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93 Cards in this Set

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Recurrent seizures
50ml D40W + 100mg thiamine
Phenytoin intra-ictally (15-20microg/ml) or 10-20mg diazepam IV
Status epilepticus 0-5miN
O2, protect airway, monitor, IV, glucose level, toxicology, etc
Status 6-9min
100mg + 100ml D20W (kids 1mg/kg D40W).
If hypogly or glucose level unknown
Status 10-20min
Diazepam 0.2mg/kg at 5mg/min IV (10-20mg), may be repeated in 5min.
If does not work try Clonazepam 2mg bolus at 0.5mg/min and then 2mg/h or Lorazepam at 0.1mg/kg
Status 21-60min
15-20mg/kg Phenytoin via different canula at 50mg/min. Maximal daily phenytion 1-1.5g
Absence status? focal status?
Absence - clonazepam, focal status - clonazepam and later phenytoin 125mg
Status >60min?
give extra phenytoin to level of 30mg/kg then phenobarbital 15-20mg/kg slowly, then thiopental (100-200mg IV) and propofol and artifical vent
5g Mg-sulfate in 200ml saline, 20min infusion. Check level every 60min, check patellar reflex
DD of sudden lose of tone?
Drop attack (VB TIA), Cataplexy, Parkinson, Asterixis, Tonic falls (BS origin),
How do you categorize syncope?
Cardiac origin (with arrhythmia, w/o), extracardiac origin with reduced CO (vasovagal, carotid sinus sens., tussive, micturition), orthostatic disturbances
DW-MRI, PW-MRI, how do you use?
Reversible damage - decreaesd perfusion with normal diffusion. Irreversible damage - decreased perfusion & decreased diffusion
Head injuries CT scale:?
1. Negative CT
2. no shift, hyperdense or mixed lesions <25ml
3. shift 0-5mm, lesions <25ml
4. lesions >25ml, shift >5mm
Definition of concussion? contusion?
Concussion - blunt impact,, short period of LOC, transient amnesia, no focal sign
Contusion - blunt impact, brain tissue damage + focal signs
Sx of contusion?. Rx for depressed skull fx?
coup/contracoup, edema, focal signs (eye-field, aphasia, etc), seizures, skull base fracture, LOC. If brainstem - impact at craniocervical area may be fatal.
Depressed skull fx - if depth > width --> surgery
Traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage - when is the bleeding?
80% within 48h, 20% DITCH- delayed intracerebral traumatic hematoma - days 2-6
Types of subdural hematoma? Rx?
Acute - <72h hyperdense crescent lesion + focal signs, seizures, IICP
Subacute - 3-15days - ~isodense, leading sx IICP
Chronic - >20days mainly in old, alcohol, epilepsy. hypodense -- sx imbalance, headache, slowly progressing focal signs, behavior changes.
Rx - acute/subacute - immediate evacuation. mortality 40%!. Chronic - may be postponed
Sx of epidrual hematoma? rx?
Temporal region, altered LOC, focal signs , IICP, LUCID INTERVAL only in 10%!
Midazolam / fentanyl dosage for sedation ?
Midazolam 0.09 mg/kg/h, Fentanyl 0.0012mg/kg/h
Types of cerebral edema?
Cytotoxic (48h, ischemia/hypoxia), vasogenic (tumors, BBB, white matter, finger like)
General rx of IICP
Hyperventilate, 20% mannitol 200-250ml, Dexamethasone (tumors), stabilize BP at 160, sedate with thiopental 200mg)
IICP - treatment, not emergency
elevate head of bed, hypervent to 28-35 CO2, If tumor 40mg dexamethasone IV then 6mg q6h.
Osmotic therapy - 0.35mg/kg mannitol over 10min IV (be careful rebound effect, reduce dose when SeOSM >320, stop when >340, do not give in HF). 40% sorbitol 0.5g/kg x6/d also possible
Dosages in IICP
Dexamethasone 40mg IV then 4-6mg q6h.
