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173 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Broca's area
speech production
- inferior frontal gyrus
Wernicke's area
language comprehension
- left posterior temporal lobe
3 different tissues in the nervous system
nervous tissue
blood vessels
disintegration of chromafil substance in cell body of neuron after exhaustion or damage to peripheral process
--> dispersal of Nissl bodies
--> cell edema
--> nucleus moved to periphery
Wallerian degeneration
degeneration of N. fiber DISTAL to cut
--> lysis of myelin sheath
transsynaptic degradation
atrophy of N. cells following damage to axons that make synaptic contacts with them
denervation hypersensitivity
denervated structures become extremely sensitive to chemical stimuli
ex. in muscles, increased response to Ach = repetitive contractions
regeneration tube of Schwann cells
- secretes NGF
- guides axon sprouts to their destination
proteins necessary for survival and growth of neurons
--> produced by mm., neurons and glial cells
--> retrograde transport to cell body
neurotrophin R.
- receptor tyrosine kinases
- TrkA = NGF
- TrkB = BDNF
- anterograde transport (toward +)
- fast
- requires ATP/Ca/glucose
- carries: glycoproteins, vesicles
- retrograde transport (toward - )
- slow
- actin, neurofilaments, MTs
4 types of glial cells
- astrocytes
- ependymal cells
- microglial cells
- oligodendrocytes
fibrous astrocyte
many IFs
white matter
protoplasmic astrocyte
gray matter
granular cytoplasm
function of astrocytes
support for neurons
blood brain barrier
scar formation
K+ uptake from cerebral fluid
release of Ca2+
uptake of neurotransmitters
myelin formation in CNS
ependymal cells
present in cerebral ventricles
produce CSF
(ciliated, simple cuboidal epi.)
microglial cells
macrophages located in vicinity of blood cells --> chemotaxis and phagocytosis

- produce ILs and neutrophins
- increased in inflammation
electrolytes conc.

CSF = plasma (4)
electrolyte conc.

CSF < blood
protein - negligible
electrolyte conc.

CSF > blood
Blood Brain Barrier
- made of (1)
- permeable to (2)
- impermeable to (3)
1 = astrocytes, basal mb, endothelium
2 = O2/CO2, ethanol, steroids, lipophilic substances
3 = proteins, hmw substances
ventral horn
cells bodies of somatic efferent N.

- motor area
- contains a-MN and y-MN
dorsal horn
cell bodies of interneurons where afferent N. terminate

- sensory area
intermediate horn
centres of ANS esp. SNS
Bell-Magendie law
impulses enter the spinal cord via dorsal roots and leave the spinal cord via ventral roots
Reflex Arc (5)
1. sensory receptor
2. afferent neuron
3. centre
4. efferent neuron
5. effector
muscle spindle detects changes in (1) and therefore, mediates (2)
1 = muscle length (stretch)
2 = proprioception
intrafusal fiber
8-10 fibers in parallel with muscle
middle of muscle spindle
attached to sides of extrafusal mm. fibers or tendons
contractive ends
two types of intrafusal fibers
nuclear bag fibers
nuclear chain fibers
group Ia and II sensory fibers provide info about (1)
static response
--> info about steady state length of muscle
dynamic stretch reflex
primary endings on nuclear bag fibers, with rapid discharge and rapid muscle contraction
static response reflex
primary endings on nuclear chain fibers, with slow stretching and maintenance of muscle tone
signals from motor cortex are sent to both alpha and gamma MNs
--> contracts both intrafusal and extrafusal fibers at same time
--> keeps muscle spindles from opposing mm. contraction
Functions of Stretch Reflex
maintains muscle tone (static)
adaptation of muscle tone to increased load
prevention of oscillation and jerkiness of muscle
Golgi tendon organ detects (1).

Sends (2) fibers to inhibitory interneurons.
Effect = contracts (3), relaxes (4)
1 = muscle tension
2 = Ib fibers
3 = contracts antagonist
4 = relaxes agonist
function of inverse stretch reflex
prevents muscle damage

maintains muscle tone
Clasp-knife reflex
resistance to passive stretch followed by relaxation

