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62 Cards in this Set

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hippocampus has only 3 layers of cortex, is the site for
declarative memories and processing and integration of these memories in order to transport them from short-> long term
The hippocampal formation
is deeply folded
into the
temporal horn
of the lateral ventricle
Archicortex with Three Components
Dentate Gyrus
•Hippocampus Proper (Ammon’s Horn)
Primary locusof hippocampal formation for
the formation of declarative or episodic memories
Papez Circuit of hypoccampus
circuit of learning (+amygdala) = limbic system
paperz cu trac t
-> Mammillary bodies ->mammillothalamic fasciculus -> anterior nucleus of thalamus -> anterior limb of internal capsule -> posterior cingulate gyrus -> cingulate bundle -> entorhinal cortex (perforant and alvear paths)-> hippocampal formation (dentate gyrus -> CA4 .-> CA3 -, CA1 subiculum -> contralateral hippocampus -> fimbria -> fornix -> mammillary bodies)
- Perforant path
dentate gyrus and CA1 granule cells mossy fibers CA3
- Alvear path
ubiculum, CA1 and CA3
medial forebrain bundle
*locus ceruleus-> NE
*raphe nuclei-> 5HT
cornu Ammonis
divisions of the hippocampus: CA1, CA2, CA3 and CA4
Sommer's Sector
is region CA1 of the hippocampus, a part of the human brain. It is particularly vulnerable to hypoxic or ischemic damage and is one of the first brain regions to show gross changes in cerebral hypoxia.
- Precommissural component of fornix (exit fornix near anterior commissure) projects to
basal forebrain (important for LT memory)
degenerates in Alzheimer’s disease, ischemia, seizures, stroke, anoxia and it dies first
- CA1
Selectively degenerate in hypoglycemia
Degeneration of the
perforant path is an early
event in
the progression
of age-related dementias.
CA maintains internal connections via
a system of collaterals
while sending projections to the contralateral hippocampus
and basal forebrain via the precommissural fornix.
Dentate Gyrus projects to
CA1 projects to
Subiculum projects via
through post-commissural fornix
to the mammillary bodies.
CA projects to contralateral hippocampus
and basal forebrain via
precommissural fornix
Subiculum projects via alveus
post-commissural fornix
to the mammillary bodies.
Amygdala is in
in anterior portion of temporal lobe
Amygdala subdivision
are extensions of the ventral striatum, prefrontal cortex, or olfactory system, convergence of highly processed cognitive associations and raw olfactory/visceral sensations
Amygdala integrates
sensations -> modulate cognitive, behavioral, and autonomic activity based on interpretation
Amygdala can form memories from
emotional memories from birth (unlike hippocampus which doesn’t develop until around 2-3 y/o), continuation of caudate that stretches along the ventricles and comes around to form connection with hypothalamus, ends in temporal lobe; basal ganglia surrounds it
- Amygdala sits
behind the uncus
- Claustrum
part of the basal ganglia that communicates with the insular cortex – visceral sensory function
- Basal forebrain
develops when lamina terminalis closes -> this is where you find your cholinergic nuclei for LT memory storage (shell of nucleus accumbens, cholinergic)
3) 3 distinct areas of amygdala
- Cortiomedial nucleus
- Basolateral nucleus
- Extended central nucleus
- Cortiomedial nucleus
olfactory part – gets olfactory input, projects to limbic cortex
o Primarily involved in regulation of appetitive and consummatory behaviors (feeding, reproduction)
- Basolateral nucleus
cortical component – connections with pre-frontal cx, orbital gyrus, ventral striatum
o “executor”, plays important role in learning and memory, motivation and planning
- Extended central nucleus
= striatal component – extension of basal forebrain, gets enteroceptive info and projects to brainstem, hypothalamus, and thalamus
o Involved in processing and integration of viscerosensory information (pain)
Pathways from amygdala
- Stria terminalis
- Ansa lenticularis
- Medial forebrain bundle
- Stria medullaris
- Stria terminalis
– from amygdala to anterior hypothalamus (anxiety, stress) – between caudate and thalamus
Stria terminalis:
Associated with
and central connections
to thalamus, hypothalamus
and basal forebrain.
Ansa lenticularis
Associated with baso-lateral connections
to thalamus, prefrontal and cingulate cortex.
