Believers must be careful to not emphasize either the present or future kingdom

Whatever you think being a disciple is will determine what you will do and who you will become over time

The need for this teaching
-The perpetual childhood of the believer
-The concentration on the time past decision
-The moral decay of the church
-The fear of "the cost"
-The importance of the number of converts
How to become a disciple
-Repentance: Comes from the heart saying I am a sinner and need forgiveness
-Faith and belief
-Following/imitating/ obeying
-Self-denial: Care more about the needs of others than your own
What is the cost of becoming a disciple?
-Don't try to become a disciple of Christ of you are not prepared to give everything
-The investment is huge
The moral character of a disciple
-Internal purity: what is in the heart
-Surpassing righteousness
-Doing God's will
-Mercy: A blessing for the needy
-Love: Loving when it is hard to
-Humility: Having a realistic view of who you are in Christ
Failure in discipleship
-Fail to trust that God can love us and guide us
-Fail to understand the significance of Jesus
-Jesus rebukes his disciples when they fail
-Result to failure: Forgiveness
Rewards of discipleship
-Eternal salvation
-Daily provisions
-Fellowship and relationship
-Spiritual sustenance (rest for the soul)
-Heavenly treasures
-The presence of Jesus
The purpose of discipleship
-Evangelism: Living life as God has called us
-Moral Influence
-Disciples disciple (teach others)
-Serve: Live our lives for someone in need
Order of events in the Gospel of John

1. Changes water into wine (first miracle)
2. Cleansing of the temple
3. Nicodemus

Jesus changing water into wine
-Took place on the third day
-Jars used for their system to maintain their covenant relationship (6 jars: Number of days in creation)
-The quality of the wine: "The best till now"
What was the significance of Jesus' first miracle?

-Ties back to the idea of creation
-Removing the old ways and changing them into new ways of thinking
-The whole story hints to the Kingdom of God: Symbol of a wedding, wine, abundance of wine, quality of the wine

The cleansing of the temple
-Judgement of Israel, not Rome
-Compassion towards Gentiles
-The irony of the Jewish leaders
-Jesus is the new temple
-Not about Jew/Gentile, about being born again
-According to Jesus one must be born again
-One must be born of water and spirit
1 Corinthians 15

-Resurrection of Christ
-Resurrection of the dead
-Resurrection of the body
-Mystery and victory: "O death where is your victory?"