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18 Cards in this Set

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What is a split-brain operation?
-aka cerebral commissurotomy
-surgical transaction of major forebrain commissures (corpus callosum, anterior commissure) as well as hippocampal commissure and massa intermedia
-posterior commissure, other mesencephalic midline structures, and basal forebrain structures are spared
-in humans, operation provides relief in some cases of severe, intractable epilepsy
What are the effects of split-brain operations in humans?
-To outward appearances, no gross defects in simple, everyday activities
-Speech, language, intelligence, memory, and personality are not obviously affected
-Established bilateral sensory-motor coordinations are preserved (e.g., walking)
-Standard neuro exams reveal no clear abnormalities
How is vision affected by split-brain operations?
-Pattern information in left visual field projects exclusively to right hemisphere and vice versa
-“Simple” information is available to both hemispheres (probably a midbrain function)
-Object location information may be available to both hemispheres (superior colliculus function) (e.g., can point to light positions in either field with either hand; can correctly judge vertical positions of large objects in both visual fields)
How is somesthesis (touch) affected by split brain operations?
-stereognostic input to one side only reaches contralateral hemisphere (object felt by left hand only known to right hemisphere and vice versa)
-simple touch, crude localization, pain/temp info available to both hemispheres (likely due to bilateral input to reticular formation)
How is audition affected by split brain operations?
-sounds to either ear received by both hemispheres since auditory pathways are bilateral
How is olfaction affected by split brain operations?
-odors presented to one nostril are received only by the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere
How is motor information affected by split brain operations?
-fine coordination of the distal musculature of one extremity is controlled more effectively by the contralateral hemisphere
-simple movements of a limb may be controlled from either hemisphere
How is language affected by split brain operations?
-Left hemisphere is superior at all expressive and receptive language functions
-Right hemisphere language capabilities vary considerably among patients and range from negligible to well-developed
How are other lateralized cognitive functions affected by split brain operations?
-Left hemisphere superior for mathematical ability
-Right hemisphere superior for visual-spatial abilities
What is involved in experimental set-up of split brain studies?
-visual presentations must be brief (less than 100 ms) to be confined to one hemisphere (otherwise eye movements may occur)
-tactile inputs must be out of subject’s field of view
What happens if a picture of an object is flashed to one visual field of an individual with a split-brain operation?
-That object can be selected from a set through touch only by the ipsilateral hand
-This demonstrates the lateralization of visual pattern and tactile shape information
-Both hand/field matches due equally well indicating ability of either hemisphere to recognize, store, and compare pattern information
What happens if an object-name is flashed to one visual field of an individual with a split-brain operation?
-The object can be selected from a set only by the ipsilateral hand
-successful performance with left-field presentations of words indicates the ability of the right hemisphere to read simple nouns
-if two different words are flashed to the two sides, the subject verbally reports seeing only the word in the right visual field
Can a subject give a fluent verbal description of objects felt by the hands?
-Only with objects felt by the right hand
What happens if an emotion-provoking stimulus is flashed to the left visual field?
-The subject may giggle and become embarrassed without being able to say what was seen
-This shows that the right hemisphere has socially appropriate emotional responses
-This shows that emotional states induced in one hemisphere can spread to both hemispheres
How do we know the right-hemisphere is better at visual-spatial relationships?
-left hand is superior at drawing geometric shapes and pictures of objects
-left hand superior at arranging colored blocks to match a given pictorial design
How do we know the right-hemisphere is better at cross-modal pattern and shape perception?
-two half-faces are projected, one to each visual field and the subject points to the face seen in the left visual field as the one he saw
-if verbal names must be given to faces or particular features are labeled then the face shown to the right visual field is reported (indicates left hemisphere can recognize a complex visual pattern like a face only when it is analyzed into specific features, not as a whole)
-visual nonsense shapes and simple visual pictures identified more readily in left visual field
What language ability is found in the right hemisphere in split brain patients?
-language comprehension
What logic functions can the right hemisphere do?
-appreciate class relationships and similarities (e.g., if picture of cigarette flashed to left visual field, then left hand selects ash tray as most closely related object)
-appreciate logical sequence of acts
-simple arithmetic (add/subtract numbers to left visual field)