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123 Cards in this Set

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what does somatosensory refer to

sensations of touch, pain, temperature, vibration, and proprioception

What does the posterior column-medial lemniscal pathway convey

proprioception, vibration sense, and fine discriminative touch

What does the anterolateral pathway convey

pain, tmperature sense, and crude touch

conduction velocity of small vs large and mylinated vs unmylinated

large faster-diameter mylinated axons conduct faster than smaller diameter unmyelinated axons

where are sensory neuron cell bodies

dorsal root ganglia

type of axons of neurons in dorsal root ganglia

stem axon that bifurcates resulting in one long process that conveys sensory information from the periphery and a second that carries info into spinal cord

peripheral region innervated by sensory fibers from a single nerve root level


somatotopic organization of posterior column

as fibers asend, supior structures add on making lower sensory fibers more medial

where do many of the posterior column axons ascend to

ipsilateral to posterior column nuclei in medulla; axon collaterals also enter spinal cord gray matter and synapse onto interneurons and motor neurons

gracile fasciculus

medial portion that carries info from legs and lower trunk

cuneate fasciculus

lateral that carries info from upper trunk above ~T6 and from arms and neck

where do first order neurons in gracile and cuneate fasciculi synapse

2nd order neurons in nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus in lower medulla

where do axons of second order neurons decussate (cross)

as internal arcuate fibers and then form medial lemniscus on the other side of the medulla

orientation of medial lemniscus

initially vertical, then progressively more lateral and inclined as it ascends in the brainstem

where do secondary neurons of posterior column synapse

ventral posterior lateral nucleus (VPL) of the thalamus

Where do axons from VPL go

project through the posterior limb of the internal capule in the thalamic somatosensory radiations to reach the primary somatosensory cortex

What pathway conveys touch sensation for the face

trigeminal lemniscus

pathway of trigeminal lemniscus

ventral posterior medial nucleus (VPM) to somatosensory cortex

What cortical layer do synaptic inputs to the primary somatosensory cortex from both the face and body occur

cortical layer IV mostly and deeper portions of layer III

smaller diameter unmylinated axons carring pain and temp info enter spinal cord via dorsal root ganglia and go where

synapse immediately in gray matter of spinal cord

where in the spinal cord do these axons synapse

mainly dorsal horn marginal zone (lamina I), and deeper in dorsal horn (lamina V)

Lissauer's tract

tract where fibers ascend or descend before entering gray matter

Where do axons from 2nd order sensory neurons in the central gray cross over

spinal cord anterior (ventral) commissure)

where do the 2nd order axons ascend once crossing over in the spinal cord

anterolateral white matter; takes 2 or 3 segments for decussating fibers to reach opposite side

lateral cord lesion will affect contralateral pain and temperature beginning where

a few segments below the level of lesion

somatotopic organization of anterolateral pathways

feet most laterally represented; fibers added on medially as they ascend

where are anterolateral pathways located when they reach the medulla

laterally, running in the groove btwn the olives and the inferior cerebral peuncles

where do axons of anterolateral pathways go after medulla

enter pontine tegmentum to lie just lateral to the medial lemniscus in the pons and midbrain

where do the 2nd order axons of the anterolateral pathways synapse

thalamus, which project via thalamic somatosensory radiations to primary somatosensory cortex

whar carries pain and temp sensation for the face

trigeminothalamic tract; similar to anterolateral pathway

three tracts in the anterolateral pathway

spinothalamic, spinoreticular, and spinomesencephalic tracts

which tract mediates discriminative aspects of pain and temperature sensation such as location and intensity of stimulus

spinothalamic tract

main relay for the spinothalamic tract

VPL of the thalamus is main relay; also intralaminar thalamic nuclei (central lateral nucleus) and medial thalamic nuclei (mediodorsal nuclei)

where does the spinoreticular tract terminate

on medullary-pontine reticular formation-projects to the intralaminar thalamic nuclei

where do the intralaminar thalamic nuclei project

diffusely to the entire cerebral cortex (thought to be involved in behavioral arousal)

where does the spinomesencephalic tract project

to midbrain periaqueductal gray matter and the superior colliculi

periaqueductal gray matter participates in

central modulation of pain

What spinal cord laminae do the spinothalamic and spinomesencephalic tracts mainly arise from

