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67 Cards in this Set

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dexterous (adj)
skillful with mind or body
propitiate (v)
to make favorably inclined, to appease, conciliatory
divisive (adj)
causing a disagreement
pugnacious (adj)
belligerent, combative
hyperbolic (adj)
jeremiad (n)
prolonged lamentation, mournful complaint
philippic (n)
speech of bitter denunciation
superannuated (adj)
interminable (adj)
unending, annoyingly or monotonously continued
dulcet (adj)
pleasant to the senses
comely (adj)
proper, attractive, pleasing in appearance
oblique (adj)
indirect, veiled, maked, covert
inverterate (adj)
settled or confirmed in habit
plaintive (adj)
expressing sorrow or melancholy
revile (v)
to criticize harshly, berate, vilify
eviscerate (v)
to disembowel, gut, remove important parts
tenebrous (adj)
gloomy, shadowy, dark
ponderous (adj)
of great weight, heavy
corpulent (adj)
large, fat, stout
gourmandizing (adj)
to enjoy lavish food
stygian (adj)
dark or gloomy, pertaining to river Styx of Hades
skinflint (n)
mean, niggardly person, miser
prodigal (n)
person who spends wastefully, spendthrift
revile (v)
to criticize harshly, berate, vilify
eviscerate (v)
to disembowel, gut, remove important parts
tenebrous (adj)
gloomy, shadowy, dark
ponderous (adj)
of great weight, heavy
corpulent (adj)
large, fat, stout
gourmandizing (adj)
to enjoy lavish food
stygian (adj)
dark or gloomy, pertaining to river Styx of Hades
skinflint (n)
mean, niggardly person, miser
prodigal (n)
person who spends wastefully, spendthrift
raffish (adj)
gaudily vulgar or cheap, careless, rakish
iniquity (n)
violation of right or duty, wickedness or injustice
engender (v)
to produce, cause, procreate
expatiate (v)
to enlarge, or be copious in description "expatiate on the theme"
ablate (v)
to remove or dissipate by extreme heat or erosion
attenuate (v)
to weaken or reduce in force, to make thin "attenuate his desire"
bedizen (v)
to dress or adorn in flashy gaudy clothing
caparison (n)
decorative covering or clothing
extirpate (v)
to remove or destroy totally, pull up by the roots
foment (v)
to promote the growth and development of, to instigate, "to foment trouble or discontent"
punctilious (adj)
strict, exact, extremely attentive to manners and such
sententious (adj)
given to excessive self-righteousness, moralizing
ignominious (adj)
humiliating, discreditable, deserving of dishonor or disgrace
propitious (adj)
presenting favorable conditions, auspicious
sanguine (adj)
cheerfully optimistic, hopeful
sluggish, gloomy, taciturn,
venal (adj)
open to bribery, able to be purchased, corruptible
puerile (adj)
of or pertaining to child, immature, foolish
sanctimonious (adj)
making hypocritical show of religious devotion, piety, righteousness
peremptory (adj)
leaving no room for denial, assertive, commanding, imperious
picaresque (adj)
prankish, raffish, characterized by humorous episodes of common people
corporeal (adj)
tangible, physical, material "corporeal property"
parlous (adj)
perilous, dangerous
exagiate (v)
to stir up or censure
extemporize (v)
to improvise
centurion (n)
commander of army
renege (v)
to go back on one's word
pilloried (adj)
to set in pillory, expose to public ridicule, or abuse
moil (v)
to churn or whirl ceaselessly, to work hard
dross (n)
waste matter, refuse
surfeit (n)
excessive amount
reconnoiter (v)
to inspect, observe, survey to gain info
lambaste (v)
to beat or whip severely, to berate or reprimand harshly
vitiate (v)
to impair or weaken, to make faulty, corrupt
calumniate (v)
to make false and malicious statements about, slander