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51 Cards in this Set

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main inputs to ventral posterior lateral thalamic nuclei
medial lemniscus and spinothalamic tract
main output of VPL of thalamus
somatosensory cortex
what is the functional role of the VPL of thalamus
conscious sensationo of pain, temperature, and proprioception of the body
main inputs of VPM of thalamus
trigeminal lemniscus and central tegmental tract
main outputs of VPM of thalamus
somatosensory cortex and taste cortex
functional role of VPM of thalamus
conscious sensation of proprioception, pain, and temperature of face
main input of MGN of thalamus
inferior colliculus
main output of MGN of thalamus
primary auditory cortex
functional role of MGN
conscious auditory sensation
main input of LGN of thalamus
main output of LGN of thalamus
primary visual cortex
functional role of LGN of thalamus
conscious visual sensation
main inputs of Pulvinar
extrageniculate visual and other sensory inputs
main outputs of Pulvinar
paretal-temporal-occipital association cortex
functional role of Pulvinar
behavioral orientation toward relevant stimuli
main inputs to intralaminar and midline thalamic nuclei
multiple sensory inputs and rostral reticular formation nuclei
main outputs of intralaminar and midline thalamic nuclei
Cerebral cortex
functional role of intralaminar and midline thalamic nuclei
maintains alert conscious state
main inputs to reticular nucleus
cerebral cortex, other thalamic nuclei, ARAS
main outputs of reticular nucleus
thalamic relay and intralaminar nucleus, ARAS
main output of LGN of thalamus
primary visual cortex
functional role of LGN of thalamus
conscious visual sensation
main inputs of Pulvinar
extrageniculate visual and other sensory inputs
main outputs of Pulvinar
paretal-temporal-occipital association cortex
functional role of Pulvinar
behavioral orientation toward relevant stimuli
main inputs to intralaminar and midline thalamic nuclei
multiple sensory inputs and rostral reticular formation nuclei
main outputs of intralaminar and midline thalamic nuclei
Cerebral cortex
functional role of intralaminar and midline thalamic nuclei
maintains alert conscious state
main inputs to reticular nucleus
cerebral cortex, other thalamic nuclei, ARAS
main outputs of reticular nucleus
thalamic relay and intralaminar nucleus, ARAS
functional role of reticular nucleus
regulates activity of other thalamic nuclei
main inputs to anterior thalamic nuclei
mammillary bodies
main outputs of anterior thalamic nucleus
cingulate gyrus
functional role of anterior thalamic nuclei
main inputs of mediodorsal thalamic nuclei
limbic system
basal ganglia
main outputs of mediodorsal thalamic nuclei
Frontal cortex
functional role of mediodorsal thalamic nucleus
main input of ventral lateral thalamic nucleus
deep cerebellar nuclei
internal globus pallidus
SN pars reticulata
main outputs of ventral lateral thalamic nucleus
supplementary motor cortex
functional role of VL of thalamus
high order motor control
main inputs of ventral anterior thalamic nucleus
SN pars reticulata
internal globus pallidus
main outputs of VA nucleus of thalamus
prefrontal, premotor, motor, supplementary motor cortex
functional role of VA nucleus of thalamus
higher order motor control
what two pathways connect amygdala with basal forebrain and hypothalamus?
stria terminalis
ventral amygdalofugual pathway
what provides the amygdala reciprocal innervations to the cingulate gyrus and prefrontal cortex?
uncinate fasciculus
what is the ventral amygdolafugal pathway important for?
important pathway from the amygdala to the hypothalamus and brainstem for outward expression of emotion
what type of axons does the fornix contain?
efferents from the hippocampal formation to the mammillary bodies and septal nuclei
how do the septal nuclei project to the hippocampal formation?
via the fornix
what are the components of the hippocampal formation?
dentate gyrus
what do the fibers entering and exiting the hippocampal formation form?
what pathway does the amygdala project to the mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus through?
ventral amygdalofugual pathway
-MD then projects to prefrontal cortex