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45 Cards in this Set

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What amounts of death happen from chronic disease?
more than half of the 58 billion deaths are from CVD, diabetes, CA, obesity, and respiratory disease
What is the ABCX family stress theory?
A- Stressors and hardships B - family capabililities - resistance resources C- Family definition - focus on stressor - family tension stress and distress X - Family crisis demand for change
What is the Loss Theory?
look this up
How many Americans suffer from chronic diseases?
100 million, 40 mil limited by them
How many don't receive appropriate care for chonic disease?
1/2 or more - 1 trillion $ spent each year
How many avoidable deaths are there each year from lack of care from chronic disease?
What is the Chronic Care Model?
Parnters, Team, Action-Plan, Organized, meanfingful visits, Electronic Database, Group visits, Non-physician providers, all centered on promoting SELF MANAGEMENT
What is GA rate of diabetes?
11.2%, 9.1% in usa
What is GA rate of physical activity?
45.7% vs 50.9% USA
What is GA Rate of smoking?
19.5% vs. 18.3% USA
What is GA Death rate from heart disease?
203/100,000 vs. 190.9/100,000 USA
What is percentage of adults who are obese in GA?
62.1% vs. 60.8 in USA
What is prevelance of Asthma in GA?
8.5% vs 8.5% in USA
What is prevelance of Stroke deaths in GA?
49.7% vs. 42.2% in USA
What is prevelance of death from diabetes in GA?
19.5% vs. 22.5% in USA
According to 2003 Mililkin instutue of Chronic disease index the top 3 chronic medical conditions are?
Pulmonary dx, hypertention, mental illness
According to data presented by Dr. Wagner waht percentage of those with chronic diseas are not receiving appropriate care?
50% or more
What is primary goal of Chronic care model?
improve outcomes for patients
The single most critical component in any chronic treatment program is?
interventions that target self-management
Chronic problesm have unique care issues? those issues are?
Emotional drain on patient, family and provider
When telling a patient they ahve a hronic illness consider the following
They may be overwhelmed by the diagnosis and unable to take in all the info, you may need to scheudle another visit soon to cover all info
In the Health Belief Model an example of a cue to action are all of the following
Advertisement or public service announcments, follow-up phone calls, reminder letters
The transtheoretical Model has been used extensively for smoking cessation. a patient who tells you that hey are thinking of a change in the next 2 months is in what stage?
In chronic illness it is often best to
strengthen team care so nothing gets missed
If you were using Motivational Interviewing techniques with COPD pt who states they are not interested in stopping smoking your best response would be
Tell them when they are ready to discuss smoking cesste you will be ready
What is the basis for motivational interviewing?
It's all about the relationship - advice does not work well, listen to patient, have a patient centered platform, ask pt what they are willing to do for their health - is pt ready for change?, do they feel change is important?, are they confident to make a change?
Motivational interviewing is
patient driven - ask open questions, reflective listening empowers patients to make a change, less frustrating for providers
What is phase I of motivational learnign?
Identifying and strenghtens a persons inner motivation for change
What is phase II of motivational learning?
moving toward action - making the transsion, delvelop an end game and manage resistance
What to ask with motivational learning?
How do you see your health, what is important for your health? do not bring in resistance if not ready to change then move on leave door open for them to come back
What are stages of Transtherotical model?
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance
What is precontemplation?
not thinking of changing in forseeable future - next 6 months
What is contemplation?
intending to change in next 6 months - thinkiing about changing, how to take steps
What is action
actually making change is the stage in which people have made specific overt modifications in their life-styles within the past six months.
What is maintenance?
thinking about how not to slip back into old habits - prevent relapse
TTM models does not work well with what problem?
weight loss or obesity
What is Health Belief Model?
a psychological model that attempts to explain and predict health behaviors. This is done by focusing on the attitudes and beliefs of individuals The HBM is based on the understanding that a person will take a health-related action (i.e., use condoms) if that person: feels that a negative health condition (i.e., HIV) can be avoided has a positive expectation that by taking a recommended action, he/she will avoid a negative health condition (i.e., using condoms will be effective at preventing HIV), and believes that he/she can successfully take a recommended health action (i.e., he/she can use condoms comfortably and with confidence).
25% of americans have how many chronic conditions
4 or more - 120 million have one or more chronic conditions, atributing to 70-80% of health care costs
What is the best way to manage Chronic conditions?
patient self management - using motivational interviewing
Heatlh Belief Model consists of
1) person must believe that there is a perceived threat (percieved susceptibility) 2) person believes that threat can be severe (perceived severity) religious may accept 3) perceived benefits from heatlh changes - does this fit into cultural health beliefs 4) perceived barriers - 5) cues for action - public service announcments, poster, call, letter 6) self effacacy - do I believe I can do it?
Health Belief Model - Percieved benefits
read a lot in paper or hear on news what health care system says is best - always changing, do they trust in governement or official sources
Health Belief Model - perceived barriers
economics, psychological, going against traditions or against edersly, language barriers
Health Belief Model cue to action
credibility of sources, preferred ways of getting info, interaction, brochures, pictures, literacy, perferred language, materials & training approaches respectful to values
Health belief model - Self Efficacy
How confident am I that my family & I can amke this change, racism, distruct, learned helplessness
What are feelings of one with long term disesases?
1) create order 2) need for fellowshipping and belonging 3) value working & taking care of oneself, 4) everday situations taught something new 5) find a personal haven 6) worry about disease and how it woudl affect everyday life