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54 Cards in this Set

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Location of somatic sensory cell's soma
Large fibers (I-II) are in the _ division of dorsal root;
they carry _ info
medial division
Smaller fibers (III-IV) are in the _ division of the dorsal root and carry _ info
lateral division
How are fibers categorized
By size and whether has myelin
Myelinated - Large
Ia, Ib (Aalpha)
Myelinated - Small
II (Abeta)
Myelinated - Smallest
III (A delta)
IV (C)
Sensory Modality
refers to environmental info a receptor responds to (visual, mechanical, olfactory, etc.)
Labeled line
receptor only responds to specific kind of stimulus
primary method of encoding sensory stimuli
Frequency Coding
pattern of activity communicates additional info about the stimulus
used to detect between stimuli of the same sensory modality
(same thermal receptor but more active at higher temp)
Receptor potential
generator potential
Receptor potential
graded depol of the sensory ending due to reception of the appropriate stimuli
(for mechanosensory cells, caused by mech deformation causing opening of stretch activated ion channels)
Accessory Structures
(where located, 2 roles)
specializations at the endings of mechanosensory cells that help determine:
(1) what kind of stimulus (temp, pain, vibration) a sensory cell responds to
(2) how a sensory cell responds to a given stimulus (ex: adaptation)
the response of a neuron diminishes even though stimulus still applied
depends on the physical properties of the accessory structure and/or properties of the ion channels in a given sensory neuron
Pacinian corpuscle
(as example of adaptation)
water-filled balloon example
Mechanosensory receptors
2 general types
slow- and fast-adapting types
Slow-adapting sensory cells
exhibit decrease in response after stimulus onset, but maintain a relatively constant level of activity after initial response (never stop firing AP)
Rapidly-adapting sensory cells
respond to stimulus onset and cease to respond even if stimulus is still being applied.
frequently exhibit additional response when the stimulus ends (offset response)
5 Receptor Types
Meissner corpuscles
Merkel disks
Pacinian corpuscles
Ruffini corpuscles
Meissner corpuscles
(location, type of adaptation, detect what, role)
rapidly-adapting mechanoreceptors
detect low-freq vibrations (flutter)
provide feedback during initial stage grasping
Merkel disks
(location, type of adaptation, respond to)
slow-adapting mechanoreceptors
respond to sustained pressure
Pacinian corpuscle
(location, type of adaptation, have _ receptive fields, sensitive to _)
deep tissue
rapidly-adapting mechanoreceptors
very broad receptive fields
sensitive to vibration
Ruffini corpuscles
(location, type of adaptation, have _ receptive fields, respond to )
deep tissue
slow adapting mechanoreceptor
large receptive fields
respond to skin stretch, usually in preferred direction
Free nerve endings
(respond to)
Do nociceptors have accessory structures?
2 basic types of nociceptors
Mechanical nociceptors
Polymodal nociceptors
Mechanical nociceptors
(respond to, signals conducted by)
responds only to mechanical damage
type III (Adelta) axons
Polymodal nociceptors
(respond to, signals conducted by)
respond to mechanical and thermal (40 -60 C)
Type IV (C) fibers
(the other thermal receptors in body saturate at 40C)
Important signaling molecules in nociception
Substance P
Nociceptive heat detected by ...
activation of thermal-sensitive Ca2+ channel, called the vanilloid receptor 1 (VR1) which also open in response to many ligands including H+ and capsaicin
inherited neural disorder in which people feel extreme burning sensation in response to a non-nociceptive warming
increased activity in Na 1.7
2 components of painful stimuli
First Pain
Second Pain
First Pain
(conducted by, composed of, localization, tolerance)
Type III (Adelta)
sharp, prickling component to pain
well localized an tolerated
Second Pain
(conducted by, speed, localization, tolerance)
Type IV (C) fibers
noticeable delay (1 sec) relative to first pain
poorly localized (diffuse) and not as well tolerated as first pain
Referred Pain
(what, cause)
pain that occurs internally but felt on body surface
due to convergence of nociceptive inputs from both internal regions and cutaneous skin regions onto the same projection neurons in dorsal horn
Modulation of Painful stimuli - "Gate-control theory"
painful stimuli altered by activation of non-nociceptive mechanosensory neurons that carry sensory input to dorsal horn (Aalpha/Abeta axons)
both go to projection neuron and inhib interneuron, but C fiber disinhibition on inhib interneuron
(def, 2 forms)
the sensitization of nociceptors so that they have a reduced threshold of nociceptive stimulus following a prior painful stimulus
primary and secondary hyperalgesia
Primary hyperalgesia
occurs at initial site of injury
affects responsiveness to both mechanical and thermal stimuli
(peripheral sensitization)
Secondary hyperalgesia
occurs in undamaged areas that surround injury
only response to mechanical stimuli is changed (central sensitization)
condition in which non-noxious stimulus produces painful response
both central and peripheral components
brush test
Neuropathic pain
pain that occurs spontaneously or to hypersensitivity to painful stimuli (hyperalgesia & allodynia)
Neuropathic pain
(2 general forms)
(1) pain associated with soft tissue damage or with inflammation
can involve both peripheral and central components
(2) pain associated with damage directly to nervous system
can be caused by lesion or neurodegenerative disease
can be peripheral or central
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
(aka Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
chronic, severe pain due to nerve trauma that can occur following surgery, bone fractures or even MI
mech: increase in sympathetic output to somatic nociceptors increasing their activity
Tx: localized sympathetic block or actual lesions of sympathetic nerve
(coducted by)
afferents in muscles, specifically muscle spindle fibers and golgi tendon organs
Muscle Spindle Fibers
Type Ia afferent (Primary Afferent)
rapidly adapting
detect small changes in stretch and velocity of stretch
dynamic response
Muscle Spindle Fibers
Type II afferents (secondary afferents)
sensitive to level of sustained stretch
firing rate stays proportional to absolute level of stretch
encodes static response
Muscle Spindle Fibers
Motor Neurons
innervate only intrafusal
Muscle Spindle Fibers
Motor neurons
innervate only extrafusal
Muscle Spindle Fibers
detect degree of muscle stretch or length
Muscle Spindle Fibers
3 components
Intrafusal fibers
Sensory endings
Motor neurons
Golgi Tendon Organs (GTO)
detect changes in force produced by extrafusal muscles
respond to muscle contraction
provide constant force when grasping an object or allow compensation for changes in load or increasing fatigue
Golgi Tendon Organs (GTO)
at the point where muscle fibers connect to tendons
Golgi Tendon Organs (GTO)
encapsulated collagen fibers intertwined with axons from Ib afferent fibers