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61 Cards in this Set

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_____: receptors detect external and internal stimuli


______: the brain and spinal chord process sensory input and produce responses


_______: The nervous system coordinates the activities of other systems in order to maintain homeostasis


Anatomy professor interested in frog muscles, as well as devices for creating static electricity

Galvani 1780

Galvani observed that when electricity was applied to the frog leg muscle it ______


Galvani's observation led to theories about animals producing their own ______ and that the ______ _____ conducted this ______

electricity; nervous system; electricity

______ receive information from other neurons


The ____ ____ contains the nucleus and most cell organelles

cell body

The axon hillock integrates information collected by ______ and initiates _____ ______

dendrites; axon potentials

The _____ conducts action potentials away from the cell body


____ _____ synapse with a target cell

Axon terminals

_____ _____ collect information from many other cells

Bushy dendrites

Neurons with fewer _____ process fewer inputs


Some neurons _____ over a broad area, and some communicate long distances via _____ ____

branch; long axons

measure of the number of charge particles moving


the difference in electrical potential between two points; the force which pushes charged particles against a resistance


a device frequently made from a glass capillary tube which can be inserted into a cell's plasma membrane to detect voltage


the voltage observed across the plasma membrane of cells; for animal cells it is negative inside

resting potential

ability of a substance to pass through or across the plasma membrane


measure of the permeability of a charged particle; inverse of resistance


In an unstimulated neuron, constant difference of ____mV between outside and inside is the resting potential


All human cells have a _____ _____ if they are healthy

resting potential

Only a few cell types exhibit reversible regulated changes in their membrane potentials. Some of these regulated changes are called _____ ____

action potentials

ion channels that respond to chemical signals

ligand gated channels

ion channels that respond to changes in voltage

voltage gated channels

Some channels ______; won't respond to signal for a set period of time


Rising phase:

voltage gated sodium and potassium channels open after ____ is reached


Rising phase:

sodium channels open _____ and more in ______

faster; unison

Potassium channels open more ______ and more ______

slowly; stochastically

During the _____ _____ the action potential will not respond to further stimulation (absolute refractory period)

rising phase

Falling phase:

Sodium channels ______; won't _____ for a period of time

inactivate; reactivate

Falling phase:

Many ______ channels are open


During the _____ ____ the action potential is mostly unresponsive to further stimulus (still in absolute refractory period) Strong stimulation may trigger new ____ _____ late in this stage (_____ refractory period)

falling phase; action potential; relative

Recovery Phase:

The local sodium and potassium ion concentrations are restored to resting potential by the _____ and _____ ______ into the cytoplasm

pump; passive diffusion

Recovery phase:

The membrane potential returns to resting due to diffusion of ions _____ ____ the membrane and the diffusion of downstream sodium into the _________ region

away from; hyperpolarized

Action potentials travel down an _____


An action potential is ____ or ____

all or none

The amplitude of an action potential is _____


The frequency of action potentials gives information about the stimulus ______


_______ _______ is when the action potential hops from one node to the next

Saltatory Conduction

3 key steps of information flow in neuronal networks:

1. Axonal conduction of the _____ _____

2. Synaptic transmission of _____ ______ from presynaptic to postsynaptic neuron

3. Postsynaptic neuron integration of inputs to determine if _____ _____ is ______

action potential; chemical signal; action potential is fired

The neurotransmitter used by all vertebrate neuromuscular synapses is ______


Resting potential is closest to the ______ equilibrium potential because it is the most permeable


Integration: Summation

Each neuron may have 1000 or more ____ _____, but it has only one output: an action potential in a _____ ____

synaptic inputs; single axon

Integration: Summation

Because postsynaptic potentials decrease in strength as they spread from the site of the synapse, a synapse at the ____ of the ____ has less influence than a synapse on the ___ ___, near the axon hillocke

tip of the dendrite; cell body

_____ _____ occurs when several excitatory postsynaptic potentials arrive at the axon hillock SIMULTANEOUSLY

Spatial summation

______ _____ means that postsynaptic potentials created at the same synapse in RAPID SUCCESION can be summed

Temporal summation

Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter, so activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors will always result in ____ entry into the neuron and depolarization


The AMPA receptor is _____


The NMDA receptor is _____


The AMPA receptor allows a _____ influx of Na+ into the postsynaptic cell, whereas the NMDA receptor allows a _____, ___-_____ influx of Na+

rapid; slower, longer-lasting

The NMDA receptor require that the cell be somewhat ______ through the action of other receptors before their pores will open and permit ____ influx

depolarized; na+

When the NMDA receptors do open, they also allow ____ as well as Na+ to enter the cell. ___ ions act as second messengers in the cell an can trigger a variety of cellular changes, such as activation of certain ____ ____

Ca2+; Calcium; protein kinases

Glutamate can bind to both _____ and _____ receptors.

ionotropic; metabotropic

The ____ maintains the na+ and k+ over the long term


Action potentials travel faster in ______ axons vs ______ and in larger ______ vs smaller _____ axons

myelinated vs. nonmyelinated; diameter, diameter

Summation takes place at the ____ _____

axon hillock

_____ is the major mechanism by which the nervous system integrates info



Is an ion channel, neurotransmitter binds to it causing a direct change in ion movement across the post synaptic cell

Ionotropic receptor


Isn't an ion channel, induces signaling cascades in the post synaptic cell that secondarily leads to changes in ion channels

Metabotropic receptor

Metabotropic receptors are _____ and longer lived vs ionotropic receptors that are _____ and short lived

slower; fast