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121 Cards in this Set

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what is the venous drainage of the prostate?
mainly internal iliac vein (and internal vertebral venous plexus)
what is the venous drainage of the erectile tissue of the penis?
deep dorsal vein of penis passes inferior to pubic symphysis and drains to prostatic venous plexus
what comprises the root of the penis?
bulb and 2 crura
what comprises the body of the penis?
corpus spongiosum and w corpora cavernosa
what are the three bodies of erectile tissue of the penis?
glans penis
what is the arterial supply to the penis?
internal pudendal artery
what is the muscle covering the bulb of the penis?
bulbospongiosus muscle
what is the muscle covering the crura of the penis?
ischiocavernosus muscle
what attaches the ovary to the broad ligament?
what attaches the ovary to the uterus?
ovarian ligament
what attaches the ovary to the uterine tube?
one or more fimbriae
where do the ovaries sit in nulliparous females?
ovarian fossa (lateral pelvic wall between ext iliac artery and ureter)
what type of epithelium lines the outer surface of the ovary?
cuboidal epithelium
what contains the ovarian vessels?
suspensory ligament
what is the nerve supply to the ovaries?
plexus on ovarian artery (sympathetic from T10)
reinforced by branches of hypogastric plexus
where does ovary pain refer?
L or R lower quadrant
(may refer to medial thigh - ovary overlies obturator nerve on side wall of pelvis)
what are the parts of the uterine tube from the uterus to the ovary?
what is the opening into the peritoneal cavity from the uterine tube?
abdominal ostium
what is salpingitis?
inflammation of the uterine tube
what is the normal location of fertilisation?
ampulla of uterine tube
how thick are the muscular walls of the uterus?
1 cm
what are the internal and external os?
internal os - opening from cervix to uterus
external os - opening from cervix to vagina
what is the perimetrium?
serosal covering of uterus
where does the peritoneum come off the bladder and onto the uterus?
at the junction of the cervix and the body of the uterus
what is the deepest pouch in the peritoneal cavity?
rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas)
what is the angle of anteversion?
angle between long axis of vagina and long axis of cervix
t/f... the uterus usually projects into the anterior wall of the vagina
what is it called if the uterus projects into the posterior wall of the vagina?
what is the angle of anteflexion?
angle between cervix and body of uterus
what guides the descent of the ovary into the pelvic cavity?
what are the remains of the gubernaculum in the female?
round ligament
ovarian ligament
where does the round ligament lie?
attached to uterus below the uterine tube, passes through inguinal canal to labium majus
what is the mesosalpinx?
part of the broad ligament between uterine tubes and ovary
what is the part of the broad ligament beneath the round ligament?
what is the suspensory ligament?
peritoneum covering ovarian vessels
what provides active support of the uterus?
muscular support - levator ani
what provides poassive support of uterus?
ligaments - pubocervical. transverse cervical, uterosacral
where do the ovarian arteries arise?
from abdominal aorta
what does the ovarian artery supply?
ovary and uterine tube
where do the uterine and vaginal arteries branch from?
internal iliac artery
what is the blood supply to the female external genitalia including erectile tissue?
internal pudendal artery
what are the anterior relationships to the vagina?
what are the posterior relationships of the vagina?
perineal body
t/f... the labia minora contain fat
what is the thick fibrous capsule surrounding the testes?
white tunic
what is attached to the outer surface of the white tunic surrounding the testes?
tunica vaginalis
which cells in the testes produce androgens?
interstitial (Leydig) cells
which cells in the testes secrete androgen binding protein and inhibins?
Sertoli cells
where does production of spermatozoa occur?
seminiferous tubules
what do the bulbourethral glands secrete?
mucous lubricant (prior to ejaculation)
which glands add secretions at ejaculation?
seminal vesicles
what is the main storage site for spermatozoa prior to ejaculation?
tail of epididymis
where does the final maturation of the spermatozoa occur?
female tract
what are the three layers of the bladder?
urothelium (multilayered transitional epithelium)
muscular layer (detrusor)
adventitial layer covered posteriorly by peritoneum
where is the internal urethral sphincter?
bladder neck
which urethral sphincter is under voluntary control?
external urethral sphincter
where is the external urethral sphincter in males and females?
males - apex of prostate to membranous urethra
females - mid urethra
where do pelvic parasympathetic nerves originate?
where do the lumbar sympathetic nerves originate?
which plexus innervates the smooth muscle of bladder base, bladder neck and prox urethra?
hypogastric plexus
what is the somatic motor innervation of the lower urinary tract?