- response of spastic muscle to lengthening
Withdrawl Reflex
- receptor (1)
- afferent neuron (2)
- centre (3)
- efferent neuron (4)
- effectors (5)
1 = naked nerve endings (C fibers)
2 = II, III nerve fibers
3 = polysynaptic (inhibitory interneurons, motor neurons)
4 = motor axons
5 = flexors contract, extensors relax
prolonged repeated firing of motor neurons
ex. strong pain stimulus activates reverberating interneuron circuits
Lower Motor Neuron
alpha motor neuron in ventral horn

brain stem for mm's of head and neck
LMN lesion (5)
1. loss of voluntary control of movement
2. flaccid paralysis
3. loss of spinal reflexes
4. muscle atrophy
5. oscillations of mm. fibers
spinal shock - symptoms
- fall of arterial BP
- loss of: heat reg. reflexes, sacral reflexes, spinal reflexes, voluntary movement and sensation
- decreased muscle tone
2-5 weeks following spinal shock
- neurovegetative reflexes return
- muscle tone is spastic
- spinal reflex hyperactive
- sacral reflexes returned
Renshaw cells
- lateral inhibition
- stimulation of each motor neuron tends to inhibit adjacent motor neurons
pyramidal system
- what type of movement?
voluntary movement
supplementary motor area
programs motor cortex when performing complex, sequential movements
posterior parietal cortex
body image
- appreciation of sensory input from contralateral side of body
motor homunculus
medial = leg, trunk, arm, fingers, face = lateral
lesion of motor cortex
weakness and spasticity, with increased muscle tone and increased resistance to passive stretch
pyramidal tract
- (1) percent of fibers cross midline at medulla forming the (2)
- (3) percent cross midline at spinal cord forming the (4)
1 = 80%
2 = lateral pyramidal tract
3 = 20%
4 = medial pyramidal tract
lesion in lateral pyramidal tract
- disrupts fine motor control
- lateral tract innervates DISTAL mm.
lesion in ventral corticospinal tract
- disrupts walking, balance etc.
- ventral tract innervates PROXIMAL mm. (axial mm)
pyramidal tract fibers terminate on:
70 % (1)
15 % (2)
15 (3)
1 = inter neurons
2 = alpha motor neurons
3 = dorsal horn of spinal cord
Upper Motor Neuron Lesion
loss of voluntary activity
increased muscle tone (spastic)
spinal reflexes hyperactive
positive Babinski sign
Babinski sign
dorsiflexion of big toe
plantar flexion (fanning) of little toes
Structures making up the basal ganglia
globus pallidus
caudate nucleus
substantia nigra
subthalamic nucleus
Parkinson's disease
degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra (pars compacta
Features of Parkinson's disease
resting tremor
shuffling gait
Huntington's Disease
loss of GABA and cholinergic neurons in basal ganglia
Features of Huntington's
decreased muscle tone
control of posture and equilibrium
control of fine movement of limbs
planning and sequencing of movements
Role of Cerebellum
control of muscle tone
postural control
control of voluntary mm. contraction
planning and sequencing of movement
cerebellar lesion
disturbance of equilibrium
adiadokinesis (inability to perform rapidly alternating movements)
intention tremor
dentate cerebellar nucleus
info concerning actual position and tone of muscles
fastigial cerebellar nucleus
control of posture
cuboiformus/globus nucleus
control of agonist and antagonist muscles of peripheral limbs
decerebrate rigidity
transection of brainstem between superior and inferior colliculi

--> reticulospinal tracts remain intact
--> hyperactivity in all 4 extremities
where is the reticular formation located?
midventral part of the medulla and midbrain
gigantocellular nucleus
- secretes what nt? (1)
- function? (2)
1 = Ach
2 = awake and excited nervous system
locus ceruleus
- secretes what nt? (1)
- function? (2)
1 = NE
2 = excites brain, REM sleep
nuclei raphe
- secretes what nt? (1)
- function? (2)
1 = 5HT
2 = suppresses pain, NREM sleep
substantia nigra
- secretes what nt? (1)
- function? (2)
1 = DA
2 = inhibitory in basal ganglia, excitatory elsewhere
Functions of reticular formation
- heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, swallowing, sneezing, vomiting
Upper Reticular Formation
controls state of brain activity
- RAS = consciousness, alertness
- thalamus = sleep
Lower Reticular Formation
regulation of muscle tone and spinal reflexes
- has a facilitatory area and an inhibitory area (for REM sleep)
Which motor neurons does the lower reticular formation project to?
gamma motor neurons
What kind of feedback does the cortex send to RAS?
positive feedback --> leads to further arousal and activation
effect of general anesthesia on RAS
blocks RAS = loss of consciousness
evoked cortical potentials
seen in anesthesized individuals -- otherwise blocked by normal brain activity
primary evoked cortical potential
highly specific localization
observed where the path of a particular sensory receptor ends
secondary evoked potential
involves the whole cortex, series of waves throughout --> responsible for excitatory state of cortex
What does an EEG record?
summation of cortical post-synaptic potentials in neurons on neocortex (NOT due to currents associated with AP)
synchronization (on EEG)
due to simultaneous firing of large groups of neurons

