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54 Cards in this Set

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How much does the cerebral cortex usually weigh?
How much do the neurons of the CC usually weigh?
what % of the brain is the CC?
40% w/ 15b neurons
what are the 6 layers of the NEOCORTEX?
1 - molecular layer
2 - external granular layer
3 - external pyramidal layer
4 - internal granular layer
5 - internal pyramidal layer
6 - muliform layer
Which layer of the neocortex is this?
axons/dendrites mostly, with few cell bodies
molecular layer
Which layer of the neocortex is this?
Densely packed stellate cells
Internal granular layer
Which layer of the neocortex is this?
Stellate/star cells, not as densly packed
external granular layer
Which layer of the neocortex is this?
Neurons of pyramidal shape
external pyramidal layer
Which layer of the neocortex is this?
medium pyramidal neurons, also spindle shape cells and stellate cells
multiform layer
What NT do pyramidal neurons use?
Pyramidal neurons are Excitatory or Inhibitory?
Pyramidal neurons are afferent or efferent?
Granule neurons use what NT?
Glutamate OR GABA
Granule neurons are excitatory or inhibitory?
What does it mean to be "homotypical cortex"
have al 6 layers (of neocortex)
which type of functional layer is common to association areas?
What are the 2 types of heterotypical corices?
Agranular and Koniocortex
What are Agranular (heterotypical corices)
Has NO Internal granular layer (IV)
Large External pyramidal and Internal pyramidal layers (III and V)
What type of functional layer is common to Primary Motor Cortex?
What are Koniocortex heterotypical cortices?
has LARGE internal granular layers and SMALL internal
pyramidal layers
What type of functional cortex is common to a sensory corticol area?
What is the paleocortex?
Contains olfactory processes
What type of cortex are olfactory processes contained in?
What type of cortex is the hippocampus?
What is BA 17?
What is BA 1,2,3
What is BA 41 and 42?
What is BA 39?
color association
What is BA 6 and 8?
motor association
What is BA 21 and 22?
Auditory association
What layer of the neocortex receives the majority of thalmic input?
This BA receives input from what?
Lateral geniculate
This BA receives input from what?
BA 41/42
medial geniculate body
This BA receives input from what?
BA 1,2,3
Ventral posterior nuclear complex
This BA receives input from what?
ventral lateral/ventral anterior nuclei
Lesions of the Parietal Association cotex result in deficits in what area?
Lesions of hte Temporal association cortex result in deficits in what?
Lesions of the association cortex result in deficits in what?
planning/emotional expression and control
Lateral neglect syndrome usually results from whta?
lesion in the parietal association cortex, usually the Right side
If you had to have damage to a parietal association cortex, which side would you have?
the left, because the right is dominant and can compensate
What is prosopangosia? what is it a result of?
inablitiy to recognize FACES, due to injury to temporal association cortex
what is Agnosia? What is it a result of?
inability to recognize familiar items, due to injury to temporal association cortex
An injury to what results in language complications in recognition?
Left temporal association cortex
An injury to what results in inability to recognize faces?
temporal association cortex
An injury to what would result in a drastic change in personality and behavior pattern?
Fronal association cortex
An injury to frontal association cortex results in what?
a drastic behavior/personality change
What BA is the visual cortex?
what BA is the somatosensory cortex?
what BA is the auditory cortex?
41 and 42
what BA is the color association cortex?
what BA is the motor association cortex?
6 and 8
what BA is the auditory association cortex?
21 and 22
a- visual
b - somatosensory
c - auditory
d - motor association
e - color association
f - auditory association
a - 17
b - 1,2,3
c - 41, 42
d - 6,8
e - 39
f - 21, 22