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71 Cards in this Set

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Saccule and Utricle (Otolith Organs) Detect _
linear acceleration and head position relative to gravity
Semicircular Canals Detect _
angular acceleration
The vestibular system is innervated by neurons whose cell bodies are found in the
Vestibular (scarpa's) ganglion
Stereocilia are 60-100 hairs that project from each cell progressively i(ncreasing/decreasing) in length as progress towards long cilium
Transduction occurs when the stereocilia bend toward the _, and the cell depolarizes due to _ channels that open via tip links/


When the cell bends away from the kinocilium, the cell hyperpolarizes.
Utricle and Saccule comprise the _
Static Labyrinth
Macula of the Utricle is _ oriented.
Macula of Saccule is _ oriented
horizontally oriented, roughly parallel with the base of the skull

vertically oriented located on the medial wall
Movement of endolymph relative to the _allows detection of angular acceleration/deceleration in all 3 planes
_ are saddle shaped ridges that contain hair cells, and are found in the _ of each semicircular canal.

Semicircular canals comprise the _
Crista, ampulla

kinetic labyrinth
The cilia of the hair cells in the kinetic labyrinth are oriented to respond to movement of _ toward of away from the _
endolymph toward or away from the Utricle.
In horizontal canals, the kinocilium is found _, and hair cells are depolarized by endolymph flow (toward/away) from utricle.

In anterior and posterior canals, kinocilium is found _, and hair cells are depolarized by flow (toward/away) from the utricle.
On the side of the utricle, flow towards

On the side away from the utricle, flow away from utricle
During head rotation, signaling is directionally sensitive , this is because _
the head rotates while the endolymph lags, making hair cells on one side depolarize and hair cells on the other hyperpolarize

(Left turn -> Left side depolarizes)
APs from the hair cells travel through the peripheral processes of bipolar neurons with cell bodies in the vestibular (Scarpa's) ganglion, which are located where?
in the lateral end of the internal acoustic meatus
The vestibular component of CN VIII uses _ as a NT
The Vestibular Nuclear Complex is composed of 4 main nuclei, what are they?
-Lateral (Dieters) vestibular nucleus (input from kinetic labyrinth and static labyrinth)
-Medial (Schwalbe) vestibular nucleus (input from descending fibers)
-Superior (Bechterew) vestibular nucleus (input from ascending fibers)
-Inferior (descending or spinal) vestibular nucleus (input from descending fibers)

There are trends, but not specific functions to each
Vestibular nuclei receive input from the _, _, and _, which is also where the main output is directed.

The two most important outputs are the...
Cerebellum, Spinal Cord, Oculomotor system.

spinal cord and oculomotor system
The MEDIAL VESTIBULOSPINAL TRACT arises from the_ and _.
Each tract contains _ fibers.
medial (mostly) and inferior vestibular nuclei bilaterally,

crossed and uncrossed
The _ tract is involved in integration of head and eye movements associated with changes in body position
medial vestibulospinal tract

*It is Related to the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum
The lateral vestibulospinal tract facilitates _, and is related to what structure?
Facilitates muscles that maintain upright posture and balance (axial extensor musculature).

Related to the vermis of the cerebellum
Axons of vestibular nuclear neurons project to the oculomotor nuclei via the _ Generally, _pathways are inhibitory and _pathways are excitatory
ascending component of the MLF.


_ is used to evaluate the vestibular pathway.
Caloric Testing
Nystagmus is classified based on _
the direction of the fast return phase

In a conscious patient, if warm water irrigates the external acoustic meatus, nystagmus will occur in that direction. In a comatose patient, the fast phase is absent
Damage to the vestibular system is associated with what clinical signs?
Ataxia –truncal ataxia where body position is difficult to maintain
Nausea and Vomiting
The reduced capacity to detect movements of the head forward and backward (flexion and extension) would be produced by insult to the (vertical/horizontal) semicircular canals.
Cold water in the external auditory meatus produces nystagmus in the (opposite/same) direction.

COWS: cold opposite, warm same
Seizures are classified based on the clinical form of the seizure, and are therefore divided into _ and _ classes
partial - begin locally (further divided into simple or complex)

and generalized - bilaterally symmetric without local onset
A simple partial seizure is considered an _. The symptoms reflect the region of brain in which is occurs.
A _ seizure begins as simple partial seizure; may include feelings of déjà vu, consciousness or awareness is impaired.
Complex Partial
An _ seizure is when there is sudden generalized decrease in muscle tone, altered awareness, and lasts for about 5-30 seconds
atonic generalized
A _ seizure has generalized increase in muscle tone, contraction of entire body in a fixed position and lasts 10-20 seconds. They usually arise from sleep
tonic generalized
Describe a myoclonic generalized seizure.
Brief, shock like involuntary contractions.
Referred to as myoclonic jerk
The Most common type of generalized seizure in all age groups is _
tonic clonic

repeat tonic phase (stiff flexed arms and extended legs), and clonic phase(jerking)
An absence seizure is when...
the patient has a brief absence of consciousness, usually with blank stare. It lasts 5-10 seconds and the individual is not aware of it happening
A generalized seizure is associated with a number of ion channel mutations that result in (increased/decreased) excitability
increased (decreased potassium current of increased Na current)
An absence seizure may be associated with_ or _ receptor dysfunction
T-type calcium or GABA
Viscerosensory axons are largely _, and are therefore _ conducting
thinly or unmyelinated

slow conducting
Information from physiologic receptors travels primarily in _ nerves.
Visceral sensory ganglion cells have _ receptive fields, and tend to converge centrally.

