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27 Cards in this Set

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1. General funx of NS
1. respond to changes in environment
2.Controls/integraet functional activities
Divisions of NS
1. anatomical
2. Functional
2. Somatic,Autonomic
1. Subidivisions of ANS
2. Funx
1. Para,Symp, Enteric
2. Fight/flight, Rest/digest
1. 2 types of cells in NS
1. Neurons
2. Supporting cells(shcwan,glia,enteric glial cells
3.Do they divide
4.Derived from
1. receive/conduct impuls
2. integrated network, chain likefashion
3. NO, (neural stems generate new one)
4. Neral crest (pns), Neural tube(cns)
Supporting cells
1. Relationship to neurons
2. CNS
3. PNS
5. Function
1. very close
2. gia
3. Schwaan/satelite
4. Enteric glial cells
5. phys support,elec insulation, exchange pathways
1. Size compared: what about internerouns
2. Orignitaes
3. Site of AP generation
4. Where are axon proteins synthesized
1. Largest, Inter=short
2. axon hillock
3. Initial segment (b/w apex of AxHlliock and beginning of myelin sheath
4. Periaxoplamic proteins
Dendrites vs axon
1. #'s processes
2. Size
3. Diameter
5. organelles
1. many
2. shorter
3. greater diameter
Classificatio of neurons based on processes
1. 1 Ax 2 or more dend
2. 1 AX ! dendrite
3. 1 process diveds 2
1. Multipolar
2. Bipolar
3. Pseudounipolar
Two types of multipolar neurons
1. Golgi Type I: past denditic tree
2. Type II: terminates in area or doesn't extend
What is the most abundant neuron fond in Nervous system
Where are pseudounipolar neurons located
DRG, and Cranial nerve ganlia
What are the 3 categories of nerves based on function
Sensory, Motor, Interneurons
Pain,temperature,pressure,touch of body surfaces are carred by what
somatic afferent fibers
Convey impulses to skeletal muscles

2. Involuntary impulses to smooth muscle, glands, pekinje fibers
Somatic efferent

2. Visceral efferent
Axon transport
1. what direction
2. Anterograde
3. REtrograde
1. Bidirectional
2. to Periphery (+) Kinesin
3. To body (-) cytoplasmic dynein
Rate of transport
1. Slow
2. Fast

Whats carried
Slow = Antero, stuctural elements, cytoplasmic proteins

Antero= mebrain limited org/lowMW materials
Retro= same as fast and enoctosed material
What type of transort is utilized by toxins and viruses
FAST RETROGRADE to travel to cell body, Uses ANTEROGRADE to travel to perhipheral nerves
1. where are they located
2. Only see with what stain
b/w pre/post synapse

2. Silver precipitatio staining methods
1. 3 morphological classes of synapes

2. 2 classes based on conduction
1. axodendritic
2. axoaxonic
3. axosomatic

1. Chemical (NTS)
2. Electrical: gap junx No NTs
(most innervert, smo/card
What are the components of chemical synapse
1. presynaptic knob (boutoun terminal)
2. Synaptic cleft
3. Post knob
Whats located in synaptic knob
1. synaptic vessicles w/ NTS
2. Mito and dense layer= presynaptic desnity of membrane
Whats located in Postsynaptic knob
1. REceptor sites for NTs
2. Desne material (postsynaptic density) on PM
Schwann cells
1. develop from
1. neural crest cellsand mitosis of parent schwann cell
What are the 4 type of CNS supporting cells (glial)

which one produces/maintain myelin in CNS
1. Oligodendy
2.Astrocytes (largest
3.microglia (smallest)
4. epindymal

1. Oligodendrocytes
Where are microglia derived from
Mesenchyme, thus contain vimentin IFs
1.What are the motor neurons of brain
2. Innervates
3. how many neurons
1. Somatic efferent
2. skeletal muscle
3. single neuron