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32 Cards in this Set

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What are the three types of Biogenic Amines?
What are the three types of catecholamines?
Is dopamine excitatory or inhibitory?
It can be both.
Where is dopamine used in the body?
In the basal ganglia and the limbic system
Levels of dopamine effect what emotions?
Motivation, drive, and reward
What illicit drug alters dopamine levels?
What is an uncommonly known about use for Histamines?
Treatment of gastric ulcers
Where is Serotonin found?
It is versatile and found throughout the CNS.
How many serotonin receptor types are there?
Serotonin levels are adjusted to treat what illness?
Affective disorders like depression (SSRI's increase serotonin levels)
What are opioids and substance P?
They are neuropeptides
What do enkephalins and dynorphins do?
Give a sense of euphoria
Enkephalins, Dynorphins, and Endorphins are all examples of what?
Capsaicin does what? What result?
Depletes Substance P--blocks some pain
Angel dust does what?
Activates glutamate receptors
Glutamate and aspartate receptors are found where?
In the CNS--wide and varied receptors
GABA levels are implicated with what response? What drug increases GABA levels?
Anxiety(GABA is inhibitory)--benzodiazepines
GABA levels are low..what is the problem?
Where is glycine found? What is its function?
It is in inhibitory neurons in the brain stem and spinal cord. It filters out excessive responses
What does strychnine do?
Inhibits the release of glycine--resulting in WAY too much excitement
What causes systemic vasodilation? How?
Nitric Oxide--by relaxing endothelial walls
Sciatica is one type of this disorder. Name the disorder and name another varient
Neuritis. tic douloureux is another varient. Pain/neuralgia is a symptom
What is inflammation of the 7th cranial? What does it cause?
Bell's Palsy. Jaw difficulties--recovery is possible
What is cerebral palsy?
It is brain damage to the motor areas of the brain due to oxygen deprivation or trauma during birth
What is Multiple Neurofibromatosis?
It is a Schwann cell malignancy that causes disfiguration
CVA stands for what? Caused by what? What is a mild type of CVA?
Cerebral vascular accident--blockage or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain--TIA is a mild type
How do you treat seizure disorders?
Quiescent drugs to calm the electrical storms
What causes meningitis?
Bacterial infection--it is an inflammation of the meninges
What causes encephalitis? What is the mortality rate?
A viral infection that leads to brain tissue inflammation and damage--70%
A child presents with brain and liver damage. What is wrong?
Reye's Syndrome--results from a viral recovery and application of aspirin
Alzheimer's Statistics
Over 85 = 35 to 45% : 60 to 65 = 10%
What is Lou Gehrig's disease?
Progressive neuron and muscle fiber deterioration.