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73 Cards in this Set

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Advanced Directive

patient's intent regarding medical treatment

Healthcare directive

advanced directive that may or may not include a living will and/or specifications regarding durable power of attorney in one or two separate documents

Living Will

specifies which life-prolonging measures one does and does not want to be taken if he/she becomes incapacited


NPI numbers

health plans

most health care providers

health care clearinghouse

generally anyone who accepts health insurance

Those note required to follow HIPPA

life insurance


work comp carriers

schools and school districts

state agencies like CPS

law enforcement agencies

municipal offices

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (PSQIA)

voluntary reporting system to enhance data available to assess and resolve patient safety and health care quality issues

Confidentiality vs. "duty to warn"

duty to warn supersedes the right to confidentiality if patient's condition may harm others

duty to protect a patient from harming him/herself supersedes right to confidentiality

Goals of Healthy People 2020

increase the quality and years of healthy life

eliminate health disparities among Americans

NP Must notify DHS of which diagnosis






Animal bites are reported to who?

animal control

Suspected child or elderly abuse

Required to report via social services

domestic violence

not legally required to report in most states

E&M codes

identify the level of care provided

codes match level of service provided to the complexity of the presenting patient problem

Categories of Third-Party Payers



Commercial Indemnity Insurers


Businesses or schools eating health services for their employees or students

Medicare A

covers inpatient/hosptialization

skilled nursing facility

home health

hospice associated with inpatient event

most qualify to receive at 65

Medicare B

physician services

outpatient hospital stays


medical equipment

home health

Medicare C


NPs are reimbursed what?

85% of physician reimbursement for services provided in collaboration with physician

Medicare D

limited prescription coverage

Medicare Payments

80% and patient pays 20%

Reimbursement 85% of physician


80% of 80% of physician fee schedule rate


billed under physician's provider number to get the full physician fee (100%) given the following rule:

physician must perform initial service and subsequent services of a frequency which reflect his/her active participation

physician must be in office while service is provided

NOT allowed in hospital setting


low income families

vary from state to state

payments made after 3rd party payments have been made

Case Manaement

mobilize, monitor, control resources that a patient uses during a course of an illness while balancing quality and cost


process for evaluating the care of patients using established standards of care to ensure quality

management process of monitoring, evaluating, continuous review, and improving the quality in providing health care

Nurse practice acts through who?


Standards of Practice

delineated by ANA

State Practice Acts

authorize boards of nursing to establish statutory authority for licensure of RNs

Includes: use of title, authorization for scope of practice including prescriptive authority and disciplinary ground

Prescriptive Authority

dependent on state nurse practice acts

while DEA has ruled that nurses in advanced practice may obtain registration numbers, state practice acts dictate the level of prescriptive authority





ensured safe health care is provided

comply with federal and state laws


granted by governmental regulatory board like state board of nursing




process by which NP granted permission to practice in inpatient setting

Hospital committee for hospital priviledges

Informed Consent

patient has received adequate instruction or information regarding aspects of care to make a prudent, personal choice regarding treatment

Competence Decisional capability

patient is able to make personal decisions about his/her care

implies the ability to understand, reason, differentiate good and bad, and communicate

Right to refuse care

as long as patient is competent


duty to do no harm


produces greatest good for the greatest number


prevent harm and promote good


duty to be fair


duty to be faithful


duty to be truthful


respect an individual's thoughts and actions

Role of NP started where?


Four distinct roles of an NP





Major steps in research process

formulating the research problem

reviewing related literature

formulating hypotheses

selecting the research design

identify population to be studied

specify methods of data collection

design the study

conduct the study

analyze data

interpret results

communicate findings

non-experimental research

no experiment

descriptive and ex post facto/correlational

ex post facto: examines relationships among variables

cross sectional research

examines a population with a very similar attribute but differs in one specific variable (age) to find relationships between variables


cohort research

compares a particular outcome (lung cancer) in individuals who are alike in many ways but differ by a certain characteristics

longitudinal research

taking multiple measures of groups/population over an extended period of time to find relationships between variables


experimental manipulation utilizing randomization and a control group to test the effects of an intervention or experiement


manipulation of variables but lacks a comparison group or randomization

qualitative research

case studies

open-ended questions

field studies

participant observation

confidence interval

an interval with limits at either end

specific probability of including the parameter being estimated


confidence interval =2.8-3.2 terminally ill bone cancer patients in the final stages of illness have between 2.8 and 3.2 episodes of nausea every 24 hours

standard deviation

average amount of deviation of values from the mean

level of significance

probability level of which the results of statistical analyses are judged to indicate a statistically significant differences between groups

perfect correlation

measure of the interdependence of two random variables that range from -1 to +1


statistical test to evaluate the differences in means between two groups


consistency of a measurement or the degree to which an instrument measures the same way over time with the same objects


degree to which a variable measures what is intended to measure


legal responsibility that a NP has for actions that fail to meet the standard of care

resulting in actual or potential harm to patient


failure to do what a reasonable person would do

resulting in injury to the patient


failure to render services with the degree of care, diligence, and precaution that another member of the same profession under similar circumstances would render to prevent injury to someone else

malpractice insurance

does not cover an APN from charges of practicing medicine without a license of the APN is practicing outside the legal scope of practice for that state


intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact

assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with apparent present ability to cause the harm

ex: shaking fist at someone


illegal, willful, angry, violent, or negligent striking of a person, his clothes, or anything with which he is in contact

can commit battery on unconscious person but not assault


communication that causes someone to suffer damaged reputation


written material


spoken material

Involuntary commitment

duty to commit someone who is in danger of hurting themselves or others as a result of mental illness

Good samaritan statutes

protect health care providers from law suits when they aid at the scene of an accident

Cultural competence Standard 4

organization must provide language assistance services including bilingual staff and intepreter services with no cost to patient

Cultural competence Standard 5

organization must provide must provide in their preferred language verbal offers, written notices

Cultural competence Standard 6

organization mus assure the competence of language assistance provided