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42 Cards in this Set

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3 major parts of the brain
brain stem, cerebellum, cerebrum
largest part of the brain
what does the brain stem control?
breathing, blood pressure, swallowing, pupil constriction
what does the cerebellum control?
muscle and body coordination (known as the "athlete's brain")
what are the 4 lobes of the cerebrum?
frontal, occipital, temporal, parietal
the right and left cerebral hemispheres control what?
the opposite side (contralateral) of the body and the same side (ipsilateral) of the face
what does the frontal lobe control?
emotion and thought
what does the occipital lobe control?
how many cranial nerves are there?
how many spinal nerves are there?
31 pairs
cerebrovascular accident - interruption of blood flow to the brain that results in the loss of function in the affected part of the brain
the loss of brain function that results from a CVA
infarcted cells
when cells die from lack of oxygen
ischemic cells
cells that receive enough blood after an event (CVA, etc.) to stay alive but not enough to function properly
blood clot
two main types of stroke
hemorrhagic and ischemic
hemorrhagic stroke
caused by arterial rupture or bleeding in the brain
ischemic stroke
caused by an embolism or thrombus (lack of blood flow)
transient ischemic attack (small stroke) where symptoms subside spontaneously within 24 hours
convulsion (generalized seizure/grand mal/tonic-clonic)characterized by unconsciousness and a generalized severe twitching of all of the body's muscles that lasts several minutes or longer
characterized by brief lapse of attention with a blank stare and no response (petit mal seizure)
tonic phase
continuous muscular contraction
clonic phase
contractions and relaxations of muscles occurring in rapid succession
postictal state
period of unconsciousness/unresponsiveness that last 5 to 30 minutes after an active seizure when the patient. The patient appears sleepy, difficult to arouse, and possibly combative
status epilepticus
prolonged (10 min or more)generalized seizure or two generalized seizures in a row without a return of consciousness
febrile seizures
caused by sudden high fevers, usually in children under 5 yrs old
weakness on one side of the body
altered mental status mnemonic
AEIOU-TIPS: Alcohol, acidosis/ Epilepsy, encephalitis/ Insulin/ Overdose/ Uremia/ Trauma/ Infection/ Psychiatric/ Seizures
seizure mnemonic
FACTS: Focus, Activity, Color or Cocaine, Time, Secondary info (meds, events leading up to, incontinence, tongue biting)
the inability to produce or understand speech: seen in patients when the left cerebral hemisphere is affected
receptiv aphasia
patient can speak clearly but has trouble understanding speech
expressive aphasia
can understand clearly but cannot produce the right sounds to reply
slurred speech
intracerebral hemorrhage
bleeding in the brain
3 conditions that simulate a stroke
hypolgycemia; postictal state; subdural or epidural bleeding (bleeding within the skull that compresses the brain)
bleeding beneath the dura but outside the brain
bleeding above the dura but outside the brain
Cincinnati Stroke Scale
Facial Droop, arm drift, and speech
Clasgow Coma Scale
eye opening (4), Verbal (5), Motor (6)
transport position for stroke
on side with paralyzed side down, head elevated 6"
temporary loss of consciousness and postural tone caused by diminished cerebral blood flow
cerebral embolism
obstruction of a cerebral artery caused by clot that formed elsewhere and traveled to brain