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97 Cards in this Set

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It was Paul's usual practice to employ a secretary or a(n) ______________.
Paul usually employed an amanuensis.
What is an amanuensis?
A secretary
What is paganism?
the worship of a deity
What is animism?
the worship of nature or objects, such as rocks, trees, stream
eventually evolved into emperor worship
What is syncretism?
Syncretism is the comibining of different beliefs into one system
"religious soup"
What is gnosticism?
Gnosticism is the blending of Greek philosophy and Christianity.
What concept/belief views matter as evil and the spirit as good (body=evil, soul=good)?
What two things did gnosticism lead to?
1. Seticism-disregard of the body; personal abuse
2. Libertinism-do w/e you want; no bodily resurrection; emphasized higher revealed knowledge; angels bringing words; higher secret knowledge due to intelligence
What is epicureanism?
The goal of life is pleasure
What is stoicism?
Stoicism is the sentiment that fate governs life; impersonal cosmic logic;
Sera, sera
What is cynicism?
Cynicism is the belief of life completely independent of earthly things and social conformity.
What is skepticism?
w/e is functioning at the moment
During the reign of which emperor was Jesus born?
Which emperor ordered the census connected with the birth of Jesus?
Under which emperor did the emperor cult begin?
Under which emperor did Jesus publicly minister and die?
Which emperor ordered a statue of himself to be placed in the temple at Jerusalem?
Which emperor expelled the Jewish residents from Rome, including Aquila and Priscilla of the New Testament, under the charge of civil disturbance?
Under which emperor were Christians persecuted in Rome?
Who was the emperor to attribute the fires of Rome on Christians?
Which emperor started as a general who crushed a Jewish revolt?
Which emperor charged his son with the task of destorying Jerusalem, along with the temple?
Whose persecution of the church may have provided background for the writing of Revelation?
What is the purpose of Revelation?
Revelation was mostly like written to encourage the Christians under the persecution during the reign of Domitian.
Why were the epistles written?
They were written as ORDINARY correspondence to deal with SITUATIONS that needed IMMEDIATE ATTENTION
Paul's epistles were written in reply to the Holy Spirit's leading. T/F
False; they were written in reply to letters or verbal information
The writers of the NT epistles realized that what they wrote was inpspired by men. T/F
False; the writers realized that what they wrote was authoritative and came from God.
The epistles were only applicable to the churches they were written to. T/F
False; although written to deal with specific local situations, the epistles set forth fundamental principles applicable to the individual and all believers.
What are the four classifications of Paul's writings?
1. Eschatological
2. Soteriological
3. Christological
4. Ecclesiological
What is eschatological and which of Paul's writings are eschatological?
dealing with the end times; I and II Thessalonians
What is soteriological and which of Paul's writings are soteriological?
dealing with salutation; Romans and Galatians
What is meant by Christological and which of Paul's writings are such?
dealing with Christ; Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians
What is ecclesiological? Which of Paul's epistles are "?
dealing with the church; I and II Corinthians, I Timothy, and Philemon
Paul preached primarily in ________________.
major cities
If there was a marketplace, Paul preached there first. T/F
False; if there was a synagogue, Paul preached there first.
What was the first of Paul's epistles?
What epistle has the theme of justifcation for those who believe in Jesus Christ by divine grace totally apart from obedience to the law?
What book is described by "Justification by Faith"?
Who is the recipient of the book of Galatians?
the church in Galatia
What are the two theories concerning the recipient of Galatians?
1. North Galatian theory-the letter was addressed to Christians in North Galatia, possibly dated after 2nd missionary journey.
2. South Galatian theory-the letter was addressed to the Southern Churches just after the first missionary journey.
Why is the South Galatia theory favored?
It is favored because Paul does not refer to the council decision and the fact that Paul's vacillation would most likely not have happened after the council.
When was Galatians written?
AD 49
Where was Galatians probably written?
Antioch, Syria
In the book of Galatians Paul attempts to vindicate his apostleship and his message. T/F
Another purpose of Galatians is to combat the Gentiles. T/F
False; it is written to combat the Judaizers
Galatians is also referred to as the book of faith. T/F
False; Galatians is also known as the Christian "Declaration of Independence", or "Magna Charta", a spiritual emancipation
Philippians is the only Pauline letter written to a group of churches. T/F
False; Galtatians is the only Pauline letter to be written to a group of churches.
Galatians is the most biographical of Paul's letters. T/F
False; 1 Cor. is the most biographical of Paul's letters. Galatians is the second most biographical of Paul's letters.
Galatians has a warlike tone. T/F and Why?
True; most likely the tone reflects spiritual anger toward the Judaizers.
Galatians emphasizes what?
Justification by faith
What book emphasizes the idea that faith in Christ produces ethics?
What was the second Pauline epistle?
