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88 Cards in this Set

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landmark of rostral end of brainstem
Tentorium cerebelli (meets thalamus and hypothalamus)
Superior/Inferior Colliculi on dorsal side of midbrain
borders of the fourth ventricle
floor is pons and rostral medulla
superior is cerebral aqueduct into midbrain
inferior is foramen of Lushka and Magendie into subarachnoid space @ obex
Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Demyelinating disease which can cause Trigeminal Neuralgia
Multiple Sclerosis
Lesions of Trieminal nuclei in the brainstem cause ____ (ipsi/contra) loss of facial sensation/pain/temp
ipsilateral, do not cross before entering nuclei
List of possible causes of CN V sensory loss
Herpes Zoster
ICA anuerysm @ petrous portion
Cavernous Sinus Disorder
Orbital Apex Disorder
Trigeminal/Vestibular Schwanomma
Facial sensory loss on one side, sensory loss of body of opposite side characteristic of
Lesions to Spinal Trigeminal and Spinothalamic tracts in lateral brainstem lesions in pons of rostral midbrain
strictly somatic motor nuclei

all adjacent to midline
derived from occipital somites
Branchial motor nuclei
Trigeminal motor nucleus
Facial Nucleus
Nucleus Ambiguus
Spinal Accessory
Loss of smell
Anosmia with ispilateral optic atrophy and contralateral papilledema

Disease? Cause?
Foster-Kennedy Syndrome

Tumors/Large Lesions
usually meningiomas
Trace Route of Parasympathic innervation of pupillary constrictors and ciliary muscles
Preganglionic neurons in Edinger-Westphal exit with CNIII (@interpeduncular fossa) and synpase at ciliary ganglion

from ciliary ganglion postganglionic fibers synpase muscles
Muscles innervated by V3 of trigeminal
Muscles of Mastication
Tensor Tympani
Tensor Fascia Lata
Anterior Digastric
Med/Lat pterygoid
sensory innervation to occipital region
pain innervation to supratentorial dura matter
Sensory innervation to external acoustic meatus
sensory inneravation of posterior fossa dura
Function of mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
function of Chief Trigeminal sensory nucleus

+pathway/nucleus on thalamus
Fine touch
Dental pressure

Trigeminal lemniscus to VPM
Function of Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus

pathway to thalamus/nucleus
Crude touch, pain, temperature

trigeminothalamic tract to VPM
Trigeminal system analogous to anterolateral system of spinal cord
Spinal Trigeminal Tract
Trigeminal system analogous to posterior columns
Chief Trigeminal sensory nucleus
describe somatotopical organization of Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus (crude touch, pain, temp)
Rostal = perioral, caudal = towards back of head

V1 = anterior, V3 = posterior
First Line therapy for Trigeminal Neuralgia
What component of the Facial Nerve will be spared in lesions distal to the geniculate ganglion
Parasymathetics of Greater Petrossal to the lacrimal glands
What components of the Facial Nerve are spared in a lesion distal to the middle ear
Muscles of Facial Expression
Exit of the Facial Nerve from the skull
stylomastoid foramen
Trace the innervation to the lacrimal gland and nasal mucosa
CN VII out internal acoustic meatus
Branches to Greater Petrossal
Synpase @ sphenopalantine ganglion
Gland and mucosa
Trace the path of the Chorda Tympani
Exits Facial Nerve before stylomastoid foramen, travels upwards through middle ear and exits petrotympanic fissure, joins lingual nerve, synapse @ submandibular ganglion, innervates submandibular/sublingual glands

also taste to anterior 2/3 tongue
Trace taste pathway from anterior 2/3
Chorda Tympani
Rostral Nucleus Solitarious
Central Tegmental Tract
Somatosensory Cortex
Result of UMN facial nerve lesion
spares upper face on contralateral side
Result of LMN facial nerve lesion
Ipsilateral complete loss of facial muscles
Features of Bell's Palsy
LMN type muscle loss
Dry Eye
Loss of ipsilateral taste
Crocodile Tears
patient tears up upon sight off food because of cross-innervation during recovery from Bell's Palsy
CNs of Corneal Reflex
CN V afferent
CN VII efferent

contacting eye with cotton swab
CNs of Jaw Jerk Reflex

what is a positive response
Mesenchymal Trigeminal afferent
Motor Trigeminal Nucleus efferent

