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11 Cards in this Set

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Restore NHS - public funded, provided, accountable 
Privatisation, competition, bureaucracy, marketisation
Reinstate NHS preferred provider
Replace market with resource allocation not commissioning

Restore NHS - public funded, provided, accountable

Privatisation, competition, bureaucracy, marketisation

Reinstate NHS preferred provider

Replace market with resource allocation not commissioning

NHS Funding

4% - match healthcare inflation rate, 1p rise in basic rate of income tax = £1.4bn

10% of GDP to match other G7 countries

PFI - no more deals, investigate and renegotiate mis-sold at fair value, remove NHS Trust debt; future infrastructure from government borrowing

Prescription Charges - raise < £500m (< 0.5% NHS budget), inapproriate self-rationing, access to meds, health outcomes, exemptions arbitrary, pre-pay doesn't address problem

Procurement - reduce non-front line services, best value NHS procurement power

DGH good model, care close to home, relative visits, network with larger specialist hospitals

Full equality impact assessment before reconfigs

Nurses 20,000 short, Safe staffing (1:4?), reduce agency staff

Fair pay - real term reduction 15% due to 1% pay freeze

Local independent health commissioner under Health Service Ombudsman, patient friendly complaints, strengthen whistleblowing system

Reduction in mgmt consultants,, health planning by public health, clinical leads,

GPs - traditional model supported by primary care teams in defined area, increase by 10,000, free from financial incentives,

Reverse £1bn cuts in 5 years & MPIG

Publication of all clinical trials data

Mental Health - parity of esteem, MH funding addressed, increase staffing levels and training places, end privatisation of MH services

Maternity - 85% increase in births from women aged 40-44

address 4,800 midwives shortfall, 47% hospitals say not enough obstetricians,

Social Care

LA spending cuts 15% in real terms since 2010

40% said care doesn't cover basic needs, 47% don't enable them to take part in community life, 62% spent own money on help

- reverse cuts, increase investment to meet needs of vulnerable, elderly, disabled, social services budgets for children & families

- introduce free personal social care, provision of LA care homes & oppose closure of existing / threatened

- Dilnot commission recommendations

- end 0 hours contracts, end 15 min slots, paid for travel time, reverse outsourcing of carers, invest in pay, conditions, training, support


- replace WCA with genuine assessment of need, resource to support back to work

- abolition off sanctions, scrap bedroom tax

Public Health
Greater access to exercise & sport
Funding of LAs PH education & policies
stop outsourcing of PH services

Public Health

Greater access to exercise & sport

Funding of LAs PH education & policies

stop outsourcing of PH services

Political Reform
democratic deficit 
- independent commission to investigate move to PR
- lower voting age to 16
- repeal lobbying bill

Political Reform

democratic deficit

- independent commission to investigate move to PR

- lower voting age to 16

- repeal lobbying bill

longest downturn in living history, working poor, slashed public spending, slowed recovery, increased debts, debt bubble


longest downturn in living history, working poor, slashed public spending, slowed recovery, increased debts, debt bubble

Progressive Taxation - reinstatement of 50p higher income rate & tax on luxury goods/services

Tax avoidance - TJN £70bn (under 1/2 income tax collected 2013/14) or PCSU £120 bn, HMRC staffing cuts reversed, inspectors increased

each £ of public spending into health & ed generates several times as much £ (IMF, Oxford, Stanford)

Stronger local community banking, national state-run bank for business

Better reg of financial sector at EU, G20

Statutory Living Wage - slash billions from benefits, creates jobs, more money in local economy

Comprehensive & universal childcare support

Gender equality in pay


LAs - improve social housing, upgrade current stock, tackle empty homes, free to finance affordable & social by borrowing against income from existing stock

Oppose 'regeneration' projects, restore presumption to brownfield

Additional tax bands for high property values

Low energy, water, waste for housebuilding / modification

Re-examine evidence of large infrastructure (e.g. HS2), Land Value Tax effectiveness to deter land hoarding, make tax havens for property ownership illegal

Oppose privatisation of Land Registry

Tenants - protection - better reg, support rent controls, extended tenancy agreements, fit for purpose properties, national register of landlords


Basic right, public good, free to all

- address primary school place shortage

- free schools & academies abolished so money spent fairly

- greater teacher involvement in policy making

- end marketisation, privatisation in FE, HE, Unis, end student fees

- increase exercise & sport in schools

- genuine apprenticeships esp advanced technologies

- review of meded & care-ed, address shortcomings


0.06% NHS budget on overseas patients, less than cost of policing treatment

- greater efforts to recoup money payable to NHS from EU agreement and EHIC

- migrants contributed £20bn to economy, do not reduce overall employment opportunities for British nationals, use migration bounty wisely in local communities

- oppose NHS staff instructed to refuse treatment to overseas patients

EU Reform

- health & wellbeing not corporate interests at expense of policy making

- democractically accountable to voters

- EC more accountable to EC parliament

- establish lobbyists register

- EU health agencies & accountability to public not commission

TTIP - oppose entirety, ISDS (tobacco, oil & gas, mining, GM foods)

Keep £, don't join euro

Examine evidence if EU referendum occurs

Crime, Law, Order

8m crimes costing CJ system £17bn (excl £12,341 policing), society £24bn, white collar crime costing £73bn.

£100k per place at YOIs

More frequent where greater inequalities, mostly young men under 25

- support YP greater investment in facilities and YP centres

- restorative justice & effective rehab (poor literacy, drug misuse, domestic violence); address ASB through better community resources

Drugs - health issue, effective rehab, provide secure units

Policing funded through taxation, greater focus preventative, low level intervention

Integrated & environmentally sustainable policies


Integrated & environmentally sustainable policies


HICC human induced climate change & evidence, halt & reverse effects

- support STEM review proposals - examine potential of sustainable dept approaches to release resources to reinvest in services

- consult expert advice before forming policies

- proactively consult, engage with communities, orgs, groups to review evidence, seek agreement on health issues which affect environment (&VV)

- no fracking, further scientific evidence of effectiveness needed

World Health

- 11m children die p/a from preventable, treatable illness (incl 60% malnutrition related), 8m infants - 1/2 in first month of life

- back law to commit 0.7 GDP to foreign aid for genuine humanitarian assistance, invest in health R&D and other global 'public goods'

- WHO to co-ordinate massive multi-scaling of donor assistance for health & monitoring