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95 Cards in this Set

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What vaccine do you need to check at the first pregnancy visit
rubella titer
varicella titer
hepatitis b series
what are the DM management needed for preconception, what medications for CAD must be discontinued
HgA1C must be below 7%, contraindicated >10%
stop ACE, ARB, Statin, BB, Diuretics
insulin is first choice then metformin
what if someone becomes pregnant on oral anticoagulation therapy
switch from coumadin to heparin, it does not cross the placenta
why is smoking cessation important in pregnancy
cause LBW, preterm labor
Why should obesity be controlled in pregnancy
increase HTN, DM, pelvic fat can make delivery unsafe and large babies
how much caffeine can a pregnant women have per day
12 oz coffee
4-12 oz tea
5 - 12oz soda
what are the 3 lays of primary germ cells in cellular differentiation
ectoderm - outerlayer
what weeks are the embryonic development
what is so important in this stage
weeks 3-8
where most issues with development occur - tetrogens
what are the two layers of the placenta called
what is the purpose of the amniotic fluid
protect fetus, control temperature, medium for movement
replaced every 2 hours
how much amniotic fluid is at
12 weeks
20 weeks
38 weeks
43 weeks
<500ml - why increased risk for meconium aspiration when late
what is cotyledons in the placenta
segment that gives the nutrition, gas exchange, immune function, and hormone production - hog, hpl, estrogen and progesterone
what is the umbilical cord comprised of
2 - arteries brings back un02
1 - vein - give o2
whartons jelly around it
approx 22inches
if the umbilical cord has a variant - 2 veins and 1 artery what do you do
work up for congenital defect
when is all fetal development, external and internal structures developed
embryonic stage weeks 3-8
develop head to toe
what is pre-embryotic stages
first 14 days
what is developed in embryonic stage
bone deposits
begin muscle development
basic fetal circa
digestive tract
22 days - after fertilization - heart beat

most serious stage
when is the most rapid growth
from 8 weeks until birth
organs mature
how much does the fetus gain after 26 weeks
8 ounces/week
why start to check fundal height
when does functional defects and minor morphological defects
fetal stage >8 weeks
at how many weeks does the brain mature, alveoli appear and eyes complete
24 weeks
what should you start at 24 weeks
because of rapid brain growth
when do eyes open and brain begins to regulate some body functions, eyes open
28 weeks
how much does a fetus weigh at 28 weeks
1000 grams
when does the fetus weigh 2000 grams and reflexes are present
32 weeks
when are most systems complete in a fetus
36 weeks
how is the fetal circulation
starts through one vein
enters right atrium thru foramen oval and small amount in pulmonary system
rest thru ductus arterioles into aorta
then to brain and rest of body

* not much blood going to lungs
when does PDA/ FO close
once placenta removed from circulation - closes, because of of SVR is increased and causes it to close
FO - usually within 15 hours, born with murmur
PDA - structurally close within weeks, usually by discharge
what are the most common congenital heart defects
VSD - 35%
ASD - 9%
PDA - 8%
PS - 8%
Coaction of the aorta - 6%
TOF - 5%
Transposition - 4%
what is quickening
first fetal movement 16 - 22 weeks, younger if have other children
20 weeks average
when is the fetal heart beat heard on the daptone
10 weeks
how much should the mother gain during pregnancy and how much should account for the fetus
16.4lb mother
10.11lb fetus
total - 27.9 lbs
what is
any pregnancy
women's first pregnancy
>1 pregnancy
births after 20 weeks - whether alive or not
1st birth after 20 weeks
>2 or more births after 20weeks
>5 births
No prenancy
What is GTPAL
term >38 weeks
Preterm <38 weeks
Living child
This is the 4th pregnancy, she had one abortion at 12 weeks, she had triplets born at 32 weeks, and she gave birth to a stillborn at 39 weeks
what is the GTPAL
Gravida 4
Term - 1
Para - 1 (triplets are counted as one)
Abortions - 1
Living - 3
how do you calculate due date with Naegeles Rule
start with first day of LMP
subtract 3 months
add 7 days
Use Naegeles Rule
LMP 1/7/2011

LMP 11/3/2011

What are the duration of the trimesters
1 - weeks 1-14
2 - 15-28 week
3 week 29 - 42
what are braxton hicks
contractions begin at 8 weeks
normal unless regular
increase with increased pregnancies because they know what it feels like
increase with dehydration, full bladder
how do the ovaries work with physiological changes in pregnancy
cease ovum production
secrete hcg to maintain corpus luteum
corpus luteum produces hormones until 9-10 weeks then placenta takes over
what is the size of the uterus at:
8 weeks
12 weeks
16 weeks
20 weeks
>20 weeks
tennis ball
small grapefruit - between symphisis pubis and umbilicus
at umbilicus
measure from symphsis pubis to top of fundus
what are the physiological changes of the cervix in pregnancy
hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the cervical glands - mucus plug forms soon after conception, increase secretions

