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14 Cards in this Set

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A. mechanism
1. dopamine receptor blocking
- anatgonized by those that raise [] = levodopa, amphetamines or dopa mimcs = bromocriptine
2. serotonin receptor blocking: newer atypicals
Neuroleptics Actions
A. antipsychotic
A. dopamine-blocking = alleviate positive schizo sx
- atypicals for neg sx
- all have calming effect, reduce spon mvmt
- does not reduce intellectual fxn like CNS depressants
Neroleptic actions: others
A. extrapyramidal: dystonia, parkinson like, tardiv dyskinesia (bc block dopamine recpetors in nigrostriatal)
B. antiemetic: all except aripiprazole, thioridazine
C. antimuscarinic (anti-Ach): blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention
D. block alpha R: orthostatic hypo,
E. H1 receptor antagonist: sedation
Tx nausea due to vertigo
- meclizine
- dimenhydrinate
Tx nausea due to motion sickness
- scopolamine
Tx nausea due to cancer chemo
tx nausea due to radiation therapy
- thiethylperazine
Tx tics of Tourette's disorder
- pimozide
- risperidone
- haloperidol
Neuroleptics: metabolism
- bass to brian, bind well to proteins, metabolized by P450
- slow release injectable: fluphenazine, haloperidol, risperidone = less EPS for outpatient
Neuroleptics: adverse effect
- tardive dyskinesia: incr # dopamine recepotrs syn to compensate long-term dopamine receptor blocade
- neuroleptic malignant sn: muscle rigidty, fever, AMS, stupor, myoglobinemia (tx: dantrolene, bromocriptine)
- postural hypotension, tremors
- constipation, urinary retention
- confusion, sexual dysfxn
Use of antiphyschotics
- 1st line: resperidone while clozapine reserved for refractory to traditional therapy
- clozapine: cadio, seizures, agranulocytosis = WBC monitor
- other atypicals all lower extrapyramida and tardiv
- all antipsychotics lower seizure threshold
- chlorpromazine, clozapine contraindicated in seizure
- clozapine: agranulcytosis
Typical neuroleptis
- fluphenazine: slow release depot form
- haloperidol: slow release form, high risk for EPD effect
- thioridazine: muscarinic antagonist
Atypical neuroleptics
In least to most wt gain
1. aripiprazole: bipolar depression
2. clozapine: agranulcyotsis, wt gain, seizures, myocarditis, hypotension
3. olanzapine: bipolar depression
4. quetiapine: bipolar depression
5. risperidone: min sedation, autism, bipolar depression
6. contraind hx of arrhythmias, min wt gain
- bipolar depression