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10 Cards in this Set

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conduction velocity
The speed at which an action potential is propagated along an axon.
membrane conductance
The reciprocal of membrane resistance. Changes in membrane conductance result from, and are used to describe, the opening or closing of ion channels.
The multilaminated wrapping around many axons formed by oligodendrocytes or Schwann cells.
Process by which glial cells wrap axons to form multiple layers of glial cell membrane that increase axonal conduction velocity.
nodes of Ranvier
Periodic gaps in the myelination of axons where action potentials are generated.
passive current flow
Current flow across neuronal membranes that does not entail the action potential mechanism.
refractory period
The brief period after the generation of an action potential during which a second action potential is difficult or impossible to elicit.
saltatory conduction
Mechanism of action potential propagation in myelinated axons; so named because action potentials “jump” from one node of Ranvier to the next due to generation of action potentials only at these sites.
tetrodotoxin (TTX)
An alkaloid neurotoxin, produced by certain puffer fish, tropical frogs, and salamanders, that selectively blocks voltage-sensitive Na+ channels; eliminates the initial Na+ current measured in voltage clamp experiments.
voltage clamp
A method that uses electronic feedback to control the membrane potential of a cell, simultaneously measuring transmembrane currents that result from the opening and closing of ion channels.