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72 Cards in this Set

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What are affarent neurons?
incoming neurons
What are effarent neurons?
outgoing neurons
What kind of neurons do cortical layers 3 and 5 have?
effarent neurons
This area controls emotional responses, drive, and memory
Limbic Lobe
What does the Limbic Lobe encircle?
Diencephalon and Corpus Collosum
The bridge between the two hemispheres
Corpus Collosum
What is contralateral?
Opposite side
What is Ipsilateral?
Same side
What is decussate?
Cross over
The brain is _________ innervated with the exception of _______ and _______
Contralaterally, taste, smell
The Limbic Lobe is AKA
Smell brain
The Limbic Lobe includes the most primitive cortex (phylogenetically oldest) called...
The old brain is relatively _______ in animals while the Cerebral hemisphere is _______ developed than in humans.
larger, less
The Cerebral Hemisphere is AKA
The Limbic System structures have many connections among themselves as well as to the _______ and to the ________ structures
Hypothalamus, Neocortical
The connections in the ______ _____ helps shape behavioral reactions to sensory input through analysis, reaction and remembrance of stimuli, situations, reactons, and results.
Limbic area
__________ and __________ pathways cross the midline
somatosensory, corticospinal
corticospinal pathway is the pathway from ______ to ______
cortex, spine
left hemisphere controls the ___________ or the right face/oral tract.
the Corticospinal neurons are AKA
motor neurons
axons of primary affarents and lower motor nerons, cerebellum, auditory input are projected __________ to brainstem, thalamus, and cerebral cortex.
Olfactory,taste, and some visceral pathways are __________
Oralmotor regions are more ventral in the __________ ______
Somatosensory Cortex
The brain is ___________ organized
sensory and motor maps are _________
Sensory or motor maps representing the body are called
If someone has a right hand deficit they have a lession in the ______ hemisphere
brainstem includes what three structures?
Medulla, Pons, Midbrain
Communication within the brain occurs via _________ axons -- ________ matter
myelinated, white
what are association fibers?
connect cortical areas within the hemisphere
association fibers are the basis of _______ networks
there are ______ association fibers and _______ association fibers.
Short, long
Short association fibers are AKA
U-shaped arcuate fibers
Short association fibers connect areas around the ______
Long association fiber bundles connect
different lobes of the brain
which way do projection fibers travel
up and down
Descending fibers concentrated in the internal capsule form a fan-like structure as fibers leave the cortex is called
Corona Radiata
the Coronal Radiata has all _______ matter tracts
the old term for Medulla is...
__________ __________ is composed of anterior limb, posterior limb and genu
Internal Capsule
________ ______ contains corticothalmic and thalamocortical fibers (thal-fontal, limbic cingulate gyrus)
Anterior limb
The site for corticobulbar fibers that descend to innervate cranial nuclei
The genu is important for ______ _______ processes
Speech motor
_______ _______ Contains the corticospinal fibers that project to spinal motor neurons
Posterior limb (of the internal capsule)
_______ _______ connects corresponding or homologous cortical areas in both hemispheres
Commissural Fibers
______ _____ _______ pass through the rostrum, genu and anterior body of the Corpus Collosum
Frontal lobe fibers
Parietal lobe fibers pass through the _______ _______
Corpus Collosum
_______ commissure connect inferior and medial temporal gyri and olfactory areas
_______ commissure connects midbrain and diencephalon structures
the _________ is below the Thalamus and is separated by the _________ ______ of the 3rd ventricle.
hypothalamus, hypothalamic sulcus
________ is a major visceral Center of the brain and is involved in the limbic system functions.
the hypothalamus is critical to __________ and _________ function
autonomic, endocrine
__________ controls rage, aggression, and escape behavior as well as regulating body temperature, food and water intake, and sexual and sleep behavior
What structure has neural control over the pituitary gland, which releases hormones involved in bodily functions
what is the Basal Ganglia composed of?
Caudate Nucleaus, putamen, globus pallidus, substantia nigra (pars compacta, pars reticulata), subthalamic nucleus.
_______ ______ and _______ are grounded and called the striatum
caudate nucleus, putamen
The output of the ______ ______is usually projected to the thalamus, brainstem reticular formation, the superior colliculus and cortical motor areas in the frontal lobe
Basal ganglia
what are the functions of the Basal Ganglia?
-voluntary movement
-initiates speech motor programs
what are two disorders associated with Basal ganglia dysfunction? define each
Parkinsons Diseasse- degeneration of Pars compacta of the substantia nigra. leads to reduced avilability of dopamine--hypokinesia or reduced motor movements

Huntington's Chorea-damage in BG reduces excitatory input--decreased input to thalamus, abnormal increase in involuntary movements.
______ _______ come down through pyramids and decussate
Motor Neurons
most cranial nerves come out in the ________
brainstem (medulla)
the Midbrain is AKA
the midbrain is associated with the ______ (superior an inferior colliculi), _____ _____ (sometimes called cerebral peduncle) ________
Tectum, crus cerebri, tegmentum
the _____ _____ contains corticospinal fluid, corticobulbar, corticopontine fibers descending to the spine. Also is associated with the brainstem.
Crus cerebri
_________ contains all ascending and many of the descending systems of the spinal cord or lower brainstem
____ is the bridge to the cerebellum
________ is a massive rounded structure that serves as part of a connection to the cerebellar hemispheres
Median fissure is present on the ________ surface
________ _________ is formed by the crossing over of motor fibers traveling from the precentral gyrus to the spinal cord
pyramidal decussation
what are the 3 cerebellar peduncles
Inferior, median, superior
Spinal cord has internal _____ matter
_______ neuron carries information in spinal cord, _______ neurons carries information back out ventrally.
sensory, motor