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27 Cards in this Set

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What arteries supply the cerebral hemispheres and deep cerebral structures with blood?

- Internal Carotid A.
- Vertebral A.
- Internal Carotid A.
- Vertebral A.
How are the internal carotid and vertebral arteries connected?
Cerebral Arterial Circle (of Willis)
Cerebral Arterial Circle (of Willis)
Long / Circumferential branches of Internal Carotid A?
- Middle Cerebral A.
- Anterior Cerebral A.
- Middle Cerebral A.
- Anterior Cerebral A.
Short / Penetrating branches of Internal Carotid A?
- Posterior Communicating A.
- Anterior Choroidal A. - Basal Ganglia, Diencephalon, Limbic system, optic tract
- Ophthalmic - orbit and optic n.
- Posterior Communicating A.
- Anterior Choroidal A. - Basal Ganglia, Diencephalon, Limbic system, optic tract
- Ophthalmic - orbit and optic n.
Long / Circumferential branches of Anterior Cerebral A.?
- Cortical branches to medial aspect of frontal and parietal lobes
- Arteries to corpus callosum (callosomarginal a. and pericallosal a.)
- Cortical branches to medial aspect of frontal and parietal lobes
- Arteries to corpus callosum (callosomarginal a. and pericallosal a.)
Short / Penetrating branches of Anterior Cerebral A.
Medial Striate A. / Recurrent A. of Huebner
Medial Striate A. / Recurrent A. of Huebner
Long / Circumferential branches of Middle Cerebral A.
Cortical branches to frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes
Cortical branches to frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes
Short / Penetrating branches of Middle Cerebral A.
Lenticulostriate arteries - basal ganglia and internal capsule
Lenticulostriate arteries - basal ganglia and internal capsule
Long / Circumferential branches of Vertebral A.?
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar A. (PICA) - inferior surface of cerebellum, lateral part of rostral medulla, and choroid plexus of 4th ventricle
Posterior Spinal Aa. - supplies posterior 1/3 of cervical spinal cord and posterior part of caudal medulla
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar A. (PICA) - inferior surface of cerebellum, lateral part of rostral medulla, and choroid plexus of 4th ventricle
Posterior Spinal Aa. - supplies posterior 1/3 of cervical spinal cord and posterior part of caudal medulla
Short / Penetrating branches of Vertebral A.?
Anterior Spinal A. - runs along anterior median fissure and supplies anterior 2/3 of cervical spinal cord and anterior and medial medulla (including medullary pyramids)
Anterior Spinal A. - runs along anterior median fissure and supplies anterior 2/3 of cervical spinal cord and anterior and medial medulla (including medullary pyramids)
Long / Circumferential branches of Basilar A.?
- Superior Cerebellar a. - cerebellum, lateral part of middle pons and pineal gland
- Pontine aa. (long) - pons
- Anterior Inferior Cerebellar a. (AICA) - cerebellum and lateral part of caudal pons
- Labyrinthine / Internal Auditory aa. - inner ear
- Superior Cerebellar a. - cerebellum, lateral part of middle pons and pineal gland
- Pontine aa. (long) - pons
- Anterior Inferior Cerebellar a. (AICA) - cerebellum and lateral part of caudal pons
- Labyrinthine / Internal Auditory aa. - inner ear
Short / Penetrating branches of Basilar A.?
Pontine arteries (short) - pons
Pontine arteries (short) - pons
Long / Circumferential branches of Posterior Cerebral A.?
Cortical branches to occipital lobe and medial aspect of temporal lobe
Cortical branches to occipital lobe and medial aspect of temporal lobe
Short / Penetrating branches of Posterior Cerebral A.?
Posterior choroidal a.
Arteries to thalamus (thalamoperforating)
Posterior choroidal a.
Arteries to thalamus (thalamoperforating)
Terminal branches of internal carotid artery?
Anterior Cerebral A. - smaller
Middle Cerebral A. - larger
Arteries running in longitudinal fissure?
Anterior Cerebral aa.
Following symptoms fit infarction of what artery?
- Behavior changes
- Contralateral leg and foot weakness
- Contralateral leg and foot sensory loss
- Anterior Cerebral A.
- Behavior changes = frontal lobe
- Lower limb weakness = precentral gyrus
- Lower limb sensory loss = postcentral gyrus
Which artery runs in lateral sulcus (Sylvian fissure)?
Middle Cerebral a.
Following symptoms fit infarction of what artery?
- Weakness and/or sensory loss of left face, hand, arm and trunk
Right superior division of Middle Cerebral A.
Following symptoms fit infarction of what artery?
- Weakness and/or sensory loss of right face, hand, arm and trunk
- Broca's Aphasia (non-fluent speech)
Left superior division of Middle Cerebral A.
Following symptoms fit infarction of what artery?
- Sensory loss of left face, hand, and arm
- Left hemineglect (unaware of L side of body)
Right Inferior division of Middle Cerebral A.
Following symptoms fit infarction of what artery?
- Sensory loss of rightface, hand, and arm
- Wernicke's Aphasia (fluid speech but no comprehension of language)
Left inferior division of Middle Cerebral A.
Route of Vertebral A.?
- Branch from subclavian aa.
- Pass through transverse foramina
- Enter cranial cavity via foramen magnum
Basilar A. bifurcates to form what?
2 Posterior Cerebral Aa.
Which arteries curve around the midbrain?
Posterior Cerebral Arteries
Posterior Cerebral Aa. supply what?
- Midbrain
- Medial and inferior surfaces of temporal and occipital lobes (visual areas of cerebral cortex)
- Thalamus and globus pallidus (penetrating branches)
Following symptoms fit infarction of what artery?
- Visual Field Defects (occipital lobe)
- Contralateral hemiparesis or contralateral hemianesthesia if thalamus and internal capsule are affected
Posterior Cerebral Aa.