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28 Cards in this Set

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To chatter

To keep talking quickly; or (for teeth) to knock together

To chew

Break food in your mouth before you swallow it

To gargle

You gargle in order to freshen your breath or to soothe a sore throat

To gasp

To inhale quickly

To groan

To make a long, low sound because you're in pain or unhappy

To gulp sth down

To eat or drink sth very quickly

To hum

To sing a tune with your lips closed

To lick sth

To move your tongue across the surface of sth

To moan

To make a low sound of pain or unhappiness

To mumble

Not to speak clearly

To puff

To breath loudly and quickly after a lot of physical effort

To sigh

To let out a deep breath expressing unhappiness, pleasure, disappointment, tiredness

To sip

To take a quick, short drink of sth

To snore

To make a loud noise when you breathe while asleep

To yawn

You yawn when you are tired or bored

To whistle


To cry


To scream/to shout/to yell


To sob

Singhiozzare sommessamente durante o dopo il pianto

To mutter


To hiccup


To burp


To murmur


To whisper

Sussurrare/parlare a bassa voce

To clear your throat

Schiarirsi la gola

To clap/applause

Battere le mani/applaudire

To boo

Gridare buuu

To chant

Gridare in coro