Mannitol 0.35mg/kg, 40% sorbitol 0.5g/kg q4h, Glycerine 0% IV 500ml over 5 hours.
Thiopental 5mg/kg IV bolus then 4mg/kg/h, Phenobarbital 5mg/kg q4h)
Antiplatelet drugs- dosages
Aspirin: 325mg post stroke, 75-100 prophylaxis
Dipyridamole - 400mg/d
ticlopidine - 250mgx2
Clopidogrel - 75mg
Asymptomatic ICA stenosis CEA indications
>60%, M/M < 3%, no serious heart disease, good condition, male
Warfarin after TIA
CHADS2, give for 3 months, then switch to Aspirin UNLESS obvious cardiogenic emboli source then continue Warfarin
CEA after recurrent TIA, minor stroke
If >70% stenosis and m/m <5-6%
CEA after recurrent TIA, minor stroke - C/I
With intracranial stenosis, ICA occlusion, post stroke/MI, unstable severe HTN, pulmonary diseases, focal neurological signs, unstable angina
Progressive stroke (in evolution) rx
Treat IICP if present. Heparinization at 5000U bolus IV + 1000U/h later. PTT x2-3, after 1-2 weeks transition to warfarin for 3 months
When should a stroke patient be admitted to ICU?
Stupor/coma, ventilation req., IICP, CV, renal, metabolic complications and sepsis
When do you decrease HTN in case of thrombotic stroke?
If >220mmHg - and then only 15% in first 24h
When is edema maximal post stroke?
evident within a few hours but maximal 2-4d post
Whats the bes drugs for quick decrease of HTN (>220) in stroke ischemic stroke patients?
Nitroprussid 0.25-10microg/kg (t1/2 minutes), Labetalol 20-80mg IV (t1/2 hours)
dosage of rTPA, indications
0.9mg/kg (max 90mg), 10% as bolus rest in an hour. Indications(Csiba)- <4.5h, Basilar <12h, MCA 6h (IA!!). C/I - stupor/coma, INR>1.7, mild, fast remission, BP >185, >1/3 MCA infarct, Plt<100,000, History of IC hem
Locations of HTN parenchymal bleeding
B.G(50%), thalamus, cerebellum, pons, hemisphere (in that order)
recurrent hemorrhage in hemorrhagic stroke (risk %, when). Other 2nd complications
15% risk, esp in first 6h, other - seizures, edema,m hydrocephalus
How to treat HTN in hemorrhagic stroke
stabilize BP at 180. Urapidil 25mg IV bolus then 2mg/min. Nifedipine 10-20mg SL. Metoprolol 5-10mg IV. Nitroprusside final choice at 0.3microg/kg)
Osmotic thearpy in hemorrhagic stroke
200ml 20% mannitol IV bolus or 250ml 10% glycerin x4d
Surgical rx for IC hem - C/I, Indications
C/I - brainstem, thalamus, coma, coagulopathy - NO SURGICAL RX
Indications - putamen >30ml, cortical >50ml, altered LOC, brainstem herniation, midline shift
Surgical rx for cerebellar hemorrhage- indications
Hematoma >20ml and GCS <13
What are the dosages for reversal of anticoagulant therapy upon IC hem?
Vit. K 5-25mg or 2-3 units of FFP for warfarin,
30mg Protamine sulfate IV for Heparin
4-6 bags of Cryopercipitate for thrombolysis
5 clinical symptoms of cerebral vein/sinus thrombosis
Headache, seizures, vomiting, IICP, altered LOC
Sinus/venous thrombosis - what do you see on LP? on CT? on DSA?
LP - xantochromatia
CT - empty delta sign (SSS) + edema...
DSA - missing enhancement, cork-screw veins
Rx for sinus/venous thrombosis? if in PP?
Heparin (5000 bolus, 1000/h), oral anti coagulant after that. In Postpartum - STEROIDS 60-80mg
Hunt-Hess grading for SAH?
I - asymp or minimal headache
II - moderate/severe HA, nuchal rgidity, CN palsy
III - drowsiness, confusion, mild focal deficits
IV -stupor, hemiparesis
V - coma,decerebrate.