low frequency, high amplitude


8-12 hZ

non-REM sleep
desynchronization (on EEG)
due to firing of small groups of neurons in sequential order

high frequency, low amplitude


13-30 Hz

mental arithmetic, eyes open
alpha waves (EEG)
8-12 Hz
at rest, with eyes closed
parietoocciptal area
beta waves (EEG)
when attention is focused on something i.e. math
frontoparietal area
theta waves (EEG)
4-7 Hz
hippocampus, parietotemporal region
studying/creation of memory in children
adults --> emotional distress, degenerative brain states
delta waves (EEG)
1-4 Hz
occur in deep sleep, infancy, serious organic disease
located in whole cortex
NREM sleep
4 stages
absence of desynchrony
sleep spindles, delta waves
no dreams
no eye movements
some activity of skeletal mm.
REM sleep
irregular EEG waves, PGO spikes
increased HR, respiration
consolidation of memory
EEG resembles awake stage
Stage 1 Sleep
low voltage, mixed frequency pattern, theta waves
Stage 2 Sleep
sinusoidal "sleep spindles"
occasional biphasic K complexes
Stage 3 Sleep
high amplitude
delta rhythm
body repair (body temp decreases)
Stage 4 Sleep
max slowing with large waves
deep sleeps
shows synchronization (REM)
REM sleep shows increased brain activity in (1) and decreased brain activity in (2)
1 = pontine area, amygdala, cingulate gyrus
2 = decreased activity in prefrontal/parietal cortex
PGO spikes aka. (1)
1 = pontogeniculooccipital spikes

--> large phasic potentials that originate in cholinergic neurons of pons and pass rapidly to LGB and occiptal lobe
What are the 2 roles of the suprachiasmatic nucleus?
- sleep wake cycle
- secretion of melatonin from pineal gland
Effect of 'x' on sleep?
- serotonin ? (1)
- caffeine ? (2)
- PgD2 ? (3)
1 = 5HT - suppresses sleep
2 = adenosine antagonist
3 = NREM sleep
adequate stimulus of sensory receptor
each receptor is highly sensitive to one type of stimuli and the threshold for other stimuli is much higher
Doctrine of Specific Nerve Energies aka. MULLER LAW
sensation evoked is dependent on the kind of receptor stimulated, NOT on the ligand
--> quality of stimulus is encoded by pathway of transmission
Law of Projection
conscious sensation produced is referred to the location of receptor, no matter where the pathway is stimulated ex. phantom limb
pacinian receptor
meissners corpuscle
GTO/muscle spindle
free nerve endings
pain, warmth, cold
sensory receptor potential
i.e. LINE code
amplitude is directly proportional to the intensity of stimulus
Phasic Receptors
adapt rapidly, signal rate of touch i.e. no frequency code (only at beginning and end)
Tonic Receptors
adapt slowly
signal amplitude of skin indentation
have frequency code
Ex. of Phasic Receptors (2)
Pacinian corpuscle
Ex. of Tonic Receptors (4)
merkel cells
ruffini endings
mm. spindles
two point discrimination test
min. distance that can be felt between 2 caliper points that is perceived as different
--> measure of tactile acuity
--> tests integrity of dorsal column medial lemniscal pathway
Anterolateral Pathway
thermal sensations
crude touch
sexual sensations
crude localization
Dorsal Column Pathway
fine touch
Ablation of Somatic Sensory Area 1
deficits in positional sense
inability to discriminate size and shape
deficits in sensory processing in SII
2 Kinds of Pain receptors
free nerve endings
vanilloid receptors
What activates VR-1?
high temperature
What activates VRL-1 receptors?
only temperatures above 50 C
Slow pain is mediated by (1) fibers and (2)

Slow pain has (3) localization and projects to (4)
1 = unmyelinated C fibers
2 = substance P
3 = poor localization
4 = RAS
Fast pain is mediated by (1) fibers and (2)

Fast pain has (3) localization and projects to (4)
1 = alpha delta fibers
2 = glutamate
3 = exact localization
4 = thalamus and SI/SII
Gate Control Hypothesis
can inhibit pain pathways in dorsal horn gate by stimulation of large diameter touch-pressure afferents

