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51 Cards in this Set

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Ventral spinocerebellar tract
peripheral sensory
leg proprioceptions running in the superior peduncle from the midbrain & pons to the cerebellum
Mesencephalic trigeminal nuclei
peripheral sensory
chewing proprioception runniong in the superior peduncle from the midebrain & pons to the cerebellum
Ipsolateral red nucleus
in the superioer peduncle from the midbrain & pons
receives cerebellar motor advice
sends out to the contralateral rubrospinal tract to the corticospinal tract
Contralateral pontine nuclei
middle peduncle in the pons running to the cerebellum
receives motor command copy from the cerebral cortex via corticopontine tract
sends motor command copy cerebllum
Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
peripheral sensory
leg proprioception running in the inferior peduncle from the medulla to the cerebellum
Cuneocerbellar tract
peripheral sensory
Inferior peduncle running from the medulla to the cerebellum
receives information from the lateral/accessory cuneate nucleus about arm proprioception
Arcuate nucleus
receives motor command copy from pyramidal tract
sends information to cerebellum through the inferior peduncle
Ataxia associations...
cerebellar function associated...
lesion in red nucleus = contralateral
lesion in lateral pons, medulla = ipsilateral
Palsy assocations...
cerebral cortex function associated...
lesion in lateral midbrain, pons, ventral-medial medulla = contralateral
sulcus limitans
rungs longitudinally separating sensory alar plate derivatives and motor basal plate derivatives
Cranial Nerve I
Special Visceral Afferent: smell
olfactory blub (nucleus)← olfactory epithelium
the only CN that projects directly to the cortex (others relay to cortex via thalamus)
Ipsilatera loss of olfactory sensation
anteroposterior impact, fracture to saggital suture, tearing olfactory fibers, frontal lob tummor compressing on olfactory tract
Cranial Nerve II
Special Somatic Afferent: vision
Lateral geniculate nuclei (thalamus)←retina

General Visceral Afferent: pupilary light reflex
Edinger Westphal nuclei ← reticular formation ← superior colliculi (midbrain) ← retina
Occular motor complex
Edinger Westphal nuclei and occular motor nuclei
Cranial Nerve III
General Somatic Efferent: occular positioning
Occular motor complex→medial rectus, ingerior rectus, inferior oblique, superior rectus (contralateral), levator palpebrae superioris (contralateral)

General Visceral Efferent: light reflex
Edinger Westphal nuclei → pupil contraction (sphincter pupilae, lens accomodation (ciliary muscle)
Unilateral brain stem lesion effect on superior branches to the eye
contralateral eye movement symptons
Cranial nerve lesion or unilateral brain stem lesion effect on inferior branches to the eye
ipsilateral eye movement symptoms
Cranial Nerve IV
General Somatic Efferent: occular positioning
troclear nuclei → superior obliques (intortion)
the only nerve leavinghte brainstem dorsally and projecting contralaterally (others decussate)
Cranial Nerve VI
General Somatic Efferent: occular positioning
abducens nuclei→lateral rectus and contralateral occulomotor nucleus via Medial Longitutdinal Fasiculous to coordinate conjugate movement
Muscles and nerves involved in pupil depression
inferior rectus (CN III) and superior oblique (contralateral CN IV)
Muscles and nerves involved in pupil elevation
superior rectus (contralateral CN III) and inferior oblique (CN III)
Muscles and nerves involved in crossing eyes (vergence and accomodation)
medial rectus (CN III) and cilary muscles (Edinger Westphal nucleus)
Pathway for light reflex/pupil constrction
either or both retina → CN II → pretectal area / superior colliclus → bilateral Edinger Westphal nuclei → both CN III → both iris

exception: blind retina will respond to but not initiate a reaction
Raymond's Syndrome
Impaired conjugate gaze towrads side of lesion
CN VI lesion but Medial Longitudinal Fasciculous not affected
contralateral eye can still adduct but with out ipsilateral eye abduction

conjugate gaze to other side unaffected
Foville's Syndrome
Impaired conjugate gaze
abduncen nucleus knocked out
neither eye can move laterally towards side of lesion

conjugate gaze to other side unaffected
Cranial Nerve V
Opthalmic, Maxillary and Mandibular divisions