Localization of sensation is therefore poor,
Thoracic and abdominal nociceptive afferents travel in the sympathetic nerves from throacic and abdominal viscera via the _ nerves
splanchnic nerves
Pelvic viscera such as the prostate and sigmoid colon nociception is carried through the _ and _
hypogastric plexus and lumbar splanchnic nerves
Viscerosensory axons are largely _, and are therefore _ conducting
thinly or unmyelinated

slow conducting
Information from physiologic receptors travels primarily in _ nerves.
Visceral sensory ganglion cells have _ receptive fields, and tend to converge centrally.

Localization of sensation is therefore poor,
Thoracic and abdominal nociceptive afferents travel in the sympathetic nerves from throacic and abdominal viscera via the _ nerves
splanchnic nerves
Pelvic viscera such as the prostate and sigmoid colon nociception is carried through the _ and _
hypogastric plexus and lumbar splanchnic nerves
The _ and _ appear to be dominant in urinary control.
The right hemisphere and pons
Ejaculation is modulated through a somatic component of reflex sexual function that arises from _ in what nucleus?
alpha motor neurons in the nucleus of Onuf.
the nucleus of Onuf mediates the contractions of the _muscles that accompany _

orgasm in both sexes.
Central control of sexual functions are associated with the _ and _ zones of the hypothalamus.
anterior-medial and medial tuberal
What is the largest input to the hypothalamus?

- traveling from the subiculum and hippocampus
Hippocampus input travels via the _ to _ and _ areas of the hypothalamus. This route has to do with Memory associated __

preoptic and supraoptic

modulation of sympathetic activity.
Subiculum input via the fornix is to _ of the hypothalamus. This is part of the _ circuitry
mammilary bodies

memory consolidation circuitry.
The_ pathway Binds autonomic aspects of emotional components to experiences.
Amigdalohypothalamic Pathway
Regarding hypothalamic efferents: Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus & mamilotegmental tracts Project to the _ and _ They Regulate _
periaqueductal grey and tegmental nuclei of the midbrain.

pain sensitivity under stress
Leptin is excitatory on _ cells, and inhibitory on _ cells.

It functions to _
anorexigenic cells,
orexigenic cells.

Functions to inhibit feeding.
Medial preoptic nuerons have to do with _
temperature detection.

If temperature is below set point, medial preoptic activates posterior hypothalamic nucleus that activates sympathetic preganglionic cells to induce shivering and vasoconstriction
If temperature is below set point, medial preoptic activates _nucleus that activates _ cells to induce _
posterior hypothalamic

sympathetic preganglionic cells to induce shivering and vasoconstriction
if temperature is above set point medial preoptic activates _ that activates _ cells to induce
anterior hypothalamic nucleus

parasympathetic preganglionic cells to induce sweating and vasodilation
Stimulation of the caudolateral portion of the hypothalamus favors _

Stimulation of the rostromedial portion of the hypothalamus favors _
Sympathetic tone

Parasympathetic tone
The supraopticohypophysial tract projects from the _ and _ nuclei and is responsible for the release of what peptides?
paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei

Oxytocin and ADH

*ADH induces water retention
Diabetes insipidus has two potential causes, what are they?
Nephrogenic, insensitivity to ADH, or...
neurogenic, a deficiency in ADH
To distinguish between the two form of diabetes insipidus, patients are challenged with an injection of desmopressin, an ADH analog. If the cause is neurogenic, you would expect plasma osmolarity to _______ following the injection. In contrast, if its nephrogenic plasma osmolarity will ___________.
decrease; stay the same
The release of ACTH by the anterior pituitary is associated with what hypothalamic nuclei?
The release of TSH from the anterior pituitary is under the influence of what hypothalamic nuclei?
(+) paraventricular
(-) periventricular
The release of GH from the anterior pituitary is under the influence of what hypothalamic nuclei?
(+) arcuate
The release of prolactin from the anterior pituitary is under the influence of what hypothalamic nuclei?
(+) supraoptic, and paraventricular

(-) arcuate
The release of LH from the anterior pituitary is under the influence of what hypothalamic nuclei?
medial preoptic and arcuate
The release of FSH from the anterior pituitary is under the influence of what hypothalamic nuclei?
medial preoptic and arcuate
The descending efferents from the paraventricular nucleus, posterior hypothalamis nucleus, and lateral hypothalamic nucleus form what tracts?
hypothalamospinal and hypothalamomedullary tracts, which course through the mfb (medial forebrain bundle).

The hypothalamomedullary tract continues through the periaqueductal gray and reticular formation to the ventral medulla synapsing in pans nuclei of the brainstem

The hypothalamospinal tract travels through the periaquaductal gray, then the tegmentum, then anterolateral medulla, and then the lateral funniculus of the spinal cord to synapse in sans nuclei of the imlcc and pans of the sacral spinal cord
The paraventricular nuclei, found in the _ region of the hypothalamus, has both _ and _ regulation of the autonomic nervous system
supraoptic region

direct and indirect
The _ division of the hypothalamus is a catabolic pathway, whereas the _ division is anabolic
