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56 Cards in this Set

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gross focusing
fine adjustments
retinal ganglion cells
axons form the optic nerve
controls the size of the pupil
visual pathway
optic chiasm->lateral geniculate nucleus->optic radiation-> primary visual cortex
occipital pole
portion of visual cortex that represents teh fovea
calcarine sulcus
location of the primary visual cortex
superior colliculus
located in dorsal midbrain, receives fibers from the optic chiasm
anterior to OC: monocular
posterior to OC: binocular in hemifield contralateral to lesion
pigment epithelium
behind the retina
-re-isomerizes rhodopsin, cone opsin for photoreceptor membranous discs
optic cup
outpocketing of the diencephalon that gives rise tot he retina and PE
daytime, color vision. concentrated at fovea
nocturnal, black/white vision. absent from fovea
located in membranous discs of photoreceptors. photon absorption, ultimately leading to hyperpolarization
bipolar cells
relay from photoreceptors to retinal ganglion cells
-located between outer and inner plexiform layers
outer plexiform layer
photoreceptor termini
inner plexiform layer
contacts between bipolar cells and retinal ganglion cell dendrites
-contains amacrine cells
ganglion cell layer
retinal ganglion cell bodies
amacrine cells
convey signals laterally within the retina within the inner plexiform layer
inner nuclear layer
amacrine cell bodies
horizontal cells
convey signals laterally within the outer plexiform layer
-determine on-center and off-center sensitivity of bipolar cells
on-center cells
retinal ganglion/bipolar cells.
increase firing w/ field center illuminated, decrease w/ periphery illuminated. neutral when all illuminated
off-center cells
retinal ganglion/bipolar cells.
decrease firing when center illuminated, increase when periphery illuminated
parvocellular (P) ganglion
more numerous. smaller, higher resolution, slow change, color
magnocellular (M) ganglion
fewer, larger, low resolution, rapid change, achromatic
laminated layers represent two eyes
-four P layers, two M layers
-on-center and off-center segregation of P layers
-topographical map of contralateral hemifield
-each LGN cell driven by one optic nerve axon
-maps are in register in the visual field
Superior colliculus
eye motor control
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
circadian rhythm control
pretectal nucleus
simple reflex loop for papillary constriction/lens accomodation
-project to accessory oculomotor nucleus-->ciliary ganglia
Striate cortex
V1. calcarine sulcus
-receptive field different from retina/LGN
-LGN input enters at Layer 4C
-occular dominance columns
simple cells
in V1, contain spatially antagonistic subregions
complex cells
no antagonistic subregions
inferotemporal cortex
ventral to V1, involved in pattern recognition and memory
posterior parietal cortex
dorsal to occipital lobe
-analysis of spatial relations
-controls attention and visual guided movements
V1 blobs
contain orientation-insensitive, color-sensitive cells projecting to V2 thin stripes
V1 interblobs (cytochrome oxidase)
contain orientation-sensitive cells that project to V2 interstripes
V1 layer 4B
orientation-sensitive, direction-sensitive cells projecting to V2 thick stripes (motion pathway)
selective for motion sensation
selective for rotation, expansion, contraction
developmental sequence
2.retinal ganglion cells
4.V1 (from lateral ventricle neuroepithelium)
5.connections develop after migration
6. V1->V2 connections continue postnatal
binocular disparity development
V1 4B matures by 4mo postnatal (more superficial layers w/ visual info comparison matures later)
ODC development
segregation complete at birth.
-maintained by normal binocular vision during critical period
poor vision through one eye
-may be caused by cataract in critical period
blind spot caused by lesion in the visual pathway
-can be caused by retinal lesions
rapid eye movement
-latency 0.2 sec
-span 0.05 sec
smooth pursuit
match eye velocity to moving targets
align foveas to distance targets
seeing double
-drives vergence
vestibular ocular reflex
stabilizes vision as head moves
-works well w/ fast turn, poorly w/ slow or prolonged turn
-'open loop:' afferent bipolar vestibular->interneuron->efferent neuron
supplements VOR for prolonged rotation
-evoked by retinal slipping
-'closed loop:' from retina-> visual cortex->brainstem
-feeds into VOR efferents before contact w/ oculomotor
VOR and OK consisting of smooth movements and flicks
visual axes deviation nasal/temporal
-if in newborn, will view w/ either eye as adult
-lose binocular disparity
-V1 neurons respond to only one eye
-horizontal connections (4B) are lost
ODC development prenatal, but refined postnatally.
-metabolic activity increases in dominant ODC, radius increases as well
VOR interneuron
located in vestibular nucleus of the pons
VOR efferent neuron
soma located in extraocular motor nucleus of pons/midbrain
otolith organs
detect linear acceleration
-govern VOR for depth perception adjustments