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139 Cards in this Set

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Park within how many feet of a fire hydrant?

10 feet

when approaching uncontrolled intersection, with another vehicle?

slow down, check traffic, yield to car at right, proceed with caution.

Accident Prevention Formula?

Be alert, be prepared, act on time

Use of studded snow tries?

Nov. 15 - April 1

Vehicle Passing you?

Slow down, let them pass you

First DUI, Under 21, .01% BAC. Penalties:

30-90 suspension of driving, IDRC class, 15-30 day community service

Low beams during?

City driving, fog, when car is approaching you

How far away from school bus must you stop?

25 feet

Most people who are convicted of drinking and driving have been drinking?


Important to know about trucks?

they have larger turning radius, larger stopping distance, more blind stops

Hand signal: hand and arm are out and outward?

Right hand Turn

Best way to take a curve?

slow down before entering

GDL law about seat belts?

everyone in the car

Hwen are roads most slippery and why?

during the first few minutes of rainfall because of oil in the asphalt.

Always yield to which roadway users?

pedestrians and emergency vehicles

Consequence for altering driver license or presenting altered driver license?

Loss of driving privilege, a fine up to $1,000, and/or up to 6 months imprisonment

() oz. shot of 86 proof whiskey = () oz. glass of wine = () oz. bottle of beer?

1.5, 5, 12

Speed limit in residential and school area?

25 mph

In adverse weather conditions how much longer does it take a truck to stop versus a small car?


What should you do if your vehicle goes into a skid?

Look to the direction you want to go,turn wheel in direction of skid (without oversteering), avoid using brake during side skid, take foot off gas, then straighten wheel out when vehicle is settled.

When is GDL driver permitted to us hand-held wireless device?

Only in case of emergency, but must pull over first

What age are you allowed to use hand-less phone?


Use high beam lights during?

Open country driving

Order of colors of traffic light?

Red, Yellow, Green

How many passengers can accompany the holder of a validated GDL Special Learner's Permit in the vehicle?

limited to dependent and one extra person, unless with parent/gaurdian

Holder of a Provisional Driver's License, under 21, can have how many non-household members in the car?


Requirements to obtain a valid provisional license?

!7 years old. Under 21, 6 months ofsupervised driving. Over 21, 3 months of supervised driving, pass road/vision test

Cannot park within how many feet of crosswalk?

25 ft.

Hand Signal: hand and arm are downward?


What four factors determine BAC?

Body Weight, amount that you've had to drink, food you've eatan, and time

How much is the fine for violation of any of the conditions of the GDL permits of Provisional License?


When can you turn right on red?

Always, unless sign says otherwiseq

3rd DUI penalties?

180 days in jail, $1,000 fine, $1,500/yr insurance subcharge for 3 years, driving privileges for up to 10 years, up to 90 days community service

NJ Law says to keep right except?

When passing/turning

between what hours is the holder of a GDL Special Learner's permit allowed to drive?

5 am - 11 pm

shape of yield sign? Stop Sign? Warning/Construction signs?

Triangle, octagon, diamond

2 centerline, one sold and one broken?

Passing on side of broken line

NJ Law allows up to 3 points to be subtracted from your driving record if you commit no moving violations for how long?

1 year

Stead yellow traffic signal, you should

slow down and stop

Penalty for getting driving license illegally

200-500 fine, and imprisonment of 30 to 9-90 days.

Criteria for supervision driver

21 yeard old, 3 years driving experience, valid NJ license

Child must right in a child restraint device if

8 years old or 80 pounds and less

May not park within how many feet of a stop sign?

50 feet

In city driving it is good practice to

look 12. sec ahead/ 1 blocks ahead. And Parallel Park

How much are you chances of getting into an accident if your BAC os .05%

2x greater

how much are you chances of getting into an acident if your BSC is .10%

6x greater

How much are your chances of getting in an accident if you BAC is .15%

25x greater

What is the 3 second rule?

good measure for following distance

only thing can sober a person is


What to do with unneed license plate?

return to DMV

Parking uphill, wheels should be turned?

away from curb

If someone gets drunk in your home, leaves, and gets into an accident, you may become involved in a


A person may operate a moped with a?

basic driver's license

parking downhill, wheel should be turned?

toward curb

how long is a provisional driver provisional for?


steps of making a left turn from a two way road onto a four lane highway?

