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23 Cards in this Set

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diffrences in hearing between the sexes
women have better hearing sensitivity and experiance greater deterioration from high noise exposure. Men are better at sound localization and detecting specific sounds
how is sound produced?
sound requires a medium to travel through such as water and air. Sound vibrations create constant sucessive bunching and spreading of molecules.
the outer ear
the pinna
tympanic membrane
sound waves pass through the canal to this area better known as the ear drum. Sound waves make the drum vibrate
Middle ear
the vibrations of the eardrum are convayed to the bones (ossicles) of the middle ear
three tiny bones called the malleus(hammer), the incus (anvil), and the (stapes) stirrup
eustachain tubes
connect ear to throut which permits ear to equalize air pressure
the oval window in the inner ear. Vibrations in the window send waves through a fluid filled membrane
basilar membrane
found in the cochlea the movement of hair cells known as cillia triggers inpulses that travel along the auditory nerve
the frequency of a sound
absolute pitch
identify and produce tones of a specific pitch
hearing range
20-20000 Hz
place theory
assumes that particular points on the basilar membrane vibrate maximally in response to sound waves of particularly frequencies
won the nobel prize for his reaserch on the place theory
frequency theory
assumes that the basilar membrane vibrates as a whole in direct proportion to the frequency of the sound waves striking the ear drum (only holds true for sounds over 1000 Hz)
volley theory
weaver, between 1000 and 5000, sound waves in this range induce certain groups of auditory neurons to fire in volleys
loudness perception
depends on both the number and the firing thresholds of hair cells on the basilar membrane that are stimulated
unit of intensity
decible named for Alexander Gram Bell
conduction deafness
a mechanical problem in teh outer or middle ear, can be simply wax, if more serious sugury can help
nerve deafness
a problem with the inner ear, the auditory nerve, or the auditory cotex. typically results in loss of frequency
cochlear implants
rlectronic stimulation of the neurons
the quality of a sound
sound localization
involves discerning where sounds are coming from, important for servival