Special Visceral Efferect: Brachial Motor
Trigeminal motor nuclei → muscles of mastication, tensor Typani, tensor Palatini, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric muscle

General Somatic Afferent: Somatosensation
Trigeminal sensory nuclei ← touch, pain, temperature from face, dura and mucos membrains; jaw proprioception

Trigeminal nuclei also receives skin feedback from CN VII (ear), IX (throat) and X (ear and pharynx)
Mesencephalic nucleus
Secondary trigeminal nerve nucleus
proprioception from mastication muscles
Pontine trigeminal nucleus
Secondary trigeminal nerve nucleus
facial touch and sensation
Nucleus of the spinal tract
Secondary trigeminal nerve nucleus
pain and temperature of the head
Cranial Nerve VII
Special Visceral Efferent: Branchial Motor (facial expression)
facial motor nucleus →facial expression muscles
Superior olivary nuclei→facial motor nuclei→stapedius (middle ear)

General Visceral Efferent: Parasympathetic: tear and saliva
Superior salivatory nuclei→lacrimal, submandibular and sublingual glands

Special Visceral Afferent: Taste
gustatory nuclei

General somatic Afferent: Somatosensation
Tigerminal nuclei←skin outside ear
Cranial Nerve VIII
Special Somatic Afferent: Hearing
cochlear nerve and nucleus←organ of corti

Special Somatic Afferent: Head orientation
vestibular nerve and nuclei←semicircular canals, utricular and saccular macula
Cranial Nerve IX
(glossal pharyngeal)
Special Visceral Efferent: Branchial motor
nuclei ambiguus→stylopharyngeus m.

General Cisceral Efferent: Parasympathetic (Saliva)
Inferior salivatory nuclei→parotid gland

Special Visceral Afferent: Taste
Gustatory nuclei←posterior 1/3 of tongue

General Visceral Afferent: blood pressure
solitary nuclei←barroreceptor feedback from carotid sinus and body

General Somatic Afferent: Somatosensation
Trigeminal spinal nuclei←poster 1/3 of tongue and tympanic membrane
Cranial Nerve X
Special Visceral Efferent: Branchial motor (swallowing, etc.)
nucleus ambiguus→pharynx, larynx, upper esophagus

General Visceral Efferent: Autonomic control
dorsal motor nuclei→splenic colon flexure

Special Visceral Afferent: Taste
gustatory nuclei←epiglottic region

General Visceral Afferent: blood pressure
solitary nuclei←Visceral sensory from larynx esophagus, trachea, abdomin, thorax and aortic arch stretch receptors

General Somatic Afferent: Somatosensation
Trigeminal spinal nuclei←skin around ear, pharynx and dura
Cranial Nerve XI
(Spinal Accessory)
Special Visceral Efferent: Branchialmotor (swallowing), neck
nuclei ambiguus→larynx and pharynx (cranial root)
Spinal accessory nuclei→trapezius aand sternocleidomastoid (spinal root)
Cranial Nerve VII
Special Visceral Efferent: Branchial Motor (facial expression)
facial motor nucleus →facial expression muscles
Superior olivary nuclei→facial motor nuclei→stapedius (middle ear)

General Visceral Efferent: Parasympathetic: tear and saliva
Superior salivatory nuclei→lacrimal, submandibular and sublingual glands

Special Visceral Afferent: Taste
gustatory nuclei

General somatic Afferent: Somatosensation
Tigerminal nuclei←skin outside ear
Cranial Nerve VIII
Special Somatic Afferent: Hearing
cochlear nerve and nucleus←organ of corti

Special Somatic Afferent: Head orientation
vestibular nerve and nuclei←semicircular canals, utricular and saccular macula
Cranial Nerve IX
(glossal pharyngeal)
Special Visceral Efferent: Branchial motor
nuclei ambiguus→stylopharyngeus m.