Approach the turn as close to the center line of the right side of the road as possible (so the right side). Then turn into the lane nearest the center line of the right side of the other road. (so the left of the right side.) which is the passing lane, and then move out of passing lane to right.

colors of a railroad crossing sign?

black and yellow

If wheels drift onto should?

slow down, regain control, turn slowly back onto roadway

when driving aroudn curve, vehicle will tend to

go straight

Items when going to Road Test?

permit, insurance, registration, inspection sticker, supervising driver, proper vehicle

If tire blowout?

hold wheel tightly, keep vehicle straight, decelerate, put blinkers on, Do not use the brakes. Ppull over to side as fast a spossibleq

what should you do if car hydro planes?

slow down/take foot off gas

when move into NJ, must have vehicle expect in

60 days

Age for special learner's permit?


What age can person obtain provision license?


Age for basic driver's license?


Headlights must be on?

30 minutes after sunset, and 30 minutes before sunrise

Deceleration lane?

exit ramp of highway

acceleration ramp?

entrance ramp of highway

If you miss exit on an expressway, you should?

Go to next exit, and then turn around

When driving at night, make sure you can stop within?

distance of headlights

How long is new driver on probation for?


What is the Implied Consent Law?

Have to take breathalyzer test at cop's request

A person is required to attend a remedial training class for what reasons?

accumulate 12-14 points in 2 years

When can you pass on right?

when person is turning on left

Must get insurance for?


After two to four drinks, alcohol?

impairs reaction time, judgment, and coordination

how often must you renew registration?

Every year

How often must you have vehicle inspected?

Every 2 years (except for New Vehicles, which are given a five year inspection)

how often must you renew your license?

Every 4 years

Safety Corridors Program?

Safe Corridors Law doubles fines on various state highways for a variety of driving offenses.

Failing to yield to pedestrian in crosswalk results in?

$100 fine, up to 15 days in jail, and a 2 point license penalty

What is a weave lane?

it is both an entrance and an exit for an expressway.

On a weave lane who yields?

The motorist entering must yield the right of way to the motorist leaving expressway

Highways through cities may mean that a motorist should drive on which lane?

Drive in the left or center lane to avoid merge conflicts during rush hour.

What to do when vehicle becomes Disabled ?

1) Pull off as far as possible onto the should or median. 2) turn on emergency flashers. 3) raise the hood to signal for assistance. 4) stay in the vehicle and lock the doors. 5) asks anyone who stops to go to a phone and call for assistance . 6) Not get into a strangers car.

When do you start using a turn signal?

At least 100 feet before making any turn,a nd cancel signal after completing turn.

How to make a safe right turn?

Approach intersection as far to the right as possible keeping near to the curb or parked vehicles.

Left turn from a two-way road to a two way road?

Keep as close as possible to the line nearest to the center of road. When turning the motorist should keep to the right of the center line of the next road.

Left turns, two vehicles?

Each motorist should turn to the left of the center of the intersections.

Left turn from one way road to one way road?

Turn from left lane to left lane.

When yellow light follows a green light, motorists should

Should stop before entering the intersection , unless yellow appears when vehicle is too close to stop safely.

Stale Green lgiht light?

light that hass been green for some time.

A motorist should stop how many feet from railroad crossing/

15 feet

When should one stop for a school bus and at what distance?

When school bus with flashing red lights, all cars must stop at least 25 ft away, unless seperated by a safety island or raised media, they must reduce speed to 10 mph.

If a bus is stopped directly in front of school the drivers can?.

They can pass from either direction at a speed no mroe than 10 mph.

When must cars stop for Frozen Dessert trucks?

When flashing red lights are on, stop then drive past the truck at a slow speed of no more than 15 mph

How far from a railroad crossing can one park?

50 feet

How far from a stop sign can one park?

50 feet

How far can one park from fire station?

within 20 feet of driveway entrance, and 75 feet on the street opposite fire station entrance

Can a GDL driver use a handheld or hands-free or other electronic device when behind the wheel?


Are the use of hands-free devices legal?

Yes, but its discouraged

liteering fines are up to?


@5 mph speed limit is for?

school zones, business or residential areas.

The 35 mph limit is for?

suburban business and residential districts

What must a motorist always carry with them?

valid driver's license (probationary or permit, valid insurance, and registration cards

A motorist who changes addresses must report this change to the MVC within?

One week after moving, including those moving out of NJ

A motorist who legally changes their name, must report the change within?

Within two weeks

A motorist with valid out-of-state license who moves to NJ must apply for a NJ license within?