cord laminae I and V

What spinal cord laminae does the spinoreticular tract mainly arise from

diffusely from intermediate zone and ventral horn laminae 6-8

Brodmann areas of primary somatosensory cortex

3, 1, 2

somatotopic organization of primary sensory cortex

face lateral and leg medial

where is info from the primary somatosensory cortex conveyed

secondary somatosensroy association cortex within the sylvian fissure (parietal operculum)

where does further processing of somatosensory info occur

association cortex of posterior parietal lobe (brodman's areas 5 and 7)

when does cortical sensory loss occur

lesions of somatosensory cortex and adjacent regions

what does pain modulation involve

interactions btwn local circuits at level of spinal cord dorsal horn and long-range modulatory inputs

gate control theory

sensory inputs from large diameter non-pain A-Beta fibers reduce pain transmission through the dorsal horn

what does the periqueductal gray receive inputs from

hypothalamus, amygdala, and cortex

what does periaqueductal gray do

inhibits pain transmission in the dorsal horn via the rostral ventral medulla (RVM)

where is the RVM

pontomedullary jxn

what neurons does the RVM have

serotoneurgic (5-HT) neurons of the raphe nuclei

what do the serotoneurgic nerons do

project to the spinal cord and modulate pain in the dorsal horn

what does substance P do to the RVM

causes it to send inputs to the locus ceruleus-which sends noradrenergic projections to modulate pain in the spinal cord dorsal horn

divisions of the thalamus

medial nuclear group, lateral nuclear group, and anterior nuclear group

what divided the thalamus into these regions

Y-shaped white matter structure called internal medullary lamina

intralaminar nuclei

nuclei within the internal medullary lamina

midline thalamic cuclei

additional collection of nuclei adjacent to the third ventricle; several continuous with and similar to the intralaminar nuclei

thalamic reticular nucleus

extensive, but thin sheet enveloping the lateral aspect of the thalamus

Three main categories of thalamic nuclei

1) relay 2) intralaminar 3) reticular

relay nuclei

most of thalamus; receive inputs and project to cortex - localized and diffuse distributions

what information is relayed in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)


what information is relayed in the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN)


mnemonic for LGN and MGN

lateral light and medial music

anterior nuclear group projects to

limbic pathways in cortex (anterior cingulate cortex)


large, pillow-shaped nucleus that occupies most of the posterior thalamus

mediodorsal nucleus (MD)

major thalamic relay for frontal association cortec

intralaminar nuclei receive main inputs and outputs from

basal ganglia

two functional regions of intralaminar nuclei

caudal intralaminar nuclei and rostral intralaminar nuclei

what are caudal intralaminar nuclei involved in

basal ganglia circuitry

rostal intralaminar nuclei are involved in

basal ganglia input/output; also ascending reticular activating systems (ARAS) to the cortex

reticular nucleus location

thin sheet just lateral ro the rest of thalamus and just medial to internal capsule; doesn't project to cortex

what inputs does the reticular nucleus receive

from other thalamic nuclei and cortex and projects back to thalamus

what neurons make up most of the reticular nucleus

inhibitory GABAergic neurons


abnormal positive sensory phenomenon

presentation of posterior column-medial lemniscal pathways lesions

tingling, numb sensation, feeling of a tight band around trunk or limbs, sensation of gauze on fingers when touching objects

presentation of anterolateral pathways lesions

sharp, burning, or searing pain

lesions of parietal lobe

contralateral numb tingling, pain can be prominent

lesions of thalamus

severe contralateral pain (Dejerine-Roussy syndrome)

lesions of c-spine

Lhermitte's sign-electricity like sensation running down back into extremities upon neck flexion

lesions of nerve roots often produces

radicular pain that radiates down limb in a dermatomal distribution; numbness and tingling


unpleasant, abnormal sensation

hyperpathia or allodynia

painful sensations provoked by minor stimuli such as light touch

lateral pons or lateral medulla lesion

involves anterolateral pathways and spinal trigeminal nucleus on same side; loss pain/temp contralateral body; pain/temp ipsilateral face

midial medulla lesion

involves medial lemniscus causing contralateral loss vibration/joint position sense

common causes of transverse spinal cord lesion

trauma, tumors, multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis

hemicord lesions (Brown-Sequard syndrome)