If I-III - operation possible <3 or >14 days. If IV-V postpone
Medical rx for SAH
NO aspirin.
Sedation with Propofol 0.4mg/kg/h, BP at 160
Nimodipine for vasospasm prophy
Vasospasm after SAH prophy and rx
Prophy -nimodipine 30microg/kg/h for 10 days then oral 60m q6h for 7 days. Rx - 30microg/kg/h for 2 weeks than same orally.
ALSO - 3H therapy --> hypertension (160-180 with dobutamine), hypervolemia (albumin 250ml x3d for CVP of 12) hemodilution(Hct 30%)
What is the difference between a conus and a conus-cauda syndrome?
Conus only - NO paresis (only perianal hypoasthesia and loss of reflexes)
What's the difference in continence with lesions above or below T12?
Above - reflex bladder will develop after some time
Below - atonic bladder, will not empty
GBS - 3 signs, 4 DD
signs- ascending distal limb weakness, fatigue, facial palsy (NO sensory deficit or very mild). Also don't forget Albumin-cytologic dissoc.
DD - PN, borreliosis, lead intox, porphyria
Differences between GBS and CDIP
in CDIP - much slower progression, old age, gloves/stockings sensory deficits and distal muscles atrophy
Rx for GBS? R
Plasmapheresis 50ml/kg x 5 days, if after 2-3 weeks still no imporvement - 7S IVIg 0.4/kg x 5 times
Rx for CIDP?
Plasmapheresis 50ml/kg x 5 times or Methylprednisolone 250-500mg/d for 5d IV(try 2 weeks) or IVIG 0.4g/kg x 5 times.
for relapse prevention - steroids, azatihoprin, cyclosporn (100mg bid)
Signs for imminent mysathenic crisis?
progressing dysarthria, supf. breathing, difficulty raising head, loss of weight
Rx for cholinergic crisis in MG?
stop AchE-inh, give 1-2mg Atropine, ICU
Pyridostigmine dosage? Neostigmine?
Pyrido- 60-300mg q4h
Neo - 15-30mg q4h
Scheme for PE for MG? C/I?
Scheme- 8 exchanges, 2 liters each. 1-2-3 daily, 4-5-6 every other daily, 7 4 days after 6, 8 8 days after 7
C/I - HF, coagulopathies, allergy.
HAS to be combined with immunosuppression as decrease in Ab concentration will result in increased synthesis
Whats the immune suppression options for concurrent therapy of MG with PE?
Prednisolone 100mg after each PE
Steroids regimen for MG?
30mg/day perdnisolone up to 100mg/d then for 10 days and reduce gradually over months to 7.5mg/d. (not sx may worsen initially with steroids)
Immunosuppresion options for MG other than steroids?
Azazthioprine 2.5mg/kg/d - hepatotoxic. Cyclophosphamide 2.5mg/kg/d - alopecia, hepatotoxic, BM suppression
Cyclosporin - 5mg/kg/d - nephrotoxic, no BM suppression
Drugs that may worsen MG sx?
Aminoglycosides, lidocaine/phenytoin, diazepam, b-blockers, acetozolamide, lithium.
If muscle relaxant needed - Atracurium 1/10 of dose
Steroids therapy for acute MS exacerbation?
1-5d 500-1000mg methylprednisolone IV then day 6-7 80mg PO, then reduce 20mg every other day.
If ineffective try ACTH or second course.
IF life threatening - cyclophosphamide 50mg/kg for 2 days
% of people that have chronic tension headache? % of migraine?
Tension - 3% chronic, Migraine - 10% women 5% men
Abortive rx for migraine
Metoclopramide 10mg po, DHEA 0.5mg intranasally, Sumatriptan 25-100mg po, 6mg SC (aspirin 500mg po or ibuprofen 300mg po or paracetamol 500mg po also)
migraine prophy
Metoprolol 100mg, verapamil 80mg q8h, flunarizine 5-10mg, naproxen 500mg q12h
Cluster headache - prevalence, acute rx, prevention
0.04-0.7%, Acute - O2, local lidocaine, sumatriptan (6mg sc) or DHEA (0.5mg nasal). Prevention - CCB, steroids (prednisolone 50mg) or Lithium 675mg. For prevention of episodic (not chronic) may also use Valproic acid 600mg
Trigeminal neuralgia rx?