Within 60 days, (except CDL 30 days)

What is the GDL?

Graduated Driver License program, which introduces driving privileges in phases with a period of supervised

Special learner and examination permits are valid until?

Until all qualification for a probationary license are met, or for two years, whichever occurs first.

Drivers under age of 21, with permit or probationary license cannot drive without?

Displaying two visible reflective GDL decals.

Licenses are valid for how long?

4 years

Out of State drivers must?

purchase an exampination permit and subject to the GDL program (under 18). Knowledge and road tests can be waived as long as there is a valid non probationary license from any other 50 state. Surrender their out of State license when NJ issues one.

Out of country drivers should have what?

Their license translated to english and proof of being allowed in country can get permits or should apply for IDP (international driving permit) from their native country, which they use in conjuction with their native license (not in place of)

A non driver ID can be purchased when?

At 14 years of age or older, $24

Next of kind Registrary (Sara's Law) refers to?

web based system that allows individuals, at least 14 of age, to voluntarily submit and maintain emergency contact info.

What are the reason the MVC rejects road test vehicles?

-improper or expired or no inspection sticker. - lack of examiner access to foot brake or parking brake

-any defect or condition that affects the safe operation of the test vehicles such as but not limited to

Driving while in possesion of drugs will result in a license loss of ? and a minimum fine of ?

2 years loss of license and $50 minimum fine

Driving with open container, first offense? 2nd Offense?

1st: $200 2nd: $250, 10 day community service

Driving with DUI suspension results additional license loss of how much? Fees? Imprisonment?

Additional 1-2 years, $500 fine, $250/per year (for 3 years) insurance subcharge, and 10-90 days imprisonment

Rule of thumb for following distance?

One car length (about 20 feet) for each 10 mph. High speeds or in bad weather, following distance should be increased. / 3 second rule, double in bad conditions

What happens to 3 second rule for following distance during wet roads?

turns to 4 second rule

What does an ignition system permit?

Permits key removal only when the vehicle's transmission is in the Park position.

What happens when the ignition is turned to lock position when vehicle is still in motion?

steering wheel will lock as the vehicle turns, and the motorist will lose control of the vehicle.

What to do if an emergency stop is necessary?

On a highwat with paved shoulders: Signal and turn onto the should AT or near traffic speed. Then begin to slow down. -Highway without paved shoulders: signal a turn and slow down to a safe speed before turning off.

If a vehicle runs off pavement?

turn slowly onto the road, after you've slowed down and retained control

Gas pedal sticks?

shift to neutral while keeping eyes on the road. Steer vehicle to a safe area off the roadway, turn the engine off and call for help.

Poweer steering failure?

hold steering wheel tight because it will be difficult to turn or keep control. Vehicle should be brought to a stop in a safe area. Motorist mak need to push very hard on power break that are not working.

Hood latch flies up?

slow down immediately. Try to look under hood to see the road or look out of the side window around hood.

windshield wiper failure?

slow down pull to a safe area off the roadway and turn on emergency flashers. call for help if necessary.

If collision is neccessary, then choose to hit something that?

Will give way rather than something hard. And something moving in the same direction rather than something not moving. Choose to hit something not moving rather than something coming straight on.

Rear collision, then motorist should be ready to apply and brace body against?

Apply the brakes to avoid being pishing into a vehicle ahead.Brace his body between the steering wheel and the seat back, pressing back of his/her head firmly against the head rest

Side collisions, motorist should?

Hold tight to the steering wheel to keep from being thrown against the side of the vehicle.

Head on collisions motorist should?

With air bags, Protect his/her face with arms and hands. Without airbags, throw himself across seat to keep from hitting steering wheel.

2nd DUI: loss of driving privileges, fine, imprisonment, community service?

2 years loss of driving, $500 to $1000 fine, $1000/year subcharge, up to 90 days imprisonment, 12-48 hrs community service

First DUI: loss of driving, imprisonment, fines

3 months-1 year loss of driving, $250-$500 fine, $1000/year for 3 year subcharge, up to 30 day imprisonment

Ignition Interlock device is?

attached to a motor vehicle to prevent it from being started when alcohol level of motorist's breath exceeds an amount. Used 6months - 3 years

Motorists who refuse to take breath test?

$1,000/year for 3 years insurance subcharge. Equal to driving with BAC of .10%. Loss of driving privileges for between 7 months to a year.