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35 Cards in this Set

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newborn and exams
-PE should be done ASAP after birth
-more thorough exam within 24 hrs with parents present
-exam prior to discharge
-VS: axillary temp, BP, HR< RR
-general appearance
-head, face (flaring), neck (webbing, clavicular fxs)
PE cont
-chest: symmetry, resp effort, grunting
-heart: HR, murmurs, pulses (upper and lower)
-abdomen (umbilicus- 1 vein 2 arteries)
-anus: passage of meconium, anus patent
-neuro: primitive reflexes
delivery room care
1. clamp cord
2. thermoregulation: dry baby, hat, blanket, radiant warmer
3. Suction nose, mouth, stomach
4. APGAR score 1 min and 5 min
5. Erythromycin ointment to eyes
6. ID bracelet
7. Vit K 1 mg IM
8. Hb and Hct and glucose
advantages: cleanliness, dec risk of cancer of penis, UTI, STDs
disadvantages: bleeding, pain infx, cosmetic result
cord blood
-blood type
hospital discharge
-PE: full
-social services F/U prn
-car seat
-safety education
-parent education: BF, infant care, jaundice, infxs, umbilical care, sleep position, peds F/U appt.
prolonged rupture of membranes
-intact amniotic sac is barrier to infx
-premature rupture of membranes may result from vaginal/cervical infxs, abnml membranes, incompetent cervix
-risk of infx increases with duration of membrane rupture. Eval mother for inx, fetus for distress, lung maturity
-abxs for mom and infant
abruptio placentae
-premature separation of normally implanted placenta. 1/120 births. Fetal death in 1/500 deliveries
-risk factors: maternal HTN, weakness of spiral arterioles
-tx: monitoring of mom and fetus, delivery, transfusion
placenta previa
-implantation of placenta over cervical os
-painless vaginal bleeding
-dx with U/S
-risk of preterm delivery
brachial plexis palsies
-brachial plexus injuries may result from traction on head during delivery
-in Erb-Duchennes paralysis (injury to C5-C6 roots) arm is limp, adducted, internally rotated, extended, pronated at elbow flexed at wrist (Waiters tip posture)
Klumpke palsy
-C8-T1 root
-arm and hand are flaccid
-Tx: PT, ROM exercises, splinting
-recovery in 3 months
clavicular fx
-due to problem with delivery
effects of labor and delivery on infant
-ssx: dec spontaneous movement of arm, tenderness, crepitus, swelling, bony irregularity, absent Moro on affected side
-Tx: immobilization of arm and shoulder on affected side
-excellent prognosis
-prior to 37th week
-assoc with low SEC, maternal age, maternal activity, maternal illness, multiple gestations, prior premature deliveries, OB factors, fetal conditions
-nursery care include: regular newborn care, thermal control, monitoring, VS, O2 therapy, fluid requirements, feeding, prevention of infx, respiratory status monitoring
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) or Hyaline membrane disease (HMD)
-caused by deficiency of surfactant
-SSX: respiratory distress, hypoxia, cyanosis, grunting
-CXR: ground glass appearance
-tx: supplemental O2, Iv fluids, surfactant, steroids to mom before delivery
-respiratory pause of >20 sec with cyanosis and bradycardia
-tx: O2, methyxanthines ie: theophylline, caffeine, CPAP, venitlation
intaventricular hemorrhage
-20-30% of infants <31 weeks gestation. Germinal matrix of ventricles
-ssx: coma, hypoventilation, fixed pupils. bulging ant. fontanelle, hypotension, acidosis
-dx: U/S of head
-Tx: vol restoration during bleed, ventilation, O2
necrotizing enterocolitis
-GI emergency
-areas of intestine become necrotis
-ssx: abdominal distension, vomiting, residuala, heme + stools, abdominal tenderness, temp instability, apnea, bradycardia
necrotizing enterocolitis
-dx: abdominal film shows air in bowel wall (pneumatosis intestinalis)
-tx: NPO, NGT, O2, ventilation, fluid replacement, abx, removal of necrotic bowel
-sepsis work up
retinopathy of prematurity
-highest incidence in lower gestational age. Injury to retinal vessels
-Dx: eye exam at 4-6 wks of age
-tx: cryotherapy, laser photocoagulation
-prevention: careful O2 admin
hyperbilirubinemia: neonatal jaundice
-common problem in neonates
-65% of infants develop jaundice in first week of life
-serious complications if untreated (neurologic)
-jaundice seen in week 1 of life in 60% of term infants and 80% of preterm infants
-color form accumulation of unconjugated bili in skin
-newborns are jaundiced when bili >7mg/dL
heme is released with...
-Rh and ABO imcompatibility
-G6PD def
-abnormalities of RBC's
-sequestered blood
2 types of bili
1. unconjugated: toxic to CNS, insoluble in water, binds to albumen
2. Direct: conjugated in liver, water sol, excreted in stool
physiologic jaundice
-peak indirect bili of 8-12 mg/dL on DOL #3 and then falls
-form increased RBC vol or dec RBC survival, increased enterohepatic circulation
non-physiologic jaundice
-Present in first 24 hours of life persisting > 8 days of life.
-Bili increases by > .5 mg/dL/hr
-Lethargy, poor feeding, vomiting
hyperbilirubinemia ssx
-jaundice begins on face and as levels increase, progresses to abdomen, feet
-infants may be lethargic with poor feeding
-ddX: if present in first 24 hours of life, may be result of hemolysis, hemorrhage, sepsis, infection
-if present in 2nd or 3rd day, usually physiologic
-If present in first week of life, may be from breast feeding with decreased intake of milk and increased enterohepatic circulation.
diagnosing hyperbili
-Total serum bilirubin to see level
Blood type, Rh, direct Coombs’ test to test for isoimmune hemolytic disease.
Direct bilirubin if jaundiced beyond 2 weeks of life or signs of cholestasis.
RBC morphology to see spherocytes
Hematocrit to see polycythemia or hemorrhage
-bili encephalopathy characterized by yellow staining of the brain and injury to neurons
treatment of hyperbili
1. phototherapy
-applied continuously, maximal skin exposure
-eye shields to prevent damage
-monitor temp, hydration, bili level
-rebound after stopping- recheck bili
2. exchange transfusion if phototherapy doesnt work
3. intravenous immune globulin
hypoglycemia in the newborn
-glucose crosses placenta
-fetal glucose levels are 2/3 maternal levels
-when umbilical cord is cut, glucose supply to infant stops and levels drop then stabilize
-gluc level, 40 mg/dL in newborn requires eval and tx
hypoglycemia may result in...
-resp distress
respiratory distress in the term newborn
-common sx
-one common cause is transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN)
-result of retained fetal lung fluid
-assoc with mild to mod O2 requirement
-infant born by C/S or shot labor. Resp. distress present from birth
-CXR shows perihilar streaking and fluid fissures
-usually resolves in 24 hours
meconium aspiration
-infant usually full term or near full term
-fetal distress prior to delivery. meconium passed into amniotic fluid before delivery
-ssx: resp distress from birth with barrel chest and coarse breath sounds
-pneumonitis may require O2 and/or mechanical ventilation
meconium aspiration- CXR
-coarse irregular infiltrates, hyperexpansion, =/- lobar infiltrates.
meconium aspiration mgmt
-supportive care
-ventilatory support as needed
-infants at risk for penumonia or pneunothorax