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57 Cards in this Set

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Mountain Pose

- Shoulders over hips, hips over knees, knees over ankles and feet

- Plumb line through center of torso

Utthita Hastasana in Tadasana

Mountain Pose with hands over head


Standing Forward Fold

Standing Forward Fold

Prasarita Padottanasana

Standing Wide Legged Forward Fold

Utthita Hasta Padangustasana

Hand to Toe


Intense Side Stretch OR Pyramid Stretch


Chair Pose OR Mighty Pose

Virabhadrasana 1

Warrior 1 Pose

Eagle Pose

Eagle Pose

Virabhadrasana 3

Warrior 3

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
Revolved Side Angle Pose
Parivrtta Trikonasana
Revolved Triangle Pose
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
Revolved Half Moon

In asymmetrical neutral standing poses, the position of the back foot is _____ rotation, but the action in the leg/hips is _________ rotation.

In asymmetrical neutral standing poses, the position of the back foot is external rotation, but the action in the leg/hips is internal rotation.

*Generally the feet are aligned heel to heel*

In standing neutral poses, the feet align ____ to ____.

In standing neutral poses, the feet align heel to heel.

In asymmetrical neutrals, the back foot should be _____ to facilitate _____ the hips.

In asymmetrical neutrals, the back foot should be angled to facilitate squaring the hips.

When the front knee is bent (like vira 1), the weight of the front foot is in the _____ to protect the _____.

When the front knee is bent (like vira 1), the weight of the front foot is in the heel to protect the knee.

The feet press down as the ____ and ____ lift up.

The feet press down as the arches and ankles lift up.

In poses where the torso is upright, create length in the low back by......

..... lengthening down through the tailbone (release buttocks toward feet)
...... drawing the low abdomen gently in and up
The Three Platforms of Yoga
Pelvic girdle
Shoulder girdle

- Tadasana is a great blueprint for 3 Platforms

In standing neutral poses, the pelvis should be _____


In vira 1, will the pelvis ever be completely neutral/square?

The pelvis is unlikely to ever be completely neutral or square because of the position of the back foot and the restriction of the hip flexors.

Benefits to symmetrical neutrals....

- Easier (good for beginners and people with special conditions)
- Centering, grounding, stabilizing
- Establish good posture

A benefit for all asymmetrial neutrals...

Cultivate balance

Common misalignments for neutral standing poses:

-Three platforms not in line
-Feet turned in or out instead of parallel
-Weight forward or back on feet
-Legs not engaged
-Front ribs puffed (strains the low back)

What is a risk in a forward bend?

Hyperextension of knee can create instability and strain on the back of the knee

What is a risk in an asymmetrical pose?

Back foot not angled enough to help the hips square (which can torque the knee and low back)

Why is tadasana the "blueprint pose"?

It's the best pose for teaching and imprinting the three platforms; students should seek the stability, activation, and alignment of tadasana in other asanas.

What is a modification for tadasana?

Feet hip distance apart (good for less stable students--beginners, elderly, pregnant)

What is the shoulder girdle mantra?

-Lift the sternum
-Broaden the collarbones
-Roll arm bones back
-Draw shoulder blades together
-Soften front ribs

What is a complementary action?
Two instructions or actions that create the same result.
What is a simple action?

An action that can't be overdone, doesn't need further instruction to do safely.

What are some simple actions?

-Lengthen all four sides of the torso
-Press down through all four corners of your feet
-Keep chin level with the floor
-Lengthen all four sides of the neck evenly

What are some instructions you might give to a class for tadasana?

feet together, parallel
press down evenly through the four corners of each foot
firm the legs
press inner thighs back, release tailbone down
square pelvis
lengthen from your tailbone through the crown of your head
draw abdomen gently in and up
shoulder girdle mantra: lift sternum, spread collarbones, roll upper arms back, draw shoulder blades in, soften front ribs

What are some benefits to urdhva hastasana?

lengthens the waist
creates space in torso
prepares shoulders and upper back for more challenging postures

