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42 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 main findings of Horner's syndrome
ptosis, myosis, anhydrosis
Where is a lung tumor that is commonly associated with Horner's syndrome d/t it compression of the cervical
apex of right upper lobe
What is the pathonemonic finding for a tonsillar abscess, what is another name for it
soft gray exudates on the tonsils, rancid breath (George Washington died of this)
Quincy's dz
Common causes of stridor
epiglottis, croup, pertussis
infection of the TM that causes Blebs or vesicles on the TM
Metaplasia of the epithelium in the inner ear d/t a rupture of the TM? Can lead to hearing loss
What is an inherited condition that causes thickening of the osscicles that is typically assymptomatic aside from hearing loss.
What does a normal fundoscopic exam look like
Disc margins sharp, except nasally
What is the classic presentation of glaucoma
Cupping of the disc w/atrophy
Disc swollen
What is the curtain vail significant of
detached retina
What does corneal opacities B/L, loss of red reflex, loss of vision suggest
What does halos around lights suggest
Usually glaucoma (acute angle), can also occur with cataracs
What does fundocopic exam with retinal hemorrhage, exudates and arteriolar constriction (also known as cotton wool
Dibetic retinopathy
Hypertensive retinopathy
What are drusen spots (white puffy spots on the macula) suggestive of
Macular degeneration
What are sx of hypothryoidism
Sparse hair/Queen Anne's sign, hypoflexia..
Pterygium is differentiated from pinguecula by what finding
when pterygium enlarges across the cornea
what must always rule out with sensory hearing loss
acoustic neuroma
severe pain
steamy cornea
lid rock hard
pupillary dilation - no reflex
Angle closure glaucoma
What is costal angle of > 90 degrees a hallmark sign of
What are vasicular lung sounds
Normal sounds
What is Cheyne Stokes respiration pattern, what is it caused by
increased rapid breathing that then stops abruptly. some sort of neural problem
Why is lobar pnemonea difficult to dx
Often no physical exam findings
How does a viral pneumonia present in a chest xray
Intersticial pattern
What type of pneumonea shows infiltrates
fungal and mycoplasma can also have them too.
What conditions cause stridor
foreign body aspiration
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What is a chronic infection of the lung causes
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alternating pulse is seen when
S3 is suggestive of what condition
Congestive heart failure
What heart condition is associated with SLE
What are the connective tissue disorders
Gotran's papules (red scalley papules on ... add from notes
What is the hallmark sign of SLE
malar rash
What is the key aspect of Buerger's dz
Associated with hx of smoking (resolves with quitting)
Males 20-40
Vaso spasm in arteries
Does arterial sclerosis cause edema typically
What is Lipedema
It is where very overweight people get fat roles that cut off circulation and causes edema
What is the most common forms laryngeal and laryngeal cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma
What are risk factors for oral an laryngeal cancers
smoking, tobacco, alcohol; laryngeal - men
What is the prognosis for laryngeal cancer
good prognosis if caught earlyl
What are the sx of laryngeal cancer
persistent hoarseness (>14 d), dyspnea, stridor, chronic cough, hemoptysis, wt loss
What f/u needs to be done with laryngeal cancer
yearly chest xrays
liver fnx test
head n neck exams every 5 yrs.
What nutrients are good for oral cancer
Folic acid & Vit A rinse and swollow