I Thessalonians was the second of Paul's epistles.
What city was I Thessalonians written to?
the city of Thessalonica; provence capital, second largest city next to Philippi
When was I Thes. written?
AD 51
Where was I Thes. written from?
I Thes. was written from Corinth on the second journey.
What epistle's major theme is the 2nd coming of Christ?
The theme of I Thes. is the second coming of Christ.
The classic passage of I Thes. is _________________.
The rapture of the church is the classic passage of I Thes.
Based on the Latin equivalent of Greek word for "shall be caught up".
In the book of I Thes., Paul reassures the church of what?
Paul reassures them that deceased Christians would be "caught up" just before the rapture of living Christians.
What are the 3 main prophetic sections of the NT?
I & II Thes., Revelation, and the Olivet Discourse
In what book is the deity and lorship of Christ exalted?
I Thes.
The contents of I Thes. could best be described as what?
A heart-to-heart talk amongst friends.
Some of the content of I Thes. deals with an apology for Paul's love of money and his use of flattery. T/F
False; Part of I Thes. is to answer false charges against Paul: a lover of $$, flatterer, and a coward (afraid to return)
Part of I Thes. deals with correction of misunderstanding about the Lord's coming. T/F
What is the translation of the word rapture?
bodies of living Christians when Christ returns
Some of I Thes. praises the church for their ability to distribute their plenty in times of blessing. T/F
False; I Thes. encourages/praises the believers for their steafastness under persecution by Jews
I Thes. teaches against immorality. T/F
Who is the author of II Thes.?
Paul, stated by himself
Where was II Thes. most likely written from?
Corinth, about a month or two after the writing of I Thes.
What is the estimated time gap between the writings of I Thes. and II Thes.?
About a month or two in between the two books
The second coming of the Lord is the dominant theme of which book?
The dominant theme of II Thes. is the second coming of the Lord.
What is the main difference between I and II Thes.?
In II Thes., Paul gives additional information about the person and work of the coming Antichrist (man of Lawlessness)
A distinctive feature of II Thes. is the exaltation of Christ. T/F
The church in Thessalonica thought that their current persecution was the Great Tribulation period. T/F
One of the reasons Paul wrote II Thes. was to reassure the church of the soon return of Christ. T/F
False; it was written to straighten out the misunderstanding that the persecution being endured was the Great Tribulation period.
Which book provides criteria for recognizing the approach of the day of the Lord?
II Thes.
Some in the church of Thessalonica were obsessively evangelizing as they waited for the return of the Lord. T/F
False; the problem was that some in the church were idle as they "waited on the Lord"
What are the three major events connected with the coming of the Lord?
1. Acceleration of apostasy, 2. Removal of the restraining influence, 3. the complete unveiling of the Antichrist
Which book emphasizes the rise, activity, and defeat of the Anti-Christ?
II Thes. emphasizes the rise, activity, and defeat of the Anti-Christ.
Describe the city of Corinth.
It was a provincial capital, the crossroads for travel and commerce, and it had 3 harbors.
In what city was a temple to Aphrodite erected at its highest point?
The city of Corinth. Full of immoral religion. The temple was actually full of religious prostitutes.
When was the church of Corinth established and by whom?
The church was established by Paul on his 2nd journey.
While in Corinth, Paul worked as a blacksmith/preacher for 18 months. T/F
False; While in Corinth, Paul worked as a tentmaker and preacher for 18 months.
When was I Corinthians written?
I Corinthians was written in the winter of AD 55.
Where was I Corinthians written from?
I Corinthians was written from Ephesus during Paul's 3rd journey.
What is the threefold purpose of I Corinthians?
1. Response to personal reports
2. Response to written report
3. Shares plans to visit corinth
In what city did Paul stay the longest?
Paul stayed in Ephesus 3 years. The Ephesian church was most likely the mother church of Asia.
Which book is the most varied in content and style of all Paul's epistles?
I Corinthians is the most varied in content and style of all Paul's epistles.
What book has been called the Epistle of Sanctification?
I Corinthians has been called the Epistle of Sanctification.
Which book deals with the social [aspect] of the cross?
The theme of I Cor. is the social [aspect] of the doctrine of the cross.
Which book offers insight into the problems of a pioneer church?
I Corinthians offes insight into the problems of a pioneer church.
What nationality was Titus?
Titus was Greek.
James went with Paul to Jerusalem. T/F
False; Titus went with Paul to Jerusalem.
Titus was forced to be circumcised. T/F
False; Titus was Greek, and a Gentile Christian. He was not forced to be circumcised.
Titus went with Paul on trip to Rome. T/F
Peter delivered II Cor. to Paul during the Corinthian crisis. T/F
False; Titus delievered II Cor. to Paul during the Corinthian crisis.
Titus lived and died in Crete. T/F