--> pain gate is located in spinal cord and is mediated by enkephalins
endogenous opioids system
binds mi, kappa and delta opioid receptors
Visceral Pain is an example of (1) pain that is (2) localized.
1 = slow pain
2 = poorly localized (diffuse, referred)
Parietal pain is an example of (1) pain that is (2) localized
1 = rapid pain
2 = well localized (sharp, strong)
convergence projection theory of referred pain
- convergence of somatic/visceral pain fibers on same 2ndary neurons that project to thalamus and then dorsal horn
What structures make up the limbic system?
cingulate gyrus
septum pellucidum
olfactory bulb
Role of Limbic System?
creation of emotions
motivation and addiction
role in memory
sexual behavior
also controls vegetative structures
After removal of which structures does a person show an abnormal rage response?
septal nuclei
reward area of brain is mediated by (1) neurons located in the (2), (3), (4), (5)
1 = dopaminergic neurons
2 = medial forebrain bundle
3 = ventral tegmentum
4 = nucleus accumbens
5 = dorsal brain stem
punishment area of brain is mediated by (1) neurons located in (2), (3) and (4)
1 = cholinergic neurons
2 = posterior hypothalamus
3 = dorsal midbrain
4 = entorhinal cortex
What is the rational brain? and what is its role?
rational brain = prefrontal cortex
--> modulates and inhibits emotional reactions of limbic system
What brain area is responsible for addiction?
nucleus accumbens (dopaminergic neurons)
Which dopamine receptor plays a role in schizophrenia?
Which dopamine receptor plays a role in addiction?
Which receptors do hallucinogens activate?
Role of serotonin
inhibition of pain
NREM sleep
Medial hypothalamus contains which nuclei?
ventromedial nucleus (satiety)
arcuate nucleus (endocrine control)
anterior hypothalamus contains which nuclei?
paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei (ADH, OT)
suprachiasmatic nucleus
Role of Hypothalamus
modulation of ANS
control of endocrine functions
regulation of circadian rhythms
main centres of homeostatic regulation
the anterior hypothalamus affects (1) nervous system and causes (2)
1 = parasympathetic
2 = urinary bladder contraction
the lateral hypothalamus affects the (1) nervous system and causes (2)
1 = sympathetic
2 = increased heart rate, BP etc.
which area of hypothalamus is responsible for decrease of body temperature?
ANTERIOR hypothalamus
which area of hypothalamus is responsible for increase of body temperature?
POSTERIOR hypothalamus
which brain area responsible for control of body temperature?
preoptic area

--> releases PGs responsible for change in temp. set point during fever
Where is the feeding centre located?
lateral hypothalamus

--> bilateral lesion = lethal starvation
where is the satiety centre located?
ventromedial hypothalamus
3 satiety signals?
increased temperature
increased leptin
increased glucose
Where is leptin synthesized?
white adipocytes from ob gene
function of leptin?
inhibits food intake
what are the magnocellular neurons?
paraventricular - OT
supraoptic - ADH
which are of hypothalamus is osmolarity regulated?
anterior hypothalamus
non-declarative memory is considered (1) and involves (2), (3), (4) and (5).
1 = implicit
2 = skills/habits
3 = conditioning
4 =nonassociative learning
5 = priming
declarative memory involves (1) and is memory for (2) and (3)
1 = awareness/concsiousness
2 = semantics (words)
3 = episodic (events)
what are the 2 forms of implicit memory?
nonassociative --> habituation, sensitization

associative --> skills/habits, conditioning, priming
single stimulus, repeated many times --> organism eventually ignores the stimulus and shows a decrement in response
enhancement of a behavioral response to a stimulus when it is coupled with a novel stimulus to the animal
Mechanism of habituation
decrease release of nt because of decreased Ca2+ influx at PRE terminal (gradual inactivation)
mechanism of sensitization
increase in synaptic transmission due to increased Ca2+ influx at PRE
long term potentiation is mediated by which receptors? and which neurotransmitter?
1 = NMDA receptors on POST neuron
2 = glutamate
retrograde amnesia
inability to recall former events
anterograde amnesia
inability to form new long term memory
Role of Prefrontal Association Area
planning voluntary movement
making plans for future
moral laws
Left Hemisphere
- dominant hemisphere
- categorical
- math
- analysis
- conclusions
- language
lesions of LH result in ?
language disorders
Right Hemisphere
- representational
- spatio-temporal relation
- creativity
- facial recognition
- non verbal communication
lesion of RH results in ?
feeling of euphoria
fluent aphasia
Wernickes area

--> normal words, but speech makes no sense
nonfluent aphasia
brocas area

--> know what to say, but cannot articulate
anomic aphasia
angular gyrus

--> difficulty understanding written word
conduction aphasia
arcuate fasciculus

--> speak well and comprehend but cant form words together