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43 Cards in this Set

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is the multidisciplinary study of the nervous system and its role on behavior
decade of the brain
-expanded knowledge on treatment for neurological disorders, emotional disorders, and addiction
the branch of psychology that studies the relationships between behavior and the body, particularly the brain
the meaning of "behavior"
internal events such as learning, thinking, and emotion
Wilhelm Wundt
-established the first psychology laboratory
mind-body problem
-deals with what the mind is and what its relationship is to the brain
-a mind is just an illusion that the sense of mind is nothing more than the awareness of what our brain is doing
-"single" or "alone"
-the idea that the mind and the body consist of the same substance
materialistic monoism
believe that the body and mind and everything else is physical
-the idea that the mind and the brain are separate
-the body is material and the mind is nonmaterial
-believe that the mind influences behavior by interacting with the brain
-plato was a dualist
is a proposed mechanism for how something works
Rene Descartes
-17th century French philosopher
-used hydraulic model to explain the brain activity
-showed the physical control of behavior
you gather information through observation rather than logic, intuition or other means
Luigi Galvani
-1700s italian physiologist
-showed that he could make a frogs leg muscle twitch by stimulating the attached nerve with electricity even after the nerve and muscle was removed
Gustav Fritsch + Eduard Hitzig
produced movement in dogs by electrically stimulating their exposed brains
the idea that specific areas of the brain carry out specific functions
paul Broca
performed a brain autopsy on a man who lost his ability to speak after a stroke and saw the damage was limited to the left side of the brain
the belief that each of the 35 different "faculties" of emotion and intelligence such as combativeness, inhabitiveness (love of home), calculation and order was located in a precise area of the brain
belief that the brain functions as an undifferentiated whole, the extent of damage not the location, is what determines how much function is lost
-is the biological unit that directs cellular processes and transmits inherited characteristics
-most genes are found on the chromosomes which are located in the nucleus of each cell
a few genes in structures outside the nucleus
every body cell in the human body has ___ chromosomes, arranged in ___pairs
46 chromosomes
23 pairs
fertilized egg
undergoes rapid cell division and development to become a functioning organism
for the first 8 weeks after being zygote
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
-is a double stranded chain of chemical molecules that look like a ladder that has been twisted around itself
-also called double helix
-each rung of the ladder is composed of two of the four bases (A,T,G,C)
the four bases in DNA
1. Adenine (A)
2. Thymine (T)
3. Guanine (G)
4. Cytosine (C)
Genes provide the direction...
for making proteins
act as catalysts- modifying chemical reactions in the body
dominant gene
will produce its effect regardless of the other paired gene
recessive gene
it will have an influence only if its paired with another recessive gene on the other side
x linked
-a characteristic produced by an unpaired gene on the x chromosome
-x linkage explains why for example males are red-green color blind more than girls becuase the Y chromosomes is shorter, some genes on the x chromosomes are not paired with a gene on the y chromosome
same genes
different genes
characteristic on an individual
the combination of genes an individual has
-when characteristics are determined by several genes rather than a single gene pair
-example: height, behavior characteristics
some behavior characteristics that are inheritable
-personality characteristics
-sexual orientation
Genes control the production of proteins-->
which affects the development of brain structures, the production of neural transmitters and receptors that respond to them and functioning of the glandular system
all the genes in our chromosomes
human genome project
-goal was to map the location of all the genes on the human chromosomes and to determine the gene's code (the order of the bases within the gene)
-discovered that 97% of our DNA does not encode proteins and is called "junk proteins"
natural selection
the better ability to adapt the more likely to survive and transmit their genes to their offsprings
genes are constantly changing, producing more or less protein
functioning genes are even controlled by experience
is the percentage of the variation in a characteristic that can be attributed to genetic factors
-means that genes contribute a predisposition for the disorder that may or may not exceed the threshold required to produce the disorder
-example: environment like neglect may combined with hereditary susceptibility
-the combination of person's genes will determine a range of the person's potential characteristic, the environment will determine where that person will land in that range