- Ansa lenticularis
more integrated connects from amygdala to prefrontal cortex and temporal lobe/hippocampus (loops under lenticular nucleus)
- Medial forebrain bundle
bidirection traffic involving amygdala and lateral hypothalamus
o Axon bundles in prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hypothalamus -> brainstem control centers
o Viscerosensory info from brainstem -> hypothalamic and telencephalic integration centers (pleasure)
- Stria medullaris
basal forebrain -> habenula, seen in midline sagittal cut
Monoamine neurons of brainstem
diffuse but critical modulatory influences on limbic function
- Dopaminergic neurons (VTA) -> nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex function
o Regulation of goal-driven behaviors
o Involved in pleasurable and addictive effects of drug abuse
o Target for psychotropic drugs to treat schizophrenia
- Noradrenergic neurons (LC) -> widespread projections, it maintains
o Maintenance of arousal and attention, mood and affect, learning and memory
- Serotonergic neurons (Raphe nuclei) -> widespread projections to diencephalon and telencephalon function
o Maintence of arousal and attention, mood and affect, learning and memory
o Antidepressends (ie: fluoxetine/Prozac) target this system
- Cholinergic neurons (basal forebrain – medial septum, bed nucleus of diagnos band of Broca and nucleus basalis of Meynert) -> widespread projections functions with
o Work with NE and 5HT to modulate and enhance hippocampal and cortical function
o Effects on learning and memory
o Severely affected (degeneration) in Alzheimer’s disease
o Common target of memory enhancing drugs
Hypothalamus – targets for
info processed in amygdala, important in consumatory and goal-directed behaviors
- lamina terminalis – identifies front wall, area in front =
preoptic area, chiasmatic zone above mamillary bodies
Hypothalamic Nuclei – from rostral to caudal
- Preoptic
- Anterior
- Magnocellular paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei
- Suprachiasmatic
- Parvocellular paraventricular, arcuate nucleus and median eminence
- Parvocellular paraventricular, ventromedial, and arcuate nuclei and lateral regions
- Parvocellular paraventricular and lateral regions
The Hypothalamus functions
the “master endocrine gland”.
• … a critical locus for the regulation
of autonomic function.
• … the generator or consumatory
• … the integrator of autonomic
function with these goal-directed
Preoptic is for
sexual differentiation, reproductive function
and behavior
Anterior is for
parasympathetic regulatory center
- Magnocellular paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei
vasopressin and oxytocin synthesis and release
o Cells synthesize and release vasopressin/oxytocin DIRECTLY into the posterior pituitary gland
- Suprachiasmatic
at end of optic chiasm, circadian and season rhythm generator
- Parvocellular paraventricular, arcuate nucleus and median eminence
– production and release of pitutitary releasing factor, regulation of internal autonomic functions via projections to brainstem/SC
o Median eminence has no BBB -> regulatory factors go into anterior pituitary INDIRECTLY (via median eminence)
- Parvocellular paraventricular, ventromedial, and arcuate nuclei and lateral regions –
metabolism, eating/drinking behaviors (ghrelin stimulates consummatory behavior)
o Indirect effect of leptons and insulin via median eminence (no BBB)
- Parvocellular paraventricular and lateral regions
stress pathways to brain and SC, uitilze corticotrophin releasing hormone as chemical NT
Preoptic, Anterior Hypothalamus Generator for
goal-oriented behavior
Preoptic, Anterior Hypothalamus are also Parasympathetic control center so they cause
decrease blood pressure/heart rate
– regulate temperature – dissipate heat
(sweating, panting, vasodilation)
– respond to pyrogens - fever
Neurons of the anterior, arcuate and
paraventricular (parvocellular)nuclei play a dual
role in the regulation of visceral function.
1) Regulation of autonomic function
via projections to brainstem and spinal cord
2)Regulation of endocrine
function via release of regulatory
factors into the hypophysial
portal system
Amygdaloid and Hypothalamic
Projections Regulate
Autonomic Function
and Physiologic Arousal
Orexin and melanin
concentrating hormone
(MCH) in the LH activate
the brain’s arousal system
Orexins – found in
posterolateral hypothalamus
- Important part of arousal system – connections with nucleus accumbens, raphe nuclei, and LC
- Knock out-> narcolepsy
- 1)Hippocamus
- 2)Amgydala
- 3)Basal forebrain
- 4) Hypothalamus
1)substrate for associative learning and cognitive interpretation
2)substrate for affect and goal oriented behavior
3)nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex = substrates for drive, reward, motivation, choice
4)motor unit regulating autonomic output, homeostatic control and consummatory behaviors