brisk, jaw moves outward
Cause of activation of hair cells in cochlea
movement of basilar membrane relative to tectorial membrane
Innervation of middle ear cavity
Innervation of outer surface of tympanic membrane
CN V (Auriculotemporal branch)
Innervation of inner surface of tympanic membrane
Trace pathway from Organ of Corti to Somatosensory Cortex through Dorsal Cochlear Tract
Organ of Corti
Spiral Ganglion Cells
Dorsal Nucleus
Dorsal to Inferior Cerebral Peduncle CONTRALATERAL
Superior Olivary Nucleus
Lateral Lemniscus
Inferior Colliculus
Medial Geniculate Nucleus
Primary Auditory Nucleus
Difference with Ventral Tract?
Ventral goes bilateral, passing contralaterally through trapezoid body
Cutoff between unilateral/bilateral hearing loss?
Unilateral hearing loss only possible DISTAL to cochlear nuclei
Function of Superior Olivary Nuclei?
Localization of sound
Components of Superior Vestibular Ganglion?
Anterior Saccule
Anterior/Lateral SemicircCanals
Components of Inferior Vestibular Ganglion
Posterior Semicircular Canal
Posterior Saccule
Function of Vestibular Macule? (saccule vs. utricle)
linear movements
Utricle - vertical
Saccule - Horizontal
Results of Rinne Test with Conduction loss
Bone Conduction > Air Conduction
Rinne Test for sensorineural hearing loss
Air > Bone, but decreased compared to normal ear
Weber Test for sensorineural
Quieter on affected side
Weber Test for Conductive
Louder on affected side
MCC Conductive Hearing loss
Early clinical findings in Acoustic Neuroma (Schwannoma)
Unilateral hearing loss
Clinical sign in Acoustic Neuroma first seen with CN V involvement?
Corneal Reflex decrease
Dix-Halpike causes maximal stimulation of which semicircular canal
Peripheral lesion findings with Dix-Halpike
Delay (2-5seconds)
Adaptation occurs
no vertical nystagmus
Central lesion findings with Dix-Halpike
no delay
no adaptation
vertical nystagmus can occer
mechanism of BPPV
otoliths pressing up against cupula (of ampulla)
recurrent episodes of vertigo leading to progressive hearing loss and tinnitus with full feeling in ear
Meniere's Disease

excess endolymph fluid in Scala Media
"fatal gastroenteritis"
bleeds of the cerebellum causing severe nausea and dizziness
MCC Central Vertigo
Vertebrobasilar Ischemia/Infarct
CN IX provides chemoreceptors and baroreceptors @ the ____
carotid body
only branchial muscle supplied by glossopharyngeal

elevates pharynx during talking and swallowing
Parasympathic innvervation of CN IX?

describe pathway
Inferior Salvatory Nucleus (Pons)
Lesser Petrosal
Otic Ganglion
Somatic innervation of posterior 1/3 of tongue
Taste to posterior 1/3 of tongue
Control of pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles

voice box
gag reflex
Innervation of Cricothyroid of larynx?
Superior Laryngeal nerve

rest by Recurrent branch
Sensory to meninges of posterior fossa
CN X provides chemoreceptors and baroreceptors to the ____
aortic arch
Taste from epiglottis and posterior pharynx
LMN lesion of CN XI results
Loss of shoulder shrug ipsilaterally

Decreased ability to turn head contralaterally
UMN lesion of CN XI results
Contralateral weakness in shoulder shrug

Inability to turn head to opposite side (UMN and LMNs for SCM are ipsilateral to side of lesion, causing defect in turning to opposite)
Innervation of palatoglossus
contralateral weakness, tongue deviates towards weakness
ipsilateral weakness, tongue deviates towards weakness
Unilateral vocal cord paralysis and hoarseness
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve off CN X
Glomus Tumors
tumors resembling carotid bodies derived from CN IX which was compress CN IX/X/XI and/or be seen as a fleshy vascular mass in the middle ear
MCC lesion affecting the Nucleus Ambiguus (swallowing,gag, vocal cords)
Lateral Medullary Syndrome
Gravelly sound voice
Spasmodic Dysphonia
Basal Ganglia dysfunction
motor articulatory disorder
Impaired swallowing

when neurological, has same causes as dysarthria and occurs together
Gag Reflex components
CN IX afferent (some CN X)
CN X efferent
Stage Curtain Sign
soft palate hangs low on affected side in CN X lesions
Tumors with "knobs" or "dumbbell shaped"
Consider Acoustic Neuromas
deficit seen with damage to superior laryngeal nerve?
since only cricothyroid, only minimal difficulty hitting high notes during singing