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62 Cards in this Set

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Altered proteins found in early-onset familial Alzheimer
APP, presenilin-1, presenilin-2
Altered protein found in late-onset familial Alzheimer
Histological findings in Alzheimer's
Extracellular B-amyloid plaques - amyloid angiopathy --> IC hemorrhage
Intracellular neurofibrillary tangles - tau protein
Pick's disease/FT dementia + symptoms
Frontotemporal atrophy; dementia, personality changes, aphasia, parkinsonism
Protein aggregate in Pick's disease
Intracellular tau protein aggregates
Lewy body dementia
Parkinsonism + dementia + hallucinations
Protein aggregate in LBD
a-synuclein bodies
Rapidly progressive dementia with myoclonus; spongiform cortex
Protein aggregate in CJD
Abnormal B-pleated prion sheets
Vascular/multi-infarct dementia
Stepwise-progression of dementia; mini-strokes, arteriolar thickening,
Other dementia causes
Syphilis, HIV, vit B1, B3, B12 deficiency, Wilson's disease, NPH
MS findings
Increased IgG in CSF
*Oligoclonal bands* - DIAGNOSTIC
Periventricular plaques on MRI
Guillain-Barre pathophys
Autoimmune inflammation and destruction of Schwann cells --> peripheral demyelination of peripheral nerves
GBS findings
Symmetrical ascending paralysis, facial paralysis
Increased CSF protein, normal cell count, papilledema
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) + association
Rapid oligodendrocyte destruction --> CNS demyelination
JC virus association
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis + associations
Multifocal perivenular inflammation + demyelination after infection (measles, VZV), vaccinations (rabies, smallpox)
Metachromic leukodystrophy
Arylsulfatase A deficiency (lysosomal storage deficit)
Sulfatide buildup --> impaired myelin
Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy; defective peripheral myelin production
Charcot-Marie-Tooth symptoms
Loss of sensation in extremities
Foot drop, claw foot, pes caves (arched foot), stork legs
Krabbe's disease
Galactocerebrosidase deficiency (lysosomal storage)
Galactocerebroside buildup --> demyelination
Simple partial seizure
Normal LOC, one area of brain affected
Complex partial seizure
Decreased LOC, one area of brain affected
Status epilepticus
Continuous/recurrent seizures for > 30 min
Absence seizure
Blank stare, no postictal state, common in kids
Myoclonic seizure
Quick, repetitive jerks
Tonic-clonic seizure
Alternating stiffening and movement, postictal confusion
Tonic seizure
Atonic seizure
"Drop" seizures, commonly mistaken for fainting
Duration: cluster, tension, migraine
Cluster: 15 min - 3 hrs, repetitive
Tension: > 30 min, 4-6 hrs, constant
Migraine: 4-72 hrs (longest)
Cluster headache characteristics
Unilateral repetitive brief headaches + periorbital pain + lacrimation, rhinorrhea; more common in males
Tension headache characteristics
Bilateral "band-like" steady pain
Migraine headache characteristics
Pulsating pain + nausea, photophobia, aura
Differentiate between cluster headache and trigeminal neuralgia
Cluster: pain lasts > 15 min
TN: pain lasts < 1 min
Peripheral vertigo
Inner ear etiology
Positional testing - delayed horizontal nystagmus
Central vertigo
Brainstem/cerebellar lesion
Positional testing - immediate nystagmus in any direction
Port-wine stains in V1 distribution
IPSL leptomeningeal angiomas, pheochromocytoma
Glaucoma, seizures, hemiparesis, mental retardation
Tuberous sclerosis (HAMARTOMAS)
Hamartomas in CNS/skin
Adenoma sebaceum
Mitral regurg
Ash-leaf spots
Rhabdomyoma (cardiac)
(Tuberous sclerosis)
Mental retardation
Angiomyolipoma (renal)
NF type I
Cafe-au-lait spots, Lisch nodules (pigmented iris harmatomas), neurofibromas in skin, optic glioma, pheochromocytoma
NF type I inheritance pattern + gene
AD; NF1 gene mutation on chrom 17
von Hippel-Lindau disease
Cavernous hemangioma in skin, mucosa, organs
Bilateral RCC
Hemangioblastoma in retina, brainstem, cerebellum
von Hippel-Lindau inheritance pattern + gene
AD; VHL gene mutation on chrom 3
NF type II
Bilateral Schwannoma, meningiomas, ependymomas
Glioblastoma multiforme
Grave IV astrocytoma; most common 1o CNS tumour; "butterfly glioma"
Glioblastoma multiforme findings
GFAP positive
"Pseudopalisading" pleomorphic cells border necrosis, hemorrhage
2nd most common 1o CNS tumour, benign, resectable
Arachnoid cells, parasagittal region
Meningioma histological findings
Psammoma bodies (laminated calcifications)
Schwannoma + common location
CN VIII tumour - acoustic schwannoma, resectable
Cerebellopontine angle
Schwannoma marker
Oligodendroglioma + histology
Frontal lobe, slow growing tumour; 3rd most common 1o CNS tumour
"Chicken-wire" capillaries, fried-egg cells (clear cytoplasm)
Pituitary adenoma symptoms
Hyperprolactinemia (infertility in males, amenorrhea in females); bitemporal hemianopsia, hyper-/hypo-pituitiarism
Pilocytic astrocyoma
Childhood cancer; cystic cancer, well-circumscribed, benign, good prognosis
Pilocytic astrocytoma histology
Rosenthal fibres (eosinophilic, corkscrew fibres)
Malignant childhood cerebellar tumour, primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET), "drop metastates" to spinal cord; NC hydrocephalus
Medulloblastoma histology
Small blue cells, Homer-Wright rosettes
Childhood, 4th ventricle; hydrocephalus, poor prognosis
Ependymoma histology
Perivascular pseudorosettes, rod-shaped ciliary basal bodes near nucleus
Hemangioblastoma + association
CNS vascular tumours, common in children; associated with von Hippel-Lindau with retinal angiomas
Hemangioblatoma histiology
Foamy cells, high vascularity
Benign childhood Rathke's pouch tumour, most common childhood supratentorial tumour; calcification
Cingulate herniation - past which structure?
Falx cerebri
Cingulate herniation complication
ACA compression
Uncal herniation: past which structure?
Tentorium cerebelli