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29 Cards in this Set

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The Sea Dogs aka Privateers

Pirates. Sir Frances Drake--made rep of himself as explorer and naval soldier. Intimate of Queen E. Nickname Virgin Queen but not really one. Close relationship with Queen E. Drake hijacking Spanish treasure ships and making sure some of money goes to Queen E. Spanish may suspect attacks b/c all pirates are English, but if ship not flying British flag it's not an act of war. Privateers because not under flag of any country. Queen E can call them a problem while reaping the benefits. Uses them to interfere with Spanish. 1580s-English take larger steps toward setting up a NW empire.

Sir Walter Raleigh

1584: Granted permission to start a English colony by Queen E in New World. He wants permission for an English settlement and picks out an island off the coast of NC

1585: Settle on Roanoke Island with 100 guys. Want to be far from Spanish. Go and get things est. by time Spanish realize they're there, and they'll have some sort of settlement together. Initial voyage there isn't successful so takes people back to England in 1586.

1587: Tries again with women and kids

Joint stock company

How raising money for starting colonies. Sell stock in overseas investment, and whatever profits come from Roanoke are split amongst stockbrokers. Queen E is major stock holder. When Raleigh returns he should return following year with more people and supplies. Get back on boat to go to England to return the following spring, but England and Spain finally go to war and have big showdown.


1590: Raleigh finally returns colony has faded and all that's left is signs saying Croatoan--coastal Indians probably. People all disappeared. Probably joined Indian civilization nearby that rescued them. After this, Queen E doesn't want to get involved b/c all money invested is a total loss. Good bit of her private holdings disappear. Raleigh eventually executed.


Spanish armada destroyed. Long slow decline of Spanish empire starts. Beginning of rise of England. Destruction of armada takes England from Roanoke to Jamestown. After less cautious and fearful of Spanish might.

Important changes in England

1. Destruction of Spanish armada

2. Elizabeth dies in 1603. Nephew--King James I; more reckless and willing to take risks than E.

3. Rise of English naval power=need for naval stores.

4. Country feels overpopulated.

Naval stores

Stuff needed to operate and build boats. Need wood/timber and very tall straight trees to build masts. Become scarce in England, so buy from Dutch. Issue is if tension arises, won't have wood. Hemp-rigging and rope, need lots of it to run a navy of this time. Tar and pitch also. Pitch-from trees. Use to waterproof wood and seal cracks.


Suspicion England running out of space. Too many people, need more land. Result of people moving into cities from country. Now Spanish armada no longer factor, King wants to build up navy and they think they're running out of room. Idea of trying again and starting over in New World. Jamestown, VA becomes first permanent English settlement in New World (1607).

Virgina Company Problems

Disease--in the swamp so mosquitoes with malaria. Fear Indians so think if surrounded by water on three sides Indians won't get to them and attack them like did when first arrived. For people coming in 17th c, scared about Croatoan and Roanoke. Priority to protect themselves.

Hunger--come from wealthy families so not used to farming, so don't do it for themselves. Wealthy city kids who have little experience in the wild.


Primo-first, geniture-son. Custom in Europe. All of family wealth went to firstborn son. Join military or priesthood if second son so are taken care of. Joint stock companies attractive to sons of nobility not inheriting because can come over here for property and wealth. Because come from upperclass, don't know survival skills. Waste time looking for gold and not farming. Also in horrible location, disease gets them, there's no food, etc. No one is in charge.

Factors that save colony

Captain John Smith: takes it upon himself to take over. Doesn't have authority to necessarily but sees leadership is important. Man of the world who worked as mercenary and had lots more life experience than other guys. Saw everyone would starve to death or die of malaria so starts telling people what to do. If don't do it, can't eat. Gets colony over first big hump and everything seems okay. 1609-accident and returns to England.

John Rolfe--brings Carribean long leaf tobacco to New World. Tobacco in VA, used by Indians a lot, but harsh and unappealing to Euros. Carribean type grows like weed in VA. More aromatic and nice. Highly addictive.


Generates Jamestown's income and makes the colony money. Can grow it, and can't in England b/c too cold so wanted there and scarce--valuable. VA people go crazy over tobacco agriculture--sets stage for VA being one of most important parts of colonial America.