General Cisceral Efferent: Parasympathetic (Saliva)
Inferior salivatory nuclei→parotid gland

Special Visceral Afferent: Taste
Gustatory nuclei←posterior 1/3 of tongue

General Visceral Afferent: blood pressure
solitary nuclei←barroreceptor feedback from carotid sinus and body

General Somatic Afferent: Somatosensation
Trigeminal spinal nuclei←poster 1/3 of tongue and tympanic membrane
Cranial Nerve X
Special Visceral Efferent: Branchial motor (swallowing, etc.)
nucleus ambiguus→pharynx, larynx, upper esophagus

General Visceral Efferent: Autonomic control
dorsal motor nuclei→splenic colon flexure

Special Visceral Afferent: Taste
gustatory nuclei←epiglottic region

General Visceral Afferent: blood pressure
solitary nuclei←Visceral sensory from larynx esophagus, trachea, abdomin, thorax and aortic arch stretch receptors

General Somatic Afferent: Somatosensation
Trigeminal spinal nuclei←skin around ear, pharynx and dura
Cranial Nerve XI
(Spinal Accessory)
Special Visceral Efferent: Branchialmotor (swallowing), neck
nuclei ambiguus→larynx and pharynx (cranial root)
Spinal accessory nuclei→trapezius aand sternocleidomastoid (spinal root)
Cranial Nerve XII
General Somatic Efferent: tongue control
hypoglossal nuclei→internal and external muscles of the tongue
Hypoglossal nerve palsy
tongue deviates to weak side due to unopposed action of contralateral genioglossus muscle
Afferent Cranial Nerves
Olfactiory (CN I) - smell
Optic (CN II) -vision
Vestibulocochlear (CN VIII) - auditory
Both (mixed afferent and efferent) Cranial Nerves
Trigeminal (V) - jaw, middle ear
Facial (VII) - face, midde ear
Glossopharyngeal) (IX) - pharynx
Vagus (X)- larynx, pharynx
Motor Cranial Nerves
Occulomotor (III) - eye, pupil, eyelid
Trochlear (IV) - eye
Abducen (VI) - eye
Accessory (XI) - jaw
Hypoglossal (XII) - tongue
General Somatic Sensory nuclei and nerves
(touch, pain, temperature)
Trigeminal Mesencephalic nuclei (midbrain): CN V - jaw proprioception
Trigeminal Pontine nuclei (pons): CN V - face touch, proprioception
Tigeminal Spinal nuclei (medullar): CN V - face, oral cavity, CN VII ear canal, CN IX - Phayrnx (swallowing), CN X - throat, vocals
Special Somatic Sensory nuclei and nerves
(vision, hearing, balance)
Lateral geniculate (thalamus): CN II - vision
Cochlear nuclei (medulla): CN VIII - hearing
Vesibular nuclei (medulla): CN VIII - head orientation
General Visceral Afferent nuclei and nerves
(heart, intestine, pupil light reflex)
Superior colliculus (tectum): CN II - light reflex
Solitary nuclei (medulla): CN IX - blood pressure, CN X Respiratory, cardio, digestive
Special Visceral Afferent nuclei and nerves
(smell and taste)
Olfactory bulb (): CN I -
Solitary nuclei (medulla): CN IX - blood pressure, CN X Respiratory, cardio, digestive
(gustatory part in pons) CN VII - taste
General Somatic Efferent
(motor nuerons to skeletal muscles)
occulomotor nuclei (midbrain): CN III - eyes
Trochlear nuclie (midbrain): CN IV - eyes
Abducens nuclei (pons): CN VI - eyes
Hypoglossal nuclei (medulla): CN XII - tongue
General Visceral Efferent
(motor neurons to heart muscles, smooth muscles, glands, preganglionic autonomic fibers)
Edinger Westphal nuclei (midbrain): CN III - pupil constriction
Salivatory nuclei (medulla): CN VII - mouth, CN IX - parotid gland
Dorsal vagus nuclei (medullar): CN X - gastrointestinal and heart
Special Visceral Efferent
(motor neurons to branchial muscles, pharynx, larynx, middle ear)
Trigeminal motor nuclei (pons): CN V - jaw, upper neck
Facial nuclei (pons/medulla): CN VII - face, upper neck
Ambiguus nuclei (medulla): CN IX - Pharynx (Swallowing), CN X - throat, vocals
Accessory nuclei (medulla) - CN XI - neck, shoulders