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48 Cards in this Set

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Roles of the immune system
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$1.JPG'>
Which diseases have been significantly affected by vaccinations
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$2.JPG'>
when did adaptive immunity appear in evolution
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$3.JPG'>
what cells are involved in innate immunity
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$4.JPG'>
what cells are involved in adaptive immunity
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$5.JPG'>
The initial response to microbes of the innate immune reponse
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$6.JPG'>
what are the barrier componenets
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$7.JPG'>
what are the circulating effector cells
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$8.JPG'>
what are the circulating effector proteins
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$9.JPG'>
what are the first responders of the immune system
neutrophils followed by called macrophages
what are the lymphoid cells of the innate system
NK cells
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$A$12.JPG'>
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$12.JPG'>
What are PAMPS and DAMPS
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$13.JPG'>
Danger associated molecules
What is a PRR
pattern recognition receptors - recognize a PAMP
Examples of PAMPS
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$16.JPG'>
2 types of pattern recognition receptors
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$17.JPG'>
Cellular locations of PRRs (divide and memorize this slide)
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$18.JPG'>
Most important TLR's
2 and 4
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$A$20.JPG'>
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$20.JPG'>
Father of immunology
edward jenner
Year of first successful vaccination
1798, by Edward Jenner against smallpox
Roles of the immune system
Defense against infections, responds to tissue grafts and newly introduced proteins, defense against tumorsw
What are the important categories of innate immune response
Microb prevents, control & elimination - Injury inflammation and antiviral state - Stimulate the adaptive immunity
What is a TLR
Innate Toll-like receptors that recognize pathogens
What are the suface TLR's
Bacterial cell walls and molecules(TLR 1,2,6), TLR 4 (LPS of Gram-negative bacteria), TLR(5) flagellin of various bacteria
What are the endosomal TLR's
Viral (TLR 3 binds to ds-RNA, TLR7 & 8 bind to SS-viral bacterial RNA), TLR9 binds to bacterial unmethylated cpg acteria and viral DNA)
What is a NOD
Nuclear oligomerization domain - a type of TLR-like recognition factor.
What are the cytoplasmic sensors for the innate reponse
bacterial (NLR), NOD1 (binds to peptidoglycans from gram negative bacteria) NOD2, binds to peptidoglycans from gram-postive bacteria, RIG1 - binds to HCV RNA)
What is a RIG
Rig Like Receptors - a type of innate receptor like a TLR that recognizes viral particles
What do TLR's do?
active similar signaling pathways on recognition of microbial ligans. Express genes for cytokin/chemokin production
What is NF kappa B
Nuclear factor Kappa B. A transcription factor that activates the transcription of adhesion molecules
What is IRF-3
type 1 interferon blocks viral replication
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$34.JPG'>
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<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$40.JPG'>
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<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$42.JPG'>
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$43.JPG'>
a complex formed by cells that have activated NLR's that induced cleavage and activation of caspase01 forcing secretion of IL-1beta and IL-18
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$45.JPG'>
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$46.JPG'>
clinical relevance of TLR's
<img src='01-02_ImmuneIntro_Preview/Preview_$B$47.JPG'>