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54 Cards in this Set

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What is the area of the eye that has high visual acuity, and what is responsible for this?

Fovea: it has a high concentration of cones.

What are saccades of eye movement?

Rapid eye movement ( >700 deg / sec)


No feedback used

What are intorsion and extortion of the eye?

The movement of the top of the eye:

Intorsion: top goes toward nose

Extortion: top goes away from the nose

What movement does the left eye do during a left head tilt?


What is strabismus?

misalignment of the eye

Define the following:






Medial deviation

Lateral deviation

Upward deviation

Downward deviation

Double vision

How is the direction of a nystagmus movement defined?

By the direction of the fast movement

What innervates the lateral rectus?

CN VI (Adducens)

What is innervated by CN III?

Medial rectus

Superior rectus

Inferior rectus

Inferior oblique

What are 4 intrinsic causes of CN VI lesions?

ICA aneurysm

Incr. ICP


Stroke of ventral pons

Where is the lesion:

Right eye abducted during forward gaze,

No movement of right eye during left gaze,

Both eyes appropriate left gaze

Both eyes appropriate for convergence

Right abducens nerve lesion

Where is the lesion:

Both eyes deviate left on forward gaze

Both eyes midpoint on right gaze

Both eyes appropriate for left gaze

Convergence appropriate

Right abducens nucleus lesion

Where is the lesion:

Left eye outward on forward gaze

Left eye no movement of right gaze, nystagmus in right eye

Appropriate on left gaze

both appropriate on convergence

Left MLF lesion

What innervates the superior oblique muscle?

CN IV (Trochlear)

How will a trochlear nerve lesion present?

Ipsilateral elevation, adduction, and extorsion

Problems with reading and stairs

Through what nucleus do the eyes' parasympathetics run?

Edinger-Westphal Nucleus

How will a CN III lesion present?

ipsilateral ptosis, down and out, blown pupil, consensual of contralateral eye, but not direct pupillary light reflex, no ipsilateral consensual reflex

Patient with only a conjugate gaze defect to the right?

Right conjugate gaze center lesion

What is the function of the cerebellum in eye sight?

Cancel the vestibule-ocular reflex

What is the function of the superior colliculus?

Relay from frontal eye field and posterior parietal area for reflexive saccades.

How will a Frontal eye field lesion present?

preferential gaze toward side of lesion

What eye transducer is responsible for low light vision, what is there color modality and their distribution in the retina?

Rods, Black and white, peripherally

Why is there a blind spot in front of the optic disk?

Absence of rods and cones.

What are two of the reasons rods have high sensitivity to light?

More visual pigment and convergent wiring.

Are rods or cones used in high light and why?

Cones: The rods are hyperpolarized due to cGMP gates opening and Na+ current increase

How is an image sharpened?

Cell inhibits neighboring by hyper polarization ones via horizontal cells.

What is a protanope?

Person lacking red cones

What is a deuteranope?

Person lacking green cones.

What causes bending of light?

one side of the beam hits another medium first and slows down before the other side

What type of sense is said to be converging and what will be the resultant focal distance?

Convex, get closer to the lens the more round the lens gets.

What is another word for a divergent lens and the result of the focal point of light?

Concave, will never converge, the focal point will be in front of the lens.

What type of lens will treat astygmatism?


What type of optic power does a converging lens have? A divergent lens?

+, -

What part of the eye allows for accommodation?

The lens: It will get fatter by contraction of the ciliary muscles.

Is accommodation parasympathetic or sympathetic?


Why do we need reading glasses as we get older?

Ciliary muscle weaken / lens stiffens --> loss of accommodation --> unable to focus close objects

What does presbyopia mean?

Loss of accommodation due to aging.

How is presbyopia corrected?

+ (converging) lens

Why do we get cross eyed as an object moves closer?

To keep the image on the fovea

Why is it beneficial to move the eye around in order to see in low light?

We tend to point the fovea on the area of concentration. This results in the image hitting cones, which have less sensitivity. By moving the eye we allow for the image to hit cones (more sensitive).

How do the pupils react during accommodation?

Constriction (parasympathetic)

What is myopia?

Near sightedness

What is the most common cause of myopia?

Eye ball too long, image doesn't hit the retina when at a distance

What type of lens is needed for myopia?

- (divergent) lens, lengthens the focal point.

What is hyperopia?

Farsightedness, can't focus on close objects

What is the most common cause of hyperopia?

Eye ball too short

How is hyperopia corrected?

+ (convergent) lens shortens the focal point on an image

What is the function of the parietal cortex (Dorsal / M-path) in vision?

Motion detection, depth perception, visual attention

What is the function of the temporal lobe (Ventral / P-path) in vision?

Recognition, memory, color processing

What is simultanagnosia?

Not able to identify the whole picture, only one part at a time

What is akinetopsia?

Look like a strobe light - skipping motions

What is prosopagnosia?

Not recognizing faces

What is achromatopsia?

Loss of color vision