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125 Cards in this Set

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Name all 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
Which cranial nerves are sensory?
Which cranial nerves are motor?
Which cranial nerves are mixed?
Which cranial nerves are autonomic (parasympathetic) axons?
What is the function of the olfactory nerve?
perception of smell
major component of normal behavior
(social, feeding, sexual)
What is the optic nerve responsible for?
conscious vision
eye preservation reflex- menace response (blink), pupillary light reflex (PLR)
WHat is the pathway of the optic nerve?
light transmits to the optic chiasm to the optic tract & terminates in the prerectal nucleus, rostal colliculus & lateral geniculate nucleus
Where does the light that transmits through the optic nerve terminate?
prerectal nucleus
rostral colliculus
lateral geniculate nucleus
___________ of the Mesencephalon (relay for pupillary light reflex)
Pretectal nucleus
___________ of Mesencephalon (relay for sight avoidance reflex and pupil dilation).
Rostral colliculus
_____________ of the thalamus of the diencephalon (relay for sight preservation [menace response] and relay for conscious vision, visual acuity)
Lateral geniculate nucleus
WHat are the reflexes associated with the optic nerve?
Menace response
Sight avoidance
Pupil response
WHat is the normal function of the oculomotor nerve?
LMN (GSE) responsible for motor innervation of levator skeletal muscle of the upper eyelid

the dorsal, medial and ventral rectus muscles and the ventral oblique muscle (skeletal).
__________ allow conscious and reflex eye movements of the eyeball and elevation of the upper eyelid.
_________ is a lower motor neuron, autonomic parasympathetic innervation of the constrictor muscles of the iris causes constriction of the pupil(miosis).
_________ ganglion of CN III is an associated ganglia which houses post ganglionic parasympathetic, lower motor neuron cell bodies which innervates the constrictor muscle of the iris.
cilary (motor)
What cranial nerve controls the rotating of the eye medioventral.
trochlear (CN IV)
WHat is the normal function of the abducens nerve?
LMN responsible for motor innervation of the Lateral rectus muscle of the eye and Retractor bulbi muscle of the eye.
_______ nerve allows conscious and reflex lateral movement of the eye and/or protrusion of the third eyelid.
What are some signs of dysfunction in the Abducens nerve?
medial deviation of the eye (medial stabismus) & inability to move the eye laterally.
What reflexes is associated with the Abducens nerve?
Oculocephalic reflex (dull eye reflex)
Corneal reflex
________ reflex is associated with sensory CN III, IV, VI
________ reflex is associated with sensory CN V & CN VII.
_________ is a lower motor neuron, autonomic parasympathetic innervation of the constrictor muscles of the iris causes constriction of the pupil(miosis).
_________ ganglion of CN III is an associated ganglia which houses post ganglionic parasympathetic, lower motor neuron cell bodies which innervates the constrictor muscle of the iris.
cilary (motor)
_________ is responsible for motor innervation to dorsal oblique muscle of the eye (GSE)
trochlear nerve
What cranial nerve controls the rotating of the eye medioventral.
trochlear (CN IV)
WHat is the normal function of the abducens nerve?
LMN responsible for motor innervation of the Lateral rectus muscle of the eye and Retractor bulbi muscle of the eye.
_______ nerve allows conscious and reflex lateral movement of the eye and/or protrusion of the third eyelid.
What are some signs of dysfunction in the Abducens nerve?
medial deviation of the eye (medial stabismus) & inability to move the eye laterally.
What reflexes is associated with the Abducens nerve?
Oculocephalic reflex (dull eye reflex)
Corneal reflex
________ reflex is associated with sensory CN III, IV, VI
________ reflex is associated with sensory CN V & CN VII.
WHich cranial nerves are always considered as a group & are always tested together?
WHat is another name for an observed deviation of the eye?
Name the the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve.
Which CN is sensory to the whole head for pain, touch, temperature & pressure, which means the whole head & all associated parts.
trigeminal (mixed)
_______ projects motor axons to the muscles of mastification; only in the mandibular branch of this nerve.
trigeminal (mixed)
What is the associated ganglia of the trigeminal nerve?
trigeminal ganglia
_______ branchs of the trigeminal nerve has GSA axons only.
opthalmic & maxillary
What parts of the face does the does the opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve innervate?
A sensory division to the skin of the forehead, the skin lateral to the eye, most of the nasal cavity & the cornea of the eye.