200-400mg carbamazepine, blood levels 5-12micromol/l
Phenytoim 100mg q8h, gabapentin. Baclofen 5mg q8 and valproic also possible
In vertigo resulting from extraocular muscle problem - when is the diplopia worst?
When patient looks towards affected muscle
In Meniere's - which side is it easier for the patient to turn head to?
The affected side. Looking at the healthy ear makes sx worse
Rx for meniere?
During attack - antiemetics, dimenhydrinat rectally 100mg, diazepam 10mg IV. Between attacks- betahistine 16mg q8h
Maneuvers for BPPV?
Diagnosis - Dix-Hallpike, Rx- Epley
Steroids for temporal arteritis?
120-500mg methylprednisolone IV first day, then 120mg/d until ESR normalizes.
3 local and 3 systemic complications of meningitis
local - edema, abscess, subdural empyema
systemic - septic shock, waterhouse-friedrichsen, pneumonia
Dx of HSV encephalitis
CT - hypodense from 3rd-4th day, EEG - spike+slow wave activity may evolve to rhythmic triphasic activity. CSF - mononuclear pleocytosis, elevated protein, increased CSF/serum albumin ratio, serology, PCR
Rx of HSV encephalitis
Acyclovir 10mg/kg q8 IV for 2 weeks. Give prophy carbamazepine 200mg q12h
Management of anxiety in dementia
Tiaprid 200-300mg/d, if paranoid give haloperidol 2mg/d. If BDZ - chose short ones (midazolam) as t1/2 can be prolonged in elderly
If treating depression in dementia, what to avoid?
avoid drugs with significant anit-cholinergic effect as the dementia process already depleted the Ach
Rx for Delerium Tremens
If with cardio-pulmonary compromise - Diazepam 10mg/h until sx disappear then 20mg/q6h.
If no compromise- give Clomethiazole 400-800mg max 1000mg in first 2h. Maintanance 1-2 capsules q2h.
Others - Haloperidol 5mg IV q6h, Dexamethasone 3mg q12h
S/E of Carbamazapine intox?
AV block, CNS agitations leading to coma, seizures, depressed ventilation. Treat with 20mg diazepam
S/E of phenytoin intox
heart blocks, hypergly, altered LOC, nystagmus, seizures
S/E of valproic acid intox
confusion, hallucinations, absent DTR, coma, elevated ammonia level. If given with Barbiturates (CAVE!) even normal levels can develop valproate-encephalopathy (if so give Flumazenil), else give Naloxone
S/E of methyl-dopa
hypotension, N/V, hallucinations, hyperkinesis
S/E baclofen intox
depressed ventilation, altered LOC, seizures, decreased muscle tone
S/E of bDZ intox
dysarthria, ataxia, resp depression, reduced tone, reflexes - give flumazenil 1ml IV up to 5ml IV(effect only 30min). If severely intox withdrawal will lead to seizures!
Naloxone dosage?
0.001mg/kg IV can repeat 3 times every 5 min
AED causing ataxia? causing nv?
Ataxia- PC (pheny,carba), NV-pcv
AED causing diplopia, headace
Diplopia- PC, headache- Ethosuximd
AED causing sedation? tremor?
sedation-PCP, tremor-V
AED causing weight gain? alopecia?
weight gain - CV, alopica-V
AED causing hirsutism? gingival hyperplasia?
hirsutism+gingival - phenytoin
drugs causing sensory PN
Chloramphenicol, Cisplatin
Drugs causing mainly sensory PN
Hydralazine, metronidazole
Drugs causing motor PN
Dapsone, some sulfa
drugs causing mixed PN
amiodarone, disulfiram, vincristine