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26 Cards in this Set

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List 3 beneficial reasons to artificially rupture the membranes. (AROM)

1. Stimulating labor/ Contractions

2. Facilitating fetal descent

3. If baby is born in the caul

How effective is AROM?

Not very effective

List 4 potential risks of performaning of amniotomy. (AROM)

1. Cord prolapse

2. Cord compression

3. Baby's head/molding and caput

4. Increased risk of infection

List 2 comfort measures for emotional and physical support in the Early Phase of First Stage?

Hip circles



Warm bath ( if no ROM)

Eating and drinking


Use of the ball

2 comfort measures for emotional and physical support for the active phase of the First Stage?


Hip and sacral pressure

Hot and cold


music sounds


walking slow dancing

privacy and intimacy with partner

List 6 things that are often found in a typical house that can assist with the normal progress of labor.

Food and drink

pillows and chairs



Showers and tubs




Temp of room

List some ways to keep things normal at a birth

Be calm and be normal

Make sure support people are ok

Making sure she is voiding/ drinking

Be present

Keep the space safe "Bouncer"

Climate control, smells and temp

Encourage change in positons

cover the clocks

Reinforce " that she is doing great" / she is safe

Remind her to relax

When would you want to intervene in a labor?

If a women is crying, can't find her rhythm, she has panic, fear, yelling, seems to be in more pain, holding.

eye contact

Belief she can do it

Remind her of her baby

Change the lighting

Time and intimacy with partner

What are 5 beneficial effects do maternal positions and position changes have upon labor?

Alignment of the pelvis, resulting shape and cavity

frequency, length and efficiency of ctx

Drive angle

Effect of gravity

Oxygen supply to the baby

What two positions are best for ctx intensity and efficiency is the greatest during the 1st stage of labor?

Standing positions and side lying

Which positions compromises maternal cardiac output?

Supine positions

decreases blood flow and compresses the vena cava. It decreases oxygen flow

What are some principle for position changes in labor?




Hands and Knees, this increases oxygen to baby because it takes the pressure off the vena cava.


Upright forward tilting

pelvis upright and mobilizes the sacrum

Loosens the pelvis

What is the positon shown to have the greatest ability to reduce the length of the 2nd stage of labor?

Up right positions, Due to the help of gravity

What are the risks to mothers who birth or sit for longer periods of time in a chair on a birth stool?

Increase of a hemorrhage

Increase in hemrroids

Lacerations from blood loss

Decrease in circulation due to pooling of blood.

What position is proven to be most beneficial to babies during 2nd stage ?

up right

What are some ways orgasm can help start or increase labor?

Orgasm releases oxytocin

Nipple stimulation increases the release of oxytocin

Motherwort (Leonarus Cardiaca)

Nervous and after pains

St. John's wort ( hypericum perfolatum)


Skullcap ( Scuttellaria laterifolia)


What are 3 herbs you can use in early labor?


St. John's Wort


Blue cohosh

Strengthens ctx, 1/2 dropped q 30 mins every 2 hours

Cautions: Lower BP, Increase FHT's, Not good for heart disease client's

Black cohosh

Strengthens ctx, 1/2 dropper q 30 mins every 2 hours

Cautions: Lowers BP, Increases FHT's, can cause chest pain and hyperglycemia

Cotton root bark

Increase ctx, 15gtt, 1/2 dropped q 30 min every 2 hours

Caution: unknown

Birthroot/ Bethroot

Starts and strengthens ctx, helps exhaustion, 15-20 gtt/ PRN

Caution: Increases circulation to the uterus, increases postpartum hemorrhage

List 5 advantages of giving an enema?

1. Alternative to an IV for hydration or nurtition (vomiting in labor)

2. Hydration

3. Administering herbs

4. Stimulates ctx

5. Removes fecal matter/ make more room

List 5 possible disadvantages of giving an enema.


rectal irritation

Baby' head is not engaged

Allergies, anaphylactic shock