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94 Cards in this Set

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three things that identiy neuroendocrine cells
1. neuron specific enolas 2. chromogranin 3. synaptophysin
what can you see with EM in neuroendocrine cells
secretory granules
place to normally find neuroendocrine cells
gut, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal medulla, lung, (and elsewhere)
examples of tumors to respective organs
carcinoids of the gut, pancreatic islet cell tumor, pheochromocytoma, and neuroblastomas, carcinoids, and small cell ca of lung
how can you ID a neuroendocrine cell from the gut
look for brush border of microvilli and secrectory granules in the cells
2 things secreted by pancreas
enzymes and bicarbonate
3 places with NE carcinoids
gut, lung, pancreas
islet cell tumors are from the _______________
pancreas, DUH!
NE (neuroendocrine) tumor of the skin
Merkel cell
malignant NE cell of the lung
small cell ca
another NE tumor of thelung
large cell NE ca
2 other kinds of NE ca's mentioned
NE ca of the cervix and MEN I
what is a feature of Merkel cell tumor
bland eosinophilic spindle cells, also look for elongated nuclei with various sizes and shapes
how can you tell an insulinoma from normal pancreatic islet cells on slides
look for a gazillion nuclei and smaller islets
how can you ID a slide of gastrinoma and duodenal ulcer (Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome)
Dark area is ulcer with white necrosis
what cell types gives rise to insulin and glucagon
B and A
Too much insulin and glucagon cause what conditions, respectively
hypoglycemia and diabetes mellitus(and skin rash)
What cell type causes somatostatin syndrome
what hormone and cell type cause Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Gastrin, G
pancreatic polypeptide hormone results from what cell type and causes what
PP, PP-oma syndrome
what rare AD disease results from clinical loss of K/ATP channel function
persistent hyperinsulinemia of infancy
Persistent hyperinsulinemia of infancy cuases what
Verener-Morrision syndrome is cause by what hormone and cell type
secretin, S
what hormone and cell type cause WDHA and pancreatic cholera (with big time diarrhea)
serotonin, EC
too much ACTH/CRH causes______
Cushings syndrome
too much GHRH causes_______
aside from looking like Andre the Giant, what happens with acromegaly
hypertrophy of sweat/sebaceous glands, glactorrhea, sexual dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy, abnormal GTT/glucosuria/polyuria, visual field defects
3 S/SX of cushings mentioned
thin skin, polyuria, polydipsia????related to ACTH/ADH???
what does a glucagonoma look like
some nasty looking red marks called Necrolytic Migratory Erythema
hormones released from a gland to itself are called__________
Most important feature to determine malignancy
metastasis-in most cases the only criterion
how can you tell normal adrenal medulla from pheochromocytoma on slides
in pheo there are lots of great big granules in the cells
how can you tell its adrenal neuroblastoma on slides
brown lines (look like little brown hairs or fibers) are stained nerve fibers
how to tell neuroblastoma of slides
cells of varying sizes and shapes, undifferentiated
"What was the common denominator that characterised these slides?" in the handout
They all had a pathological condition on them, after all, HE IS A PATHOLOGIST!
