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52 Cards in this Set

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Anterior nucleus of the thalamus
From: Limbic cortex
To: Cingulate gyrus
Medial nucleus of the thalamus
From: Limbic cortex
To: Prefrontal cortex
Ventral anterior nucleus of the thalamus
From: Basal ganglia
To: Primary motor association cortex
Ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus
From: Basal ganglia and cerebellum
To: Primary motor association cortex
Ventral Posterior Lateral nucleus of the thalamus
From: Somatosensory from the body
To: Primary somatosensory association complex
Ventral Posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus
From: Somatosensory from the face
To: Primary somatosensory association complex
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of the thalamus
From: Optic tract
To: Primary visual cortex
Medial Geniculate Nucleus of the thalamus
From: Incoming auditory from the cochlear never
To: Primary auditory cortex
Geniculate ganglia
Sensory for CN VII
Cochlear ganglia
Hearing for CN VIII
Vestibular ganglia
Balance for CN VIII
Petrosal ganglia
Nodose ganglia
Feedback for homeostasis and visceral reflexes (heart rate, etc.)
Becomes the cortex and basal ganglia
Becomes the thalamus and hypothalamus and retina
Becomes the midbrain
Surround the aqueduct of Sylvius
Becomes the pons and cerebellum
Borders the 4th ventricle
Becomes the medulla
Peripheral nerve anatomy
Epinuerium surrounds the nerve
Perineurium surrounds the fascicle
Endoneurium surround the axon
C6 radiculopathy
Wrist extensor weakness
Decreased ECR/brachioradialis reflex
1st/2nd finger + lateral forearm sensory abnormalities
C7 radiculopathy
Triceps weakness
Triceps tendon hyporeflexia
3rd finger sensation abnormalities
L5 radiculopathy
Dorsiflexion weakness
Big toe, dorsal foot sensory abnormalities
S1 radiculopathy
Plantar flexion weakness
Achilles hyporeflexia
Small toe, sole sensory abnormalities
Radial nerve function
Fxn: Arm, wrist, finger extension, in-plane thumb abduction, supination
Sensory: Posterior arm, forearm, posterior radial hand
Median nerve function
Fxn: thumb opposition, 2nd/3rd finger flexion, wrist flexion, abduction and pronation
Sensory: anterior radial hand, thubm, 2nd/3rd finger, posterior of same fingers
Ulnar nerve fxn
Fxn: finger adduction/abduction, thumb adduction, digits 4/5 flexion, wrist flexion and adduction
Sensory: Ulnar hand, digits 4/5
Axillary nerve function
Fxn: Abduction of arm past 15 degrees
Sensory: lateral upper arm
Musculocutaneous nerve function
Fxn: flexion/supination of arm
Sensory: Lateral forearm
Lateral cord of anterior division of brachial plexus
C5/C6 - Musculocutaneous
Elbow flexion
Medial cord of anterior division of brachial plexus
C8/T1 - Ulnar nerve
Wrist adduction/flexion
Finger ab/adduction
Both cords of anterior division of brachial plexus
C7 - Median nerve
Flexion of thumb, flexion of fingers, abduction of wrist
Posterior division of brachial plexus
Radial nerve - extension from elbow to fingers
Femoral nerve function
Fxn: Flexion at hip, leg extension
Sensory: medial thigh, knee, medial leg
Obturator nerve function
Function - Adduction of thigh
Sensory: inner thigh
Sciatic nerve
Leg flexion at knee
Tibial nerve
Fxn: Plantar flexion, inversion, toe flexion
Sensory: Sole
Superficial Peroneal Nerve
Fxn: Foot eversion
Sensory: Dorsal foot, lateral leg
Deep peroneal nerve
Fxn: Dorsiflexion, toe extension
Sensory: between big/middle toes
Deep tendon reflexes
C5/6 - Biceps
C6 - Brachioradialis
C7 - Triceps
L4 - Patellar
S1 - Achilles
UMN vs LMN injury
UMN - weakness, spastic paralysis, increased tone, hyperreflexia

LMN - weakness, flaccid paralysis, atrophy, fasiculations, decreased muscle tone, hyporeflexia
Ciliary ganglion
Pupillary constriction
Rides on CN III from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Lacrimal gland tearing and mucous glands
Rides on CN VII
Otic ganglion
Salivatory nucleus to the parotid salivary gland
Rides on CN IX
Submandibular ganglion
Salivatory nucleus to hte submandibular and sublingual glands
Rides on CN VII
Vibration, fine touch, and proprioception for the body
Medial lemniscal pathway from the posterior column of the spinal cord
Decussates in the medulla
Information goes to the VPL of the thalamus then to the postcentral gyrus
Pain and temperature for the body
Anterolateral pathway from the Lateral column of the spinal cord
Decussates immediately in the spinal cord
2dary neuron goes to the VPL of the thalamus then to the primary sensory cortex
Motor to the body
Lateral corticalspinal tract
From the precenral gyrus and descends in the cerebral peduncles to decussate in the medullary pyramids
**15% remain uncrossed and descend in the medial anterior spinal cord
Motor pathway to the face
Corticobulbrar tract carrying fibers for CN V motor and CN VII motor, CN III, CN IX, CN X, CN XII
Spinal cord blood supply
2 dorsal spinal arteries supplying areas for vibration/fine touch
1 ventral spinal artery supplying areas for pain and motor
Limbic system components
Parahyppocampal gyrus, cingulate gyrus, basal ganglia, hypothalamus
Putamen + caudate nuclei
Pierced by the internal capsule
Lentiform nucleus
Globus pallidus + putamen