Where do the axons of the opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve terminate?
the main sensory nucleus of CN V in the metencephalon (touch, pressure, etc.) & the spinal nucleus of CN V in the myelencephalon (pain)
Where do the axons of the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve terminate?
The same nuclei as the opthalmic branch
What parts of the face does the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve innervate?
lower lateral eye lid, nasal mucosa, all upper teeth & upper gums (middle of the face)
________ branch of the trigeminal nerve is both motor & sensory.
What muscles does the motor portion of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve GSE LMN innervate?
motor for mastification
What muscles does the sensory portion of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve GSA LMN innervate?
lower face & interauricular part of the ear.
Which cranial nerves are associated with the motor component of the corneal reflex?
What is the sensory component of the corneal reflex associated with?
opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve
What is the motor component of the corneal reflex associated with?
Touch the cornea eye close- CN VII
Third eyelid protrudes- CN VI
What is the sensory component of the palpebral reflex associated with?
opthalmic branch of CN V
What is the motor component of the palpebral reflex associated with?
What cranial nerves are associated with touching the lateral & medial parts of the eyelid?
medial angle = ophthalmic branch
lateral angle = ophthalmic branch & maxillary branches of trigeminal
WHich cranial nerves are always considered as a group & are always tested together?
WHat is another name for an observed deviation of the eye?
Name the the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve.
Which CN is sensory to the whole head for pain, touch, temperature & pressure, which means the whole head & all associated parts.
trigeminal (mixed)
_______ projects motor axons to the muscles of mastification; only in the mandibular branch of this nerve.
trigeminal (mixed)
What is the associated ganglia of the trigeminal nerve?
trigeminal ganglia
_______ branchs of the trigeminal nerve has GSA axons only.
opthalmic & maxillary
What parts of the face does the does the opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve innervate?
A sensory division to the skin of the forehead, the skin lateral to the eye, most of the nasal cavity & the cornea of the eye.
Where do the axons of the opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve terminate?
the main sensory nucleus of CN V in the metencephalon (touch, pressure, etc.) & the spinal nucleus of CN V in the myelencephalon (pain)
Where do the axons of the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve terminate?
The same nuclei as the opthalmic branch
What is the normal reflex & the cranial nerves associated with the Trigeminofacial reflex?
twitch at area of touch (sensory – CN V; motor – CN VII)
Sensory to touch inside nostril is associated with which cranial nerve & what reflex?
maxillary of trigeminal & trigeminofacial reflex
If whiskers are pulled and face contracts and eye closes which cranial nerve & what reflex is stimulated?
trigeminofacial reflex
What are the signs of dysfunction in the trigeminal nerve?
Bilateral- dropped jaw, Unilateral- weakened jaw both associated with mandibular portion.
What muscles do the facial nerve innervate?
muscles of facial expression (GSE)
What are the 4 reflexes associated with the facial nerve?
What cranial nerves does the menace response deal with?
CN II-sensory
CN VII- motor
How does dysfunction effect the auriculopalpebral nerve?
Inability to close eye, ptosis of upper & lower eye lids, no palpebral reflex
How does dysfunction effect the the dorsal/ventral buccal branches of the facial nerve?
paralysis/paresis of lower lip, lip commisure droop
_______ nerve sends GVE fibers to lacrimal, mandibular sublingual gland & glands of buccal mucosa
________ nerve sends SVA fibers to salivary gland on rostral 2/3 of tongue.
What 2 divisions make up the vestibulocochlear nerve?
cochlear branch-responsible for hearing
vestibular branch- responsible for orientation of the head, body & eyes
balance & equlibrium.
What is the associated ganglia of the vestibulocochlear nerve?
vestibular ganglion (SSA)-sensory cell bodies that carry info from the inner ear helping w/ balance.
What reflex is associated with the vestibulocochlear nerve?
oculocephalic reflex- has vestibular nuclei that helps adjust eye movement in relation to head movement
What are some signs of dysfunction in the vestibulocochlear nerve & what branch would it occur?
Cochlear branch- Loss of hearing (complete or partial)

Vestibular branch- Circling, nystagmus, ataxia and loss of equilibrium, head tilt, falling, positional strabismus.
Which cranial nerves can be tested using the oculocephalic reflex?
What are some signs of disturbance to the vestibulocochlear nerve?