Harsh and draining unforgiving crop on soil. grows like crazy all the time and soil is no good because of it. means people in VA constantly expanding, move west and up to Maryland. America constantly growing and expanding. First four pres of America all VA tobacco planters--where wealth and power centered when US became a country


demand for tobacco and lots paid for it so growing one main crop vs agriculture. grow all tobacco but nothing else. buy food elsewhere and just sell tobacco. huge need for labor comes from this, so by end of 17th c slavery est. in VA


Takes a while for people to come together and solidify themselves against Church of England. People felt it was too much like Catholic church and religion. Outlook, hymns, practices, etc. People wanted to break away from that and religion was too similar. Problem to disagree with church because committing treason. Church and state are same thing, so can't criticize your country. To form group against it must be secret and underground

Difference between Pilgrims and Puritans

Pilgrims: "Separatists". Wanted to break away/separate from Church of England. They thought it was totally corrupt and couldn't be fixed. Best course was to leave and start over. Start something different

Puritans: Non-separatists. Critical of church but don't see themselves leaving it. Reform or "purify" it. Basically means try to get rid of things similar to Catholicism.

Weren't that many Pilgrims, most people who came here and got the ball rolling were Puritans.

What do the Pilgrims do?

Decide to create own religious movement. Original separatists. Concerned by Church. Try to be secret but after awhile decide to move. Will be persecuted by King James if stay, so move to Holland where they can worship whatever they want. Separated from their culture, don't like that they just wanted to freely practice their religion. Think Pilgrim children losing heritage and roots so move back to England. Time they get back, VA colony already happened. 1619: Jamestown all settled, House of Burgesses set up. 1620: leave Plymouth England on Mayflower heading to VA.

Entering America: Pilgrims

Can't find VA and land at Cape Cod, MA. Realize outside boundaries of VA and domain of English law, so write Mayflower Compact (civil body politic, follow will of majority). Think outside of England so no law and total chaos. Not constitution but important because evolution of government. House of Burgesses-important because first self-rep govt.

Miles Standish

lifelong Pilgrim; at Plymouth in charge of military side of things. Trying to ensure safety and operating militia.

William Bradford

lifelong Pilgrim; governor of Plymouth colony for over 30 years. Leader of Pilgrims and determines their course. First true American history book

Hard times at Plymouth

No crops, no shelter, really cold. Disease. Looks like colony will fail. Either sick or die from hunger. One point, only some people running settlement. Squanto arrives in spring of 1621 and helps them survive--teaches about corn, agriculture, etc. Communicates with them by speaking English. Miracle for Pilgrims. See him as message from God they're doing the right thing. Plymouth stays pretty small and doesn't grow, but later becomes part of MA Bay.


founded and est. Boston. Change in monarchy in England, Charles replaces James. Aggressive towards religious dissenters. Only against extreme people. Arrested more people and tightened up on non-conformists. People realize it's diff and want to leave. Large group of dissenters but non-separatists get permission from James to est. colony in NW. Lets them go because they'll be out of England and maybe help mercantilism. Most people in NW died so advantage for him b/c probably won't make it

Advantage for Puritans

Saw other three groups come to NW. See them come to NW and experience horrible difficulties. Highly organized. Lots of them. Created shelters and sanitation right away. Highly educated. Focused. Est. Harvard by 1636, first college in English America, 6 years after arrival. Tells you what priorities are. How they're organized. Within a decade, MA Bay has 20,000 people and increasing.

"City upon a hil"

Guide for rest of countries. American exceptionalism. Puritans saying this is going to be a moment important in history. High self-esteem. Saying we will be greatest nation in the world. Tells a lot about Puritan mindset.


First legislative government in Americas

First permanent English speaking settlement in America

(St. Augustine first permanent settlement)

Started English take over of New World

Henry VIII

Beginning of Tudor rule in England--when England leaves chaos and becomes organized country

Wanted divorce from wife but had to go to Pope

England Christians all Roman catholic, divorce against religion

Henry creates Church of Engalnd

Church of England


Henry is supreme leader of church

Huge deal, ramifications of this will cont. for over 100 years

1640s--English civil war partly connected to this

If committed English Catholic, would be troubled if king declared religion wrong and made a new one

National perspective it's good, but traditional people will be mad

Elizabeth I


Daughter of Henry becomes Queen of England

One of most powerful women in history

Clever, sophisticated woman

People conspiring against her throughout reign, life filled w/ fear and paranoia

Pathological hatred of Catholic religion, violently anti-Catholic

Spanish in New World during Elizabeth's reign

Spain getting richer in NW but new monarch in England and uncertainty about future

Spain getting treasure from Aztecs and Incas

Profits from this being invested in navy

Spanish armada getting bigger and more built up--bad for England

Spanish converting people to Catholicism, creating NW empire of Catholics--bad for England

Spain more powerful than England at time so can't go to war

Intense time for what will happen in NW: Don't do anything, against best interest, do something, huge risk involved

People in England want to get involved in NW

Sir Humphrey Gilbert


Given permission to start colony in NW but ships sink and nothing really happens

Wrote about England getting involved in NW and idea of Northwest passage bringing riches