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18 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of the propriospinal system of neurons (spinal interneurons)
- all movements require LMN at more than one spinal segment, interneurons integrates all of these together (integrate and distribute descending commands to move)
Describe the long propriospinal neuron (location, influence, muscles)
- axend/descend in the anterior fasiculus proprius (medial gray matter) entire spinal cord
- bilateral influence
- medial neurons for axial muscles
Describe the intermediate propriospinal neurons (location, influence, muscles)
- extend short distances in ventral part of the anterior horn
- proximal muscles of limbs
Describe the short propriospinal neurons (location, influence, muscles)
- cervical and lumbosacral enlargments only for a few segments
- lateral anterior horn
- more distal muscles of limbs
What are the 3 brainstem supraspinal centers?
1. vestibular nuclei
2. reticular nuclei
3. red nuclei
Location of the vestibular nuclei
ponto medullary junction in the lateral floor of the 4th ventricle
What are the 2 tracts of the vestibular nuclei and what do they facilitate?
1. Lateral vestibulospinal tract- extensor muscles ipslateral limbs
2. Medial vestibulospinal fibers- via MLF influence vertebral column and proximal limbs bilaterally
Location of the red nuclei
tegmentum of midbrain at level of the superior colliculus
What is the 2 main input sources to the red nucleus?
1. cerebral cortex
2. cerebellum
What are the 2 main output of the red nucleu
1. large rubrobulbar tract
2. small rubrospinal tract
What is the path of the output of the red nucleus and what do they do?
They cross immediately, descend through the brainstem and facilitate flexor muscles of contralateral upper limb
Where are the 2 regions of the reticular formation located?
- ventro-medial in to the 4th ventricle in the medulla and pons
What fibers are found in each of the 2 divisions of the reticular formation?
Medullary= lateral reticulospinal fibers
Pons= medial reticulospinal fibers
What are the 3 main groups of the spinal cord?
1. ventromedial
2. lateral
3. cortical
The ventromedial group consists of what fibers, location, and what is their purpose?
Fibers: medial vestibulospinal and medial reticulospinal
Located: anterior funiculus (medial white matter)
PUrpose: bilaterally influence axial muscles
The lateral group consists of what fibers, location, and purpose?
Fibers: rubrospinal, lateral reticulospinal, lateral vestibulospinal
Located: central/lateral parts of anterior horn
Purpose: influence proximal/distal limbs
The cortical group consists of what fibers, location, and purpose?
Fibers: LCST (the UMN)
Located: dorsolateral part of ant horn (the LCST)
Purpose: highly skilled (the UMN are the only ones that influence hand movements)
Why are axial/proximal/some distal limbs able to have partial recovery after a postcapsular lesion but not the hands?
- The axial to distal limbs are also influenced by the vestibular/red/reticular areas and not solely by the UMN/Corticospinals
- Hand movements are solely innervated by UMN/ Corticospinals