Ataxia & lost of equilibrium
Head tilt
Position strabismus
Wich cranial nerve is almost always considered in association with CN X?
CN IX- Glossopharyngeal nerve
Which muscles do CN IX innervate?
muscles of pharynx & soft palate to allow normal swalling & plays a role in gag & cough reflex.
What is the importance of the glossopharyngeal nerve?
It is the motor & sensory innervation to the pharynx & palate
What is the associated ganglion to the glossopharyngeal nerve?
glossopharyngeal ganglia- contains sensory & motor fibers that supply receptors in the pharyngeal mucosa.
What cranial nerves is associated with the gag/cough reflex?
Sensory- CN IX on gag & X on cough
Motor- CN IX, X, XI, XII
What are some signs of dysfunction of the glossopharyngeal nerve?
Dysphagia- problems swallowing
Regurgitation of undigested food
Blow food back through nose
Loss of gag reflex
______ nerve is both motor & sensory to pharynx, palate, larynx, trachea & esophagus.
______ nerve is key in swallowing & protection of the larynx- gag, cough, vomit etc.
______ nerve is autonomic preganglionic parasympathetic (GVE) to all visceral structures of esophagus, thorax & abdomen.
WHat reflexes are associated with the vagus nerve|?
gag reflex
cough reflex
What are some signs of dysfunction of the vagus nerve|?
food blown back through nose
What is the normal function of the hypoglossal nerve?
allows conscious & reflex movement of the tongue, thus involve in normal swallowing
What are some signs of dysfunction to the hypoglossal nerve?
lack of strength to the tongue
lateral deviation when the tongue protrudes
Deviates to opposite side of lesion b/c its a paired nerve.
Where is the dorsal rami distributed?
To the Epaxial muscles of the trunk
Where is the ventral rami distributed?
To the hypaxial muscles of the trunk.
Where is the phrenic nerve formed & what does it supply|?
Formed by rhe 5th, 6th & 7th cervical nerves & supplies motor innervations to the diaphragm
Is the phrenic nerve autonomic?
Where is the brachial plexus formed & what structures does it supply?
It is form by (C6-T2)vertebrae & supplies the intrinsic structures of the fore limb
Which spinal nerve is associated with "Sweeney"?
Suprascapular nerve C6-C7
What is sweeney/shoulder slip?
Paralysis of the lateral shoulder muscles due to its lateral position on the neck of the scapular bone.
What spinal segments are associated with the musculocutaneous nerve?
C7- C8
What muscles do the musculocutaneous nerve supply?
Supplies The Coracobrachialis And Biceps In The Upper Part Of The Arm And The Brachialis.
What spinal segments are associated with the Axillary nerve?
what muscles do the axillary nerve supply?
The true flexors of the shoulder joint

Teres Major, Tere Minor & Deltoids
What spinal segments are associated with the radial nerve?
What muscles do the radial nerve supply?
the triceps & the carpal & digital extensors.
Damage to what nerve causes paralysis to the elbow extensors?
Damage to what nerve causes paralysis to the carpal & digital extensors?
______ nerve damage can cause anesthesia of the skin territory.
Full damage to the radial nerve would point the injury to where/
proximal to the middle of the arm.
Radial nerve damage causing anesthesia of the skin territory & paralysis of the carpal & digital extensors would point an injury to what portion of the arm?
Distal part of the arm.
Can an animal bear weight if there is radial damage above the tricep?
Can an animal bear weight if there is radial damage below the tricep?
What is an associated sign of proximal injury to the radial nerve?
Inability to bear weight
What is an associated sign of distal injury to the radial nerve?
Unable to extend the carpus & digits
What does the lumbosacral plexus supply & what spinal segments are associated with it?
The hind limb
What spinal segments are associated with the genitofemoral nerve?
What does the genitofemoral nerve supply?
The skin over the medial aspect of the thigh & a genital branch that supplies the spermatic fascia, scrotum & prepuce.
What spinal segments are associated with the femoral & saphenous nerves?
Severe damage to the femoral nerve can cause what?
Paralysis of the quads, can't bear weight on limb.
Where is the pelvic nerve located & what part of the visceral efferent system does it belong to?
Where is the pudendal nerve located in the dog?
Where is the pudendal nerve located in the ruminant?
Where is the pudendal nerve located in the horse?
S2, S3 & S4