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66 Cards in this Set

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Action of non-depolarizing curare type muscle relaxants
compete w/ and prevent Ach action at Sk MM endplate, may actually plug ion channel. Is a surmountable block, can be reversed by giving AchE inhibitors (neostigmine); they don't cross BBB!
General effects of non-depolarizing curare type muscle relaxants
Eyes & Face MM first (check for poker face & ptosis on induction), next large muscles, and finally respiratory mm. (Respiratory mm have LARGEST receptor reserve!) Respiratory paralysis may occur at full doses, give mechanical ventilation to support patient
Reversal of non-depolarizing curare type muscle relaxants
use neostigmine or pyridostigmine to increase endogenous NT at receptors
Action of depolarizing neuromuscular relaxants
acts like N-agonist, depolarizes NM endplate but it is a continuous depolarization (Too long)
continuous depolarization results in muscle relaxation & paralysis
continuous administration results in a phase I (continous depol)… ...to phase II shift (gradual repol w/resistance to depolarization)
How to reverse a depolarizing neuromuscular relaxants
phase 1 is helped by cholinesterase inhibitors & phase II is reversible
Action of spasmolytics
spasmolytics do not resemble Ach at all, they work in the CNS or INSIDE of the sk mm cell

have several MOA, some involving GABA, some in skeletal muscle cell to block SR release of Calcium (use of Ryanodine R)
Reversal of spasmolytics
dantrolene (to block Ca from SR) can reverse malignant hyperthermia caused by too much SR Ca output!
Why use Tubocurarine
you wouldn't!
not used clinically
only for lethal injection
What type of NM is Tubocurarine
PK of Tubocurarine
equal kidney & renal excretion, LONGEST t 1/2 of class (greater than 60 minutes)
Drug interactions of Tubocurarine
enhanced Ab effect; pts. Can develop malignant hyperthermia
Overall length of half life
Why use Pancuronium
adjuvant in surgery, abdominal wall relaxation, orthopedic procedures
Method of action of Pancuronium
PK of Pancuronium
renal excretion, duration 30-60 minutes (intermediate)
Drug interactions of Tubocurarine
enhanced Ab effect; pts. Can develop malignant hyperthermia
Pancuronium contraindicated for
renal failure (see PK)
Overall length of half life
Drug interactions of Pancuronium
enhanced effect of antibiotics, particularly aminoglycosides
Why use Pancuronium
adjuvant in surgery, abdominal wall relaxation, orthopedic procedures
Why use Vecuronium
adjuvant in surgery, abdominal wall relaxation, orthopedic procedures
OK for patients with ORGAN problems (renal, hepatic)
Method of action of Pancuronium
MOA of Vecuronium
Non-depolarizing NM relaxant
PK of Pancuronium
renal excretion, duration 30-60 minutes (intermediate)
PK of Vecuronium
metabolic elimination, t 1/2 about 30-45 min
Pancuronium contraindicated for
renal failure (see PK)
Drug interactions of Pancuronium
enhanced effect of antibiotics, particularly aminoglycosides
Why use Vecuronium
adjuvant in surgery, abdominal wall relaxation, orthopedic procedures
OK for patients with ORGAN problems (renal, hepatic)
MOA of Vecuronium
Non-depolarizing NM relaxant
PK of Vecuronium
metabolic elimination, t 1/2 about 30-45 min
Drug interactions with Vecuronium
enhanced Ab effect
Why use Rocuronium
intubation, relaxation during surgery or ventilation
MOA of Rocuronium
Non-depolarizing NM relaxatn
PK of Rocuronium
hepatic elimination; t 1/2 (25 minutes)
Contraindications for Rocuronium
NOT for hepatic failure patients
okay for renal failure
Drug interactions of Rocuronium
enhanced Ab effect
Why use Mivacuronium
good for intubation or surgery in pts w/renal failure
MOA of Mivacuronium
PK of Mivacuronium
FAST metabolic elimination, SHORTEST t 1/2 here (=15-20 minutes!)
Drug interactions of Mivacuronium
enhanced Ab effect
Affect of Succinylcholine
causes flaccid paralysis, generally only use for Phase I and not Phase II
MOA of Succinylcholine
PK of Succinylcholine
metabolized by plasma cholinesterases (liver, plasma); so very short t 1/2 if single dose; succinylcholine is just 2Ach's hooked together
Adverse effects of Succinylcholine
not an analgesic, muscle pain (from induction fasciculations), hyperkalemia (K+ release from Motor End-Plate), autonomic problems due to N-ganglion stimulation, cardiac arrythmia
Drug interactions of Succinylcholine
interaction w/inhaled anesthetics can cause malignant hyperthermia! Early sign is jaw mm contraction (trismus)
Contraindications of Succinylcholine
not for BURN patients (K+ situation) or major soft tissue injury or myopathies

patients that have genetic mutations of plasma cholinesterase metabolize succinylcholine real slow so be careful
Why useBaclofen
spinal cord spasticity; multiple sclerosis
Drug action of Baclofen
Direct AGONIST of GABAB receptors on 1a nerve terminals (muscle spindle)
MOA of Baclofen
Adverse effects of Baclofen
drowsiness, mental disturbances (altered mental state)
How do I know what GABA receptor Baclofen works on
Baclofen starts w/B, is Gaba B' muscle spindles=sensory afferents
Why use Diazapam (Valium)
flexor & extensor spasm, spinal spasticity, multiple sclerosis
MOA of Diazapam (Valium)
SPASMOLYTIC, technically a benzodiazapine, GABA pre-synaptic AGONIST
Drug action of Diazapam (Valium)
GABAA agonist, increase Cl-influx to decrease excitability of neurons
Adverse events of Diazapam (Valium)
drowsiness, sedation
Contraindication for Diazapam (Valium)
narrow angle glaucoma or untreated open-angle glaucoma
What type of receptor does Diazapam (Valium) work on
DiAzApAm gives you THREE clues that it is Gaba A
Why use Tizanidine
Multiple Sclerosis, spinal spasticity
Drug effects of Tizanidine
alpha-2 agonist activity, see pre/post synaptic inhibition in the spinal cord
MOA of Tizanidine
SPASMOLYTIC (alpha 2 agonist) is in CLOZAPINE family
Adverse effects of Tizanidine
drowsiness and hypotension
Why use Dantrolene
spasticity from stroke, spinal cord injury, MS or Cerebral Palsy. Malignant Hyperthermia.
Drug Affect of Dantrolene
acts in sk mm cell to block RyR (Ca Channel on SR)
MOA of Dantrolene
Adverse effects of Dantrolene
muscle weakness, sedation, hepatitis
Drug interactions of Dantrolene
can treat malignant hyperthermia from succinylcholine

can treat malignant hyperthermia from inhaled anesthetics (block Ca relese)