Goodell's sign - soften and increased vascularity

Chadwicks sign - blue/purple color from increased vascularity
what are the changes in thyroid
10% enlargement - by increased estrogen, increase vascularity
TOTAL free T3 and T4 decrease
TBG T4 and T3 increase by 50%
Lower TSH
Free T4 increase in 1st trimester then back to normal
TSH - transient drop by HCG then increase after 1st trimester
BMR increase 25%
Fetal thyroid develops at 10-12 weeks
TSH only hormone to cross placenta
What are skin changes in pregnancy
color deepens - areola, nipple, vulva
linea nigra - by increased estrogen and progesterone - increase melanocytes
choasma - dark pigment on cheek bones in dark haired women
decreased hair growth
Striae - increased adrenal steroid, rupture of collagen

cutaneous vascular changes - palmar erythema and vascular spiders - by increased BMR
what are the TSH levels you want in each trimester
1st - 0.1 to 2.5
2nd - 0.2-3
3d - 0.3 - 3
what are the breast changes in pregnancy
early - tender and tingling
after 8 weeks - enlarge with hypertrophy of mammary alveoli
veins more visible
nipples - larger
colostrum develops within a few months
what are the changes in the respiratory system in pregnancy
capillary engorgement occurs causing nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi, and vocal cords to become swollen and red
cause mouth breathing
diaphram raises 4 cm - increased SOB
Rib cage flares - 70 to 105 degrees - relaxation of ligaments

increase TV 30-40% increase 02 delivered
airway resistance decrease bc of progesterone - increase volume
TLC decrease - increase diaphragm
breathing becomes thoracic
pulmonary function NOT impaired

increase risk of pneumonia and uri
what are the changes in the heart with pregnancy
heart rotates to the left 4th ICS
increase size
decrease pulm PVR, lowest during 2nd trimester
Vena Cava Syndrome - compress on VC - drop BP, faint if lay on back - after 28 weeks

drop in BP
what heart sounds change in pregnancy
increase loudness
exaggerated S1
systolic murmur in 3d trimester
increase HR by 15-20 BPM
Venous pressure increase in lower extremities caused by venous obstruction - decreased PVR - increased edema, low bp, fainting

transient diastolic murmur
no change in ECG
what hematologic changes occur in pregnancy
blood increase 30-50%
RBC increase 20-30%
plasma increase 50%
physiological anemia - RBC increase later and less than plasma (concentrated)
WBC - 14-16,000
Fibrin increase 40%/Fibrinogen 50% increase
decrease albumin
platlets decrease
why do you need to drink a lot of water in pregnancy
to help increase blood volume, help prevent pre-eclampsia
especially with increased babies (twins)
what changes occur in the GI system in pregnancy
displacement of stomach, intestines
decreased smooth muscle tone - increased gastric emptying, constipation - reflux by decreased tone
gums soften and bleed
hemorrhoids with constipation
GB distended - decreased emptying of bile - risk for stones
what changes in the urinary tract occur in pregnancy
increase GFR by 50%
increase renal tubular reabsorption
dilation of kidney and ureter R>L
renal plasma flow 75% - effected by posture
Creatnine increase, decrease serum BUN, creatnine, and uric acid

increased Renin, angio I and II
what changes in MS during pregnancy
relaxation of pelvic joints and increased motility
progressive lordosis d/t anterior position of uterus - shifts center of gravity
increased back back pain
diastasis recti
relaxation of round ligaments (uterus to labia) - get sharp pain in vagina, increased pain with standing, sudden - have flex hip and goes away
upper extremity numbness bc of poor posture
what are the metabolic changes in pregnancy
lower FBS increases insulin
insulin doesn't cross the placenta
increase lipid and triglycerides

iron requirement increases - concentration decreases, TIBC increases
increase sed rate
what is the blood PH changes in pregnancy
decrease PCO2, respiratory alkalosis
how is CHO metabolism altered in pregnancy
potentially diabetogenic
increase resistance of tissue and liver affect to insulin
Human Placental LActinogen - oppose action of insulin