what is the hidden organ
where can pancreatic cells be located
anywhere in the peritoneum
how much does the pancreas secrete
one liter/day
in the childish picture used in the handout, what distinguishes the Golgi from the RER
ribosomes, you know, the little round balls on the ovals
2 problems with pancratic diseases
silent, cannot palpate
sthe most common endocrine syndrome
diabetes mellitus 1,2
1st sympotom of pancreatic cancer is often_____________
__________pancreatitis is usually benign
who has chronic pancreatitis
alcoholics after bouts of acute pancreatitis
2 blood findings with chronic pancreatitis
hypercalcemia, hyperlipidemia
in alcoholics with lobule fibrosis, sq. metaplasia
common chronic calcifying pancreatitis
proteinplugs in ducts that cause gallstones
chronic obstructive pancreatitis
secretes many enzymes and proteases, can progress to hemorrhagic necrosis, has acinar cell injury, is self limiting and mild
acute pancreatitis--this slide looks #ucked up, its on page 10
sings/symptoms of pancreatitis
back pain,, jaundice, glycosuria, hypercalcemia from fat necrosis
what can precipitate pancreatitis
large fatty meals
tumor duct epithelium 4% pancreas cells, highly malignant, poor prognosis, caused by smoking, diet, chemicals in 60-70yo, dx via CT and needle biopsy
pancreatic adenocarcinoma
from diagnosis to death in pancreatic adenocarcinoma
6-12 months
screwed up gene in pnacreatic cancer and pancreatitis
K-ras mutation, an oncogene
best chemo drug for pancreatic cancer
other drug for pancreatic cancer
5-FU (fluorouracil)
in DM II, patients produce______but don't ______
insulin, respond
TX for DM I
TX for DM II
diet and exercise
new name for DM II
insulin independent DM
DM increase in incidence with _____and _____ sex
age, male
% of DM in US attributable to weight gain
cardiovascular disease triad in DM
cerebrovascular disease, coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease
ketosis (from FA oxidation)
blutbahn translates from Deutsch as ___________
blood vessel (literally blood highway or path)
most common DM lesion
what causes the microangiopathy
important thing about gestational DM
you'll never have it! no really, it is only temporary and in pregnancy
nesidioblastosis is normal in _____________
mnesidioblastosis in abnormal in _________
everyone else
hyperinsulinsism + insulinoma= triad of hypoglycemia, which are...
<50mg/dl serum glucose, CNS changes like stupor or LOC, and precipitating factors like fasting or exercise
what gives immediate relief form hypoglycemia
feeding or IV glucose
what is Zollinger-Ellsion syndrome
MEN I, hypergastrinemia and gastrinoma, usually a pancreatic Islet cell tumor
insulinoma are single adenomas __________% of the time
Nesidioblastosis is
a controversial medical term for hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia attributed to excessive function of pancreatic beta cells with an abnormal microscopic appearance. wiki
nesidioblastosis is now referred to as congenital hyperinsulinism However, the term has been resurrected in recent years to describe
a form of acquired hyperinsulinism with beta cell hyperplasia found in adults, especially after gastrointestinal surgery. wiki
diffuse islet cell hyperplasia is associated with
infants of diabetic mothers
Nesidioblastosis is associated with
infants with hypoglycemia, no diabetic mother and adults with hypoglycemia. straight from notes
islet cell hyperplasia on slides looks
lighter that surrounding islet or brown is using neuron specific enolase
other causes of hypoglycemia
insulin sensitivity, diffuse liver disease, ectopic insulin, tumors, retroperitoneal fibrosarcoma
Where are ulcers in Zollinger-Ellison syn
gastric, duodenal, ileal and usually multiple ulcers
duodenal ulcers:gatric ulcers in ZE syn
frequent symptom of ZE syn
diarrhea in 50% cases
other sources of hypergastrinemia
duodenum, stomach, G-cell hyperplasia, small gastrinomas
what can you give to increase gastrin secretion or test for ZE
secretin, normals don't respond
causes mild DM, migratory necrotizing dermatitis, anemia
causes vasoactive polypeptides, watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorhydria
causes DM, cholelithiasis, steatorrhea, hypocclorhydria
releases pancratic polypeptide
where are most pancreatic tumors
types of MEN I
non-beta cell gastrin secreting islet cell tumor, insulinomas, parathyroid hyperplasia, pituitary adenomas (maybe functional), thyroid adenomas, adrenal cortical hyperplasia and adenoma
most malignant pancratic MEN I
the pancreas looks like a_______,______, ____ ____ in the last few photos
boneless, skinless, chicken breast
what was the professor doing before the lecture
smoking crack in his pipe