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43 Cards in this Set

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Lentiform nucleus

putamen + globulus pollidus together

striatum and globulus plaids blood supply

lenticulostriate branches of MCA

aspiny neurons of the striatum neurotransmitter



unilateral wild flinging movements of the extremities contralateral to a lesion in the basal ganglia. often involves the subthalmic nucleus


abnormal movements


irregular uncoordinated movements caused by lesions of cerebellar circuitry

slow, clumsy, stiff movements and hyperreflexia


unilateral movement disorder caused by focal basal ganglia lesions is on which side?

movement disorder is contralateral to the basal ganglia lesion


absence of movement


slowed movements


decreased amount of movements


resistance to passive movement of a limb

spastic regidity

velocity dependent. resistive tone initially increases as the muscle of the limb are stretched, but may then decrease giving rise to CLASP KNIFE rigidity in corticospinal disorders

plastic, waxy or lead pipe rigidity

continuous throughout attempts to bend the limb

cogwheel rigidity

rachet like interruptions in tone that can be felt as the limb is bent

paratonia gegenhalten

frontal lobe dysfunction--active resist movements of limb


assumes abnormal, distorted positions of limbs, trunk, or face


focal dystonia of neck muscles


focal dystonia of facial muscles around eyes

spasmodic dysphonia

laryngeal muscle dystonia

bot toxin effect

interferes with presynaptic Ach release

Wilsons disease

autosomal recessive disorder of biliary copper exertion that causes progressive degeneration of liver and basal ganglia. often have "wing beating" tremor, and kayser-fleischer rings. treat: penicillamine


writhing twisting movements of the limbs face and trunk (levodopa tox)


dance and is applied to movement disorders characterized nearly continuous involuntary moveents that have a fluid jerky constantly varying quality


movements of proximal limb muscles with larger amplitude, more rotatory flinging quality than chorea


unilateral flinging movements of extremities contralateral to a lesions in the basal ganglia


brief action that is preceded by an urge to perform it and is followed by a sense of relief

tourette's syndrome

persistent vocal and motor tics


fastest of all movement disorders, sudden rapid muscular jerk that can be focal unilateral or bilateral.


"lack of fixed position" flapping tremor. brief rapid movement that is seen in toxic or metabolic encephalopathies


rhythimic or semirhythmic oscillating movements agonist and antagonist muscles are activated resulting in bidirectional movement

postural tremor

more prominent when pts limbs are held in a position and decrease at rest

a drink of alcohol and beta blockers can relieve symptoms of this tremor

essential tremor

palatal tremor

notable for persistence during sleep

lewy bodies

cytoplasmic inclusions that contain ubiquitin and alpha synuclein

myerson's sign

inability to suppress blinking when the center of the brow ridge is tapped repeatedly


responses to questions are slow but accurate

shy drager sydrome

atrophy of the intermediolateral cell column combined with parkinsonism. autonomic disturbances include orthostatic hypotension, impotence and urinary incontinence

olivopontocerebellar atrophy

parkinson with ataxia

steele richradson olszewski sydrome ( progressive supranuclear palsy

mutiple structure throughout the midbrain. vertical eye movement limited. more prominent proximal

levy body dementia

substantia nigra and throughout the cortex. characterized by early psychiatric symptoms and hallucinations

machado joseph disease

autosomal dominant, trinucleotide repeats neurodegenerative disease

cortical basal ganglia degeneration

asymetrical limb dystonia, apraxia, alien limb sydrome, corticospinal abnormalities