prog and estrogen cause insulin resistance
hypertrophy of beta cells
increase insulin requirement - decrease response to it
Presumptive signs occur when?
cessation of menses
change in breast
chadwicks sign
change in urination
sensation of movement
skin pigmentation
10days to 8 weeks
first 2 months
6-8 weeks
6-8 weeks
6-8 weeks
first 13 weeks
16-20 weeks
20-24 weeks
what physiological changes can occur and be detected on exam during pregnancy
uterus size ; cervix 6-8 weeks
pregnancy 7-10 days
enlarged abdomen 12 weeks
braxton hicks after 13 weeks
ballotment 20 weeks
outline of uterus 20-24 weeks
what positive signs are directly attributable to the fetus during pregnancy
ID fetal heart sounds
10-12 weeks dap tone
18-20 weeks fetoscope - look like stethoscope
US can ID fetus 5-6 weeks
what are the initial labs you obtain in pregnancy
CBC, blood type and RH
antibody screen
urine protien and culture
rubella titer
what is ptyalism
haitains - spit in cup
eat cornstarch
eat ice cubes
if a pregnant women is incontinent and you want to make sure its not amniotic fluid what do you order
see ferrning under the microscope
when is the quad screen ordered
15-20 weeks
when is the 1 hour glucose test ordered
24-28 weeks
when is the antibody screen and rhogam ordered
at 28 weeks if RH negative
when is the beta strep ordered
35-37 weeks
when is the first US
18-20 weeks
when is an amnio
16 weeks
when is the contraction stress test ordered
>36 weeks
what does increased AFP indicate
neural tube defect
abdominal wall defect
multiple gestation
fetal death
what does a decreased AFP mean
downs syndrome or trisomy
when is the triple screen offered and for who
in women over 35 years
in 3d trimester - nonstress test, AF volume, respiratory motions, fetal movement and placental grading (8-10 normal)
check estriol - decrease is in downs or trisomy or turners
check hcg - increased in downs and turner
decreased hcg - fetal demise and trisomy 18
what does the quad screen consist of
U estrodial
Inhibin A
81% detect downs 5% false positive

only if need further testing
when would you order an US - need a reason because insurance only pays for 18-20 weeks
confirmation of pregnancy
assess age
check malformation
fetal presentation
amniotic fluid
confirm life
if bleeding in early pregnancy
what does amnio detect
chromosomal testing
biochemical determinants
when are the prenatal visits and what is done during the visit
every 4 weeks until 28 weeks
every 2 weeks until 36 weeks
then weekly

measure fundus
leopold maneuver - check position at 28 weeks
BP measure
dipstick protien and glucose
check edema
check for s/sx of preterm labor
how much weight should you gain if normal weight and then overweight
25-35 pounds
11-20 pounds if above 30
what is the complications of varicella pneumonia
encephalitis, penumonia, must have immediate antiviral therapy

if exposure - check Igg serology - if positive then fine
if negative - give immunogoblin and give antivirals and hospitalize

what are the complications of varicella in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
2% of congenital varicella syndrome - limb hypoplasia, scars, cataracts, atrophy, microcephaly,
what is neonatal varicella
occurs when mom contracts varicella 5 days before or 2 days after delivery, 30% mortality - severe

if contract varicella 5-21 days before delivery - mild symptoms

check with US to see fetal injury
what occurs with Parvovirus B19 in pregnancy
no serious compilation, no mental retardation, or congenital issue
get rash, joint pain, swelling

if first half of pregnancy - fetal anemia, and can have miscarriage <5%
which drug category

controlled studies show no risk
category A
what drug category

no evidence of risk in humans - no animal or human study has shown fetal risk
category B
what drug category

risk cannot be ruled out - animal studies have revealed adverse effects
category C
which drug category

positive evidence of risk - shown risk in humans but if benefits outweigh the risk then acceptable
category D
what drug category

contraindicated in pregnancy - shown fetal abnormalities
category X
which medication is category A
can a pregnant women have NSAIDS
no especially 3d trimester
why is topamax a category D
cause cleft lip or palate
what can you give for yeast infections
7 day therapy preparations
what should you do if a women is pregnant and taking antidepressant
See if you can stop it while pregnant -
Link between SSRIs and persistent pulmonary hypertension

Must weigh benefits and risks:
Low birth wt, PTD, l
lower Apgar scores, poor prenatal care, failure to recognize and report signs of labor, and an increased risk for fetal abuse, neonaticide or maternal suicide.
why is paxil a category D
cardiac defect

should not abruptly stop, wean off
can a pregnant women have an xray
yes, but avoid until after 20 weeks
why would you check a quantitative HCG
to see the rise, can check once and then in 48 hours to see how fast its rising