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53 Cards in this Set

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state of optimal functioning or well-being
to be given a license to practice nursing in a state or province after successfully meeting requirements
Nurse practice act
law established to regulate nursing practice
profession that focuses on the holistic person receiving healthcare services and provides a unique contribution to the prevention of illness and maintenance of health
Nursing process
five-step systemic method for giving patient care
an occupation that meets specific criteria including a well-defined body of specific and unique knowledge, a code of ethics and standards, ongoing research, and autonomy
acceptable, expected level of performance established by authority, custom, or consent
protection and support of another’s rights
self-determination-being independent and self-governing
principle of doing good
ethics that encompass all those perspectives that seek to understand human nature and behavior, the domain of social science, and the natural world
based approach-approach to bioethics that directs attention to the specific situations of individual patients viewed within the context of their life narrative
Clinical ethics
branch of bioethics concerned with ethical problems that arise within the context of caring for patients
ethical system in which actions are right or wrong independent on the consequences they produce
Ethical agency
the ability to behave in an ethical way
Ethical dilemma
arise when attempted adherence to basic ethical principles results in two conflicting courses of action
Ethical distress
occurs when the nurse knows the right thing to do but either personal or institutional factors make it difficult to follow the correct course of action
system dealing with standards of character and behavior related to what is right and wrong
Feminist ethics
type of ethical approach that aims to critique existing patterns of oppression and domination in society - especially as these affect women and the poor
keeping promises and commitments made to others
process that distributes benefits, risks, and costs fairly
like ethics, concerned with what constitutes right action- more informal and personal than the term ethics
principle of avoiding evil
Nursing ethics
subset of bioethics, is the formal study of ethical issues that arise in practice of nursing and of the analysis used by nurses to make ethical judgments
an action that is based on what a parent would do
Principle-based approach
an approach to bioethics that offers specific action guides
action-guiding theory of ethics that states that the rightness or wrongness of an action depends on the consequences of the action
set of beliefs that are meaningful in life and that influence relationships with others
Value system
organization of values ranked along a continuum of importance
Values clarification
process by which people come to understand their own values and value system
process by which an educational program is evaluated and then recognized as having met certain predetermined standards of education
threat or an attempt to make bodily contact with another person without that person’s permission
assault that is carried out
process by which a person who has met certain criteria established by a nongovernmental association is granted recognition
Common law
law resulting from court decisions that is then followed when other cases involving similar circumstances and facts arise - common law is as binding as civil law
general term that refers to ways in which professional competence is maintained
offense against people or property.the act is considered to be against the government, referred to in a lawsuit as “the people”, and the accused is prosecuted by the state
Defamation of character
an intentional tort in which one party makes derogatory remarks about another that diminishes the other parties’ reputation -slander is oral defamation of character - libel is written defamation of character
the one being accused of a crime or tort
Expert witness
nurse who explains to the judge and jury what happened based on the patients record and who offers an opinion as to whether the nursing care met acceptable standards of practice
Fact witness
nurse who has knowledge of the actual incident prompting a legal case-bases testimony on firsthand knowledge of the incident not on assumptions
crime punishable by imprisonment in a state or federal penitentiary for more than one year - crime of greater offense than a misdemeanor
willful and purposeful misrepresentation that could cause, or has cause, loss or harm to people or property
legal responsibility for one’s acts (and failure to act)- includes responsibility for financial restitution of harms resulting from negligent acts
to be given a license to practice nursing in a state or province after successfully meeting requirements
process of lawsuit
act of negligence as applied to a professional person such as a physician, nurse, or dentist
crime of lesser offense than a felony and punishable by a fine, imprisonment (usually for less than one year), or both
performing an act that a reasonably prudent person under similar circumstances would not do, or failing to perform an act that a reasonably prudent person under similar circumstances would do
person or government bringing a lawsuit against another
Sentinel event
An unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof
Statutory law
aw enacted by a legislative body
wrong committed by a person against another person or his property