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119 Cards in this Set

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somatosensory info converges in ___ lobes of cortex

parietal lobe

primary somsethic area

(3,1,2); primary sensations

secondary somesthetic area

(40) bilateral connections - bimanual skills

sensory association area

(5,7) perceptual interpretive fxn

sensory info flow in brain

thalamus to primary somatosensory cortex to secondary somatosensory cortex, primary supplementary motor cortex (frontal lobe), posterior parietal cortex sensory association area

primary cortical receiving area

primary somatosensory cortex SI, includes post central gyrus (BA 312)

primary somatosensory cortex (SI) neurons are responsive to

somatosensory stimuli almost exclusively- proprioception, pain, tactile perception (texture, shape, size), vibration, thermal sensation, edge detection, stereognosis

how is primary somatosensory cortex organized

somatotopically organized- sensory homunculus

To appreciate the shape, texture, size, weight,and movement of a given object, the somatosensory cortex must integrate theparallel streams of information carried by the

medial leminiscal pathway

destruction of primary somatosensory cortex

severe deficits in discriminative touch and proprioception on contralesional side of body; deficits in ability to accurately localize and recognize objects by shape, texture and size, vibrating/moving stimuli; also deficits in fine motor coordination

secondary somatosensory area (SII) location

small area in ventral portion of post-central gyrus (40)

secondary somatosensory area receives extensive input from

primary somatosensory area and thalamus

function of secondary somatosensory area

shape and texture discrimination and bilateral secondary somatosensory areas strongly linked which could explain involvement in bilateral activities; processing for graphasthesia

BA of somatosensory association area

5, 7

highest degree of convergence of somatosensory info occurs in

posterior parietal cortex (receives axons of primary and secondary somatosensory association areas)

damage to neurons in somatosensory association area

affect ability to recognize objects even though objects can be felt (tactile agnosia)

perceptual deficits: unilateral neglect (non dominant hemisphere lesions), Pusher's syndrome (poor vertical orientation)

Pusher's syndrome

poor vertical orientation (damage to somatosensory association area)

contralateral cortical damage in somatosensory cortex

accurate for touch but unable to localize

lesions in somatosensory cortex

contralateral anesthesia, paresthesia, impaired sensory fxn

contralateral parietal lobe damage

tactile extinction

tactile extinction

ability to sense touch separately but not able to identify bilateral simultaneous touch

ability to sense specific touch but unable to identify graphing letters on hand or recognize objects on manipulation

parietal lobe damage

what is usually retained in somatosensory cortical lesions

vibration sense

loss of ability to sense pain (lesion locations)

damage to pain receptors, lateral spinothalamic tract, primary sensory cortex

damage to medial pain systems

changes in attention to pain modulation of pain sensations and affective response to pain

what would indicate that the DC-ML system from peripheral to somatosensory cortex is intact

awareness of touch and ability to locate; ability to discriminate 2 simultaneous points of contact

parietal lobe damage can result in

unilateral neglect, impaired vertical orientation, tactile agnosias

somatosensory system

elements of PNS and CNS that subserve sensory modalities of touch, vibration, temp, pain, proprioception; sensory info that comes from skin and MSK system

flow of somatosensory system (AP if stimulus is strong enough)

receptors to afferents to cell body in DRG to posterior horn of SC to ascending tracts to brainstem to thalamus to cortex

superficial or cutaneous sensation (exteroceptive)

info from skin and subcutaneous tissue

types of superficial/cutaneous sensation

touch (coarse, discriminative), temp (relative and delta temp), pain (fast and slow)

discriminative touch

light touch, tactile threshold, superficial vibration/flutter, pressure, skin stretch, form, texture

coarse touch

crudely localized touch, tickle, itch


any noxious sensation, sharp, dull, local, diffuse, burning, stabbing; fast or slow

deep sensations

pain and proprioception; info from MSK system

types of deep sensations

joint position sense, kinesthesia, vibration


awareness of position and mvm to limbs in relation to each other and the body; knowledge about position of our bodies in space

cortical fine touch sensations

higher order sensations dependent on intact cutaneous and deep sensory fxn

cortical final touch sensations types

2 point discrimination, bilateral simultaneous stimulation, graphesthesia, localization of touch

2 point discrimination

ability to discern that 2 nearby objects touching skin are truly 2 distinct points, not one

bilateral simultaneous stimulation

ability to determine 2 simultaneous stimulations are being applied to opposite sides of body, prox and distal on same side

tactile extinction

from unilateral cerebral damage; inability to recognize 2 simultaneous stimuli on opposite sides of body, or proximally and distally, though either one can be sensed alone


ability to recognize writing on skin purely by sensation of touch


ability to recognize form of objects by touch


ability to tell relative weights

combined cortical sensations

use info from touch and proprioception;

stereognosis and barognosis

receptor specificity

receptors respond to 1 type of energy and 1 type of stimulus

receptive field

of sensory neuron is region of space in which presence of stimulus will alter firing of that neuron

t/f: distal receptors tend to smaller than proximal + greater density of receptors


tonic receptors

respond as long as stimulus is applied- sustained

phasic receptors

adapt to constant stimulus and stop responding- brief


respond to mechanical deformation of receptor by touch, pressure, stretch, or vibration; mediate sense of touch, proprioceptive sensations


involved in senses of pain, itch, and respond to chemicals released by cells including damaged cells post-injury ... pain


in skin sense body temp and also changes in temp, temp of ambient air, objects that we touch


subset of each type of 3 receptors types that are specifically responsive to stimuli that threaten or damage tissue- noxious

receptors of touch


_____ receptors to skin deformation

superficial dermis receptors

merkel's discs

pressure, fine touch

meissner's corpuscles

respond to skin deformation and are sensitive to light touch and vibration

hair follicle receptors

respond to hair displacement

types of superficial dermis receptors

merkel's discs, meissner corpuscles, hair follicle receptors

deep dermis/subcutaneous fine touch receptors

info about larger surface areas

types of deep dermis/subcutaneous fine touch receptors

ruffini endings, pacinian corpuscles

ruffini endings

detect skin stretch; contribution to proprioception

pacinian corpuscles

info regarding touch and vibration; contribution to proprioception

course touch is mediated via ___ throughout skin

free nerve endings


ability to sense relative temp and temp changes but not absolute temp

adapt to maintained temp (types of nerves)

free nerve endings

specific nociceptors

free nerve endings which respond to one type of noxious stimulus; respond to high intensity noxious mechanical, thermal, and chemical stimuli; localized pain sensations which are transmitted rapidly via myelinated A-delta fibers- fast sharp pain

polymodal nociceptors

not specific and respond to any high-intensity mechanical stimuli, chemical stimuli, and thermal stimuli; slow transmission of poorly localized pain occurs via unmyelinated C fibers and pain sensation replaced w/ long lasting burning pain

receptors involved in proprioception

muscle spindles, GTOs, joint receptors

muscle spindles

sensory organs of muscles; mechanorecptors buried in skeletal muscle = intrafusal fibers + sensory endings + motor endings

respond to lengthening of muscle; muscle activation, rate of change in muscle length

muscle spindles

muscle spindle has what components

2 types muscle fibers: extrafusal and intrafusal

2 types sensory afferents: Ia, IIb

2 types motor efferent fibers: alpha (stimulate extrafusal fibers) and gamma (stimulate intrafusal fibers)

intrafusal fibers

fusiform, inside fleshy part of skeletal muscle; contractile only at ends; arrangement of nuclei defines 2 types of fibers: nuclear bag and nuclear chain

annulospiral sensory endings

endings of type Ia afferent neurons wrap around central region of each intrafusal fiber

flower spray sensory endings

endings of type II afferent neurons end on nuclear chain fibers

gamma motor neurons

fxn to maintain sensitivity of spindle stretch by firing and causing ends of intrafusal fibers to contract, allowing info to be generated even when muscle is slack

when muscle is lengthened and intrafusal fibers stretched

activity of Ia and II afferents to spinal cord where they branch

branch 1 = info about motion to higher centers via ascending tracts

branch 2 = interneuron to alpha motor neuron to extrafusal fibers to contract and prevent damage, and to antagonists to relax and allow contraction and to gamma motor neuron back to intrafusal fiber to keep it active and this sending signals continuously


proprioceptive mechanoreceptors in skeletal muscles at musculotendinous jxns and provides info about muscle tension and fxn to inhibit muscle in response to excessive tension

GTOs arranged in ___ btw muscle fibers and collagen of tendons


what type of afferents neurons in GTOs

Ib afferent

GTO records what info

change in tension and rate of change of tension and sends to post horn of SC

info to alpha motor... inhibitory to contracting muscle, excitatory to antagonist

types of joint receptors

ligament receptors

ruffini endings

pacinian corpuscles

free nerve endings

joint receptors

respond to mechanical deformation of ligs and capsules

ligament receptors

type Ib afferents respond to tension

ruffini endings (jt receptors)

in capsule respond to extremes of joint ROM; passive > active

pacinian corpuscles (jt receptors)

respond to mvmt

free nerve endings in jt receptors

responds to chemical stimulus in inflammation

proprioception especially helpful in detecting

size, shape, weight of object

all sensory systems convey what 4 basic types of info when stimulated

modality, location, intensity, timing

sensory neurons

afferent neurons; bringing info initiated in receptors in skin, skeletal muscles, tendons, joints; single myelinated or unmyelinated nerve fiber; made up of cell body and bifurcating axons

A-beta nerve fibers

carry info related to touch and conscious proprioception- large diameter myelinated fast conductors

Ia (A alpha) Ib (A beta) , and II (A beta) nerve fibers

carry info related to unconscious proprioception- large diameter myelinated fast conductors

A-delta nerve fibers

carry info related to fast pain and cool temp- medium myelinated rapid fibers

C-nerve fibers

carry info related to slow pain, warm temp and itch- small unmyelinated slow conductors

peripheral neuropathy damage to peripheral nerve

glove and stocking distribution

diabetic neuropathy

microvascular damage; insufficient supply to peripheral nerves

chemotoxic neuropathy

toxic damage to peripheral nerves

alcoholic neuropathy

toxic damage to peripheral nerves and nutritional deficits particularly thiamine deficiency

damage/trauma/disease to/of spinal nerve

sensory loss in dermatome distribution

primary/first order neurons

all sensory info travels in these neurons from periphery to spinal cord; cell bodies outside SC in DRG; enter SC posteriorally via dorsal roots and rootlets

grey matter of SC, dorsal horn

dorsal horn; sensory area

white matter

ascending tracts; sensory info from periphery to brain in dorsal and lateral white matter

grey matter in SC arranged in

lamina (Rexed lamina)

Rexed lamina

divisions by fxn and sensory info arrives at specific areas/laminae

rexed lamina II

substantia gelatinosa; important in modulation of pain sensation

rexed lamina III and IV

aka nucleus proprius; conscious proprioception and touch

unconscious proprioception route

spinal nerves entering at T1-L2 to dorsal horn to Clarke's nucleus to posterior spinocerebellar tract to cerebellum

t/f: While wefollow the large projection neurons from the periphery to the brain, there aremany interneurons at each level of the spinal cord for intercommunication


Within the CNS a bundle of axons with the sameorigin and a common termination is called a


projection neurons

The tracts (pathways) only describe thoseneurons with long axons connecting distant areas of the body.

conscious pathways

fine/discriminative touch and proprioception; pain and temp (anterolateral pathways); crude touch and pressure

fine/discriminative touch and proprioception pathway

dorsal columns to medial leminiscus to thalamus to cortex

pain and temp pathway

anterolateral pathways

fast pain pathway

spinothalamic pathway; thalamus and brain

slow pain pathway

multiple pathways: spinoreticular, spinolimbic, spinomesencephalic pathways to midbrain, reticular formation, amygdala, multiple cerebral cortical areas (divergent relay pathways)

crude touch and pressure pathway

venterolateral pathway; thalamus and brain

unconscious pathways

unconscious proprioception via spinocerebellar pathways to cerebellum