S2-3 via pudendal and pelvic nerves
how is awareness of bladder filling sensed?
stretch receptors in detrusor muscle->parasymp->sacral SC->brainstem (pontine micturition centre)->cortex
where does sensation of bladder fullness originate?
what mediates the sensation of bladder fullness?
sympathetic fibres
what mediates the sensation of urgency?
pudendal nerve afferents
what is responsible for co-ordinated mucturition with detrusor contraction and synchronous relaxation of the sphincter?
pontine micturition centre
what is the most common cause of urinary retention?
obstruction to bladder outlet
what goes through the prostate?
prostatic urethra
two ejaculatory ducts (terminal portions of vas deferens)
where do the ejaculatory ducts exit the prostate?
what are the three glandular zones of the prostate?
where does benign prostatic hypertrophy occur?
transitional zone
where does most prostate cancer arise from?
peripheral zone
what is the blood supply to the prostate?
branches of the internal iliac arteries
what is the venous drainage of the prostate?
dorsal vein of penis
what guides the descent to the testes through the abdominal wall into the scrotum?
what is obliterated to form the tunica vaginalis assoicated with the testes and epididymis?
processus vaginalis
what are the coverings of testis and spermatic cord?
external spermatic fascia
cremasteric fascia and muscle
internal spermatic fascia
what are the layers of superficial fascia around the pelvis?
membranous layer (Scarpa's)
fatty layer (Camper's)
what is the cremaster muscle?
skeletal muscle
lifts testis
what is the sensory nerve supply to scrotum?
ant 1/3: L1 (ilioinguinal)
post 2/3: S3 (pudendal n)
what does the left testicular vein join with?
left renal vein->IVC
what is the lymphatic drainage of the scrotum?
superficial inguinal nodes
what is the lymphatic drainage of the testis?
drains to lateral aortic nodes
where does the testicular vein originate?
pampiniform plexus of spermatic cord
which pampiniform plexus more commonly forms varicocele?
which spinal nerve gives sympathetic supply to testis?
what does each lobule in the testis contain?
1-3 seminiferous tubules
where is sperm produced?
walls of seminiferous tubules
what forms the septa in the testis?
tunica albuginea
where does maturation of sperm occur?
how long is the duct contained in the epididymis?
what is the tunica vaginalis?
closed serous sac on anterior surface and sides of each testis and epididymis
what is the sinus of epididymis?
lateral recess between epididymis and testis
which nerve supplies cremaster muscle?
genitofemoral nerrve
where is the spermatic cord?
extends from deep inguinal ring to upper pole of testes
what is contained in the spermatic cord?
ductus deferens
testicular artery (and artery of ductus deferens)
pampiniform plexus of veins
lymph vessels
autonomic and sensory nerves
genital branch of genitofemoral n
how long is the ductus deferens?
45 cm
where in the deep inguinal ring is the ductus deferens?
lateral to inferior epigastric artery
what forms the "bridge" over the ureter in males?
ductus deferens
what forms the ejaculatory duct?
union of dd and duct of seminal vesicle
what supports the prostate laterally?
levator ani muscle
how many ducts drain into prostatic urethra?
what is the blood supply to prostate?
branches of internal iliac arteries (drains to internal iliac veins)
what is the lymphatic drainage of the prostate gland?
internal and external iliac nodes
where is the prostatic venous plexus?
anterior and lateral to prostate between capsule and fascia
where does the deep dorsal vein of penis drain?
prostatic venous plexus
where does the deep dorsal vein of penis pass relative to pubic symphysis?
what size is an ovary?
which surface of the broad ligament is the ovary attached to (and how)?
back of broad ligament by mesovarium
what connects the ovary to the uterine tube?
one or more fimbriae
which is the longest part of the uterine tube?
what is the normal location of fertilisation?
ampulla part of uterine tube
what is the usual angle of anteversion?
what is the usual angle of anteflexion?
170 degrees
what is the broad ligament?
double layer of peritoneum lateral to uterus and slung from uterine tube
what are the remains of the gubernaculum in the female?
round ligament and ovarian ligament
what are the parts of the broad ligament?
suspensory ligament
what is contained in the suspensory ligament?
ovarian vessels
what is the blood supply to the ovary and uterine tube?
ovarian artery (from aorta)
which branches of the internal iliac artery supply the female genitalia?
uterine artery
vaginal artery
internal pudendal artery
what is the venous drainage of the female erectile tissue?
dorsal vein of clitoris into pelvic cavity