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56 Cards in this Set

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Optic nerve lesion causes what kind of defect and why?
arcuate due to horizontal raphe
What types of lesion does not respect horizontal or vertical
Retinal lesions
Top part of visual field ends up where in the calcrine cortex
bottom half
What types of lesions cause incongruity
optic tracts
Temporal lobe causes what type of visual field defects
pie in the sky
What is the center of visual field defects in the brain?
fovea, not the optic nerve
Where in the visual field is the blindspot?
temporal visual field
Goldmann visual fields are based on what units
What vf testing is kinetic?
What units are used in static perimetry
decibles, foveal threshold is in 30's
What is the mean deviation on the visual field? What disease is it used for?
a weighted average, good for monitoring for pseudotumor cerebri
Altitudinal vf defect see in what disease?
Ischemic optic neuropathy
Mitochondrial optic neuropathy causes what type of vf defect
central scotoma
think B12 and toxic optic neuropathies too
Wilbrands knee carries what fibers
Inf nasal fibers from contralateral eye visiting the optic nerve and then back to the optic tract. Left eye fibers go to right occipital lobe. Junction of optic nerve and chiasm.
T/F Vertical projecting vf defect can come from the orbit or eyeball.
Where do nasal and temp fibers begin to segregate?
In the ON just prior to the chiasm.
How far is the ON above pituitary
1mm above
Postfixed chiasm a sellar lesion can cause what defect?
Affect both optic nerves
Chiasmal defect at junction with ON causes what defect?
Junctional scotoma - optic neuropathy on same side as lesion and a vf defect sup temp in the other eye.
Pressing on the chiasm from below causes what vf defect?
bitemp hemianopia
Bottom of chiasm corresponds to what part of the visual field
top part
craniopharyngiomas cause visual field dects by what mechanism and what does the defect look like.
Craniopharyngioma pushes down on the chiasm and cause inf bitemp defects.
Where do macular fibers cross?
posterior chiasm
Temp VF defect -> must rule out what?
Chiasmal lesion, unilateral or bilateral temp defects
Kids and young adults get chiasmal syndrome due to what?
Middle aged people get chiasmal syndromes due to what?
Younger adults get chiasmal defects due to what?
Pituitary adenoma - most common cause of all chiasmal defects
Old people get chiasmal defects due to what?
Young children get chiasmal defects due to what 2 things?
Chiasmal lesions can cause what strange entity?
post fixation blindness - must have complete temp hemianopia
can't see what they focus on at near
Visual field defects in both eyes must be caused by lesions where?
Sectorenopias caused by lesion where
Optic tract syndrome features 3
Triad of:
incongruent hemianopia
bow-tie atrophy
contralateral APD
What are the two vascular patterns of the LGB?
Hilum=post choroidal artery=pie cut out
medial and lateral horn=ant choroidal artery=spare a pie
Meyers service what part of the visual field
Parietal lobe lesion causes what type of movement problem
optokinetic nystagmus b/c pursuit movements start in the parietal lobe
Occipital lobe most anterior part corresponds to what part of the visual field
most peripheral field
Macula uses up what % of the occipital lobe?
60% of the lobe
Macular sparing is caused by supply from what
Middle cerebral artery
Hemianopic scotoma is caused by a lesion where
occipital lobe
Monocular temp crecent is where in the occipital lobe
contralateral occipital lobe
Quadrantanopia implies lesion where
occipital lobe only b/c calcrine fissure separates upper and lower field
What test is used to assess for temporal crecent
Meridional sparing or involvement is caused by lesions where
occipital lobe lesion along the calcrine cortex base vs. lips
B/L occipital infarcts can be confused with
Ischemic optic neuropathy
What is the most commonly encountered higher cortical dysfunction?
simultagnosia, b/l parietal lobe lesions
Who gets simultagnosia
Gertsmann's Syndrome
Balant syndrome
Bilateral parieto-occipital lobe lesions
optic apraxia (can't initiate eye movements)
optic ataxia
Cerebral achromatopsia has what features
Blind quadrant superiorly
inf visual field does not percieve color
lingual or fusiform gyrus
Alexia without agraphia, lesion where?
Lesion in the left occipital lobe but not angular gyrus and involves splenium of corpus collosum which brings info from right occipital lobe.
Alexia with agraphia lesion where?
Left angular gyrus (left occipital lobe)
Where in the brain is the reading center?
Left anglular gyrus
Movement or sound induced phosphenes are caused by what?
optic neuritis
Charles-Bennet syndrome is what?
released hallucinations
formed or unformed
in pts with decrased vision like macular degeneration
Lesions where cause formed hallucinations?
Temporal lobe