What are some instructions you might gives students for urdhva hastasana?

feet together, parallel, and pressing firmly and evenly through all four corners
firm the legs (roll inner thighs back, release tailbone toward feet)
shoulder girdle mantra
inhale as you lift your arms
palms face each other
lengthen from the tailbone through the crown of your head

Benefits of uttanasana:

releases hamstrings/stretches legs
cooling to abdominal organs
lowers blood pressure

What areas are at risk in uttanasana?

low back

What is a modification for uttanasana?
feet hip distance apart (stability, good for tight hamstrings)
Common misalignments in uttanasana:
kneecaps not lifted
knees hyperextended
back rounded (either bend knees or use block)
What are some instructions you might give students for uttanasana?

exhale, hinge forward at the hips
fingers in line with toes, bending knees as needed
allow head to hang freely

What are some benefits to prasarita padottanasana?

stretches hamstrings and inner thigh muscles
good alternative to sirsasana for students that aren't ready for that pose
lowers blood pressure

What areas are at risk in prasarita padottasana?
outer ankles
What is the foundation of Prasarita Padottanasna?
Standing Wide Angle Forward Bend
feet wide (ankles under palms if arms are spread wide to measure) and parallel
palms shoulder distance and parallel
elbows over wrists
crown of head on floor or block
What are some instructions you might give your students in Prasarita Padottanasana?
press down evenly through all four corners of your feet
lift arches and ankles up
firm the legs by lifting knee caps and inner thighs
weight shifts slightly forward to keep hips over heels
lengthen torso from your tailbone through crown of your head
shoulders away from ears
hands parallel and shoulder distance apart
Common problems/misalignments in Prasarita Padottanasana:
feet not parallel
pelvis not over heels
rounded spine
shoulders near ears
Modifications for Prasarita Padottanasana:
if head easily touches floor, narrow the stance
bend knees slightly to keep spine long
block under head
toes in if hamstrings are tight
blocks under hands to keep spine long
Benefits of Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana:
strengths and stretches legs and hips
mental focus

What are some instructions you might give for Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana?

feet begin in parallel, together
shift weight to your standing leg (lift kneecap to engage quad), press weight down evenly
lift the knee of the aeriel leg to grab big toe with two fingers and thumb, then straighten any amount
lengthen the waist evenly
lengthen the buttock down toward standing heel
square your pelvis
shoulder girdle mantra

Common problems/misalignments in Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana:
standing leg isn't straight, muscles firmed
hips not level with floor
grasping arm pulled forward
front body collapsing
Modifications for Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana:
belt for lifted foot
lifted foot placed on a ledge, chair, or wall

What does Prasarita mean?

Spread out, stretched out.

Urdhva Hastasana

Upward Salute Pose

Pelvic Girdle Mantra

- Roll the inner thighs toward each other and back.

- Lift the frontal hip points towards the naval and lengthen the buttocks towards the heels

The Foot and Ankle Mantra

- Press down through the four corners of the feet

- Lift the inner arches, and hug the outer ankles in

Words or phrases to create ACTION

  • Press, as in “press your palms”
  • Squeeze, as in “squeeze your right thigh”
  • Push, as in “push your thighs back”
  • Reach, as in “reach up”
  • Stretch, as in “stretch your legs forward”
  • Lengthen, as in “lengthen your spine”
  • Lift, as in “lift your leg”
  • Open, as in “open your chest”
  • Feel, as in “feel your body stretch”

Misalignments and Risks of Neutrally Rotated Standing Poses

  • 3 platforms not aligned causes knees, low back, and neck to be compromised
  • Feet turned in our out instead of being paralel; feet/ankles not tracking properly: all can strain knees and low back
  • Weight forward or back on feet
  • Legs not engaged
  • Front ribs puffed out: causes strain on lower back
  • In forward bends: hyperextension of the knee creates instability of knee
  • In asymmetrical poses: back foot not angled enough to facilitate squaring of the hips can torque knee and lower back
  • In Vira 1, front hip dropping towards front thigh