ipsilateral UMN-type weakness (corticospinal), ipsilateral loss vibration and joint position sense (posterior columns), contralateral loss pain and temp (anterolateral systems)

common causes of hemicord lesions (Brown-Sequard syndrome)

penetrating injuries, MS, lateral compression from tumors

central cord syndrome in small lesions

bilateral regions of suspended sensory loss to pain and temp (spinothalmic fibers)

central cord lesion distribution in c-spine lesions

cape distribution

central cord syndrome in larger lesions

anterior horn cells damaged producing LMN deficits, UMN deficits (corticospinal), posterior columns may be involved; sacral sparing

common causes of central cord syndrome

spinal cord contusion, posttraumatic syringomyelia, intrinsic spinal cord tumors (hemangioblastoma), ependymoma, astrocytoma

posterior cord syndrome

loss of vibration and position sense below lesion

what can occur with large posterior cord syndrome lesions

encroachment on lateral corticospinal tracts

common causes of posterior cord syndrome

trauma, extrinsic compression from posteriorly located tumors, MS; vit B12 deficiency and tabes dorsalis affect posterior cord

anterior cord syndrome

loss of pain and temp sense (anterolateral pathways), LMN weakness (anterior horn cell damage)

what is involved with larger anterior cord syndrome lesions

corticospinal tracts causeing UMN signs

what symptom is common in anterior cord syndrome

incontinence-descending pathways controlling sphincter fxn tend to be more ventrally located

common causes of anterior cord syndrome

trauma, MS, anterior spinal artery infarct

sensory info from rectum, bladder, urethra, and genitalia is via sacral nerve roots


where do voluntary somatic motor fibers arise that control pelvic floor muscles

anterior horn cells of S2-4

where do sympathetics arise for bladder intervation

intermediolateral cell column at T11 to L1

bilateral pathways are involved in

lesions that affect bowel, bladder, or sexual fxn

detrusor reflex is mediated by

intrinsic spinal cord circuits regulated by pontine micturition center and possibly cerebellar and basal ganglia pathways


initialed by voluntary relaxation of external sphincter, triggers inhibition of sympathetics to bladder neck causing relaxation, acitvation of parasympathetics causing detrusor contraction

urethral reflex

urethral sphincter contration triggers detrusor relaxation

lesions affecting bilateral medial frontal micturation centers result in

reflex activation of pontine and spinal micturition centers when bladder is full

common causes of frontal-type incontinence

hydrocephalus, parasagittal meningioma, bifrontal glioblastoma, traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative disorders

lesions below pontine micturation center and above conus medullaris levels S2-4

initially cause flaccid, acontractile bladder--then over weeks/months into hyperreflexive bladder

common spinal cord lesions causing acontractile or hyperreflexic bladder

trauma, tumors, transverse myelitis, MS

Lesion of the peripheral nerves or spinal cord at S2-4

flaccid areflexic bladder; due to loss of parasympathetic outflow to detrusor and/or loss afferent sensory info from bladder and urethra

common causes of Lesion of the peripheral nerves or spinal cord at S2-4

diabetic neuropathy and compression of conus medullaris or cauda equina by trauma, tumor, disc herniation

What else can cause urinary incontinence and retention

prostatic hypertrophy, urethral strictures, intrinsic sphincter deficiency

what origin do desending pathways controlling fecal continence have

medial frontal lobes

internal smooth muscle sphincter innervation

sacral parasympathetics

external striated muscle sphincter innervation

pelvic nerves arising from Onuf's nucleus

pelvic floor muscle innervation

sacral anterior horn cells

what does GI motility depend on

parasympathetics from S2-4 for colorectal smooth muscle beyond splenic flexture; above flexture parasympathetic from vagus

what can fecal incontinence be caused by

diffuse cerebral or midial frontal lesions, spinal cord lesions, lesions of sacral nerve roots or pelvic or pudendal nerves

what occurs in acute spinal cord lesions

anal sphincter is completely flaccid; loss of parasympathetic outflow causing severe constipation

sensation from genetalia is via

pudendal nerve reaching to S2-4

what mediates female secretion of lubricating mucus by Bartholin's glands


what mediates female increases in vaginal blood flow and secretions


ejaculation is mediated via

sympathetics - contraction of smooth muscle

what can cause sexual dysfunction

peripheral nerve lesions, higher-order cortical lesions, and psychological factors