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30 Cards in this Set

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autonomic ganglia are what type of cells?
what cells are pseudounipolar cells?
spinal and cranial nerve ganglia
______are responsible for myelination and begins at age_____ and is complete at age____
oligodendrocytes, begins at 4mo after conception, complete at age 2
Clinical features:
cardiac septal defects, facial malformations including widely spaced eyes and long philtrum, growth retardation.
fetal alcohol syndrome (most common cause of mental retardation).
clinical features:
from improper closure of neuropore
has several forms with presentations varying from tufts of hair around back(spinal cord area), meninges that extend out of defective spinal canal, and neural tissue that is visible externally
spina bifida
what is it called when the neural tissue is visible externally?
what is it called when the meninges AND spinal cord extend out of the spinal canal
meningomyelocele (without spinal cord is called spinal meningocele or spina bifida cystica)
hydrocephaly- what is it?
accumulation of CSF in ventricles and subarachnoid space
how is hydrocephaly caused?
by congenital blockage or cerebral aquaducts, CMV, or toxoplasmosis infxn, leading to increased head circumference.
also a non obstructive type which is the failure of csf absorption.
dandy walker malformation
dilation of the 4ht ventricle, leading to hypoplasia of the cerebellum, failure of foramina of luschka and magendie to open, from riboflavin inhibition, posterior fossa trauma, or viral infxn.
failure of the brain to develop, from lack of closure of anterior neuropore, associated with increased maternal a-fetoprotien (AFP), decreased head circumference in neonates.
herniation of the cerebellar vermis through foramen magnum, hydrocephaly, myelomeningocele
arnold-chiari malformation
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
site of action=smooth muscle, skin and viscera
symp= contracts via a1 receptor
para= relax via muscarinic receptor
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
smooth muscle and skeletal muscle
a1, b1 = symp=a1=contract, b1=relax,
muscarinic= parasymp= relax
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
smooth muscle of the lung
b2= symp = relax
muscarinic= parasymp= contract
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
sm. muscle of gi tract
a1 = contract sphincters = symp
b2= relax intest wall

muscarinic= parasymp= contract gi wall and relax sphincters
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
heart, sa node
b1= increase heart rate
musc = para= decrease rate
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
heart ventricles
b1= symp= inc. contractility and contraction velocity
muscarinic= parasymp=small decrease in contractility
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
eye- iris- radial muscle
a1-symp- mydriasis (pupil dilation)
parasymp= n/a= no receptors
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
eye- ciliary muscle
b2- symp- relax
muscarinic- contract= near vision
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
eye- sphincter muscle
no sympathetic inn.

parasymp= muscarinic, miosis (pupil constriction)
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
symp= b2 relax wall, contract sphincter
para= musc= contract wall,relax sphincter
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
symp= a1 contract, b2 relax
para= musc= contract
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
a2= ejaculate
muscarinic- para- erection
receptors of the symp and parasymp NS:
sweat glands
all sympathetic via MUSCARINIC receptors cause secretion.
most common cause of cns pathology
cerebrovascular disease. = 3rd major cause of death in U.S.
botulinum mech of action
stops ach release?
cocaine and tca MOA
stops NE reuptake
guanethidine MOA
stops NE release
reserpine moa